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Thursday, August 16, 2018

August 16, 2018

One year ago today: August 16, 2017, tarpaper and wallpaper.
Five years ago today: August 16, 2013, “Homer” Depot, ha-ha.
Nine years ago today: August 16, 2009,on Planet 107.
Random years ago today: August 16, 2008, pie.

           Down to Miami and back in one day. Here’s how you get me into town, see that sign? Fully digital newly updated theaters. With a pinball arcade while you wait. These folks have my number. Movies were already nearly nostalgic in my generation, but I still like a good sit-down surround sound big screen action movie. I left town [here] at 7:44AM and arrived at 10:44AM, it is exactly a three hour trip to the health clinic if I step on it the whole distance. I arrived early and moved my appointment ahead but still had time to kill, so I stopped by the theaters to discover nothing was compatible with my timing. Instead, I found my old cafĂ© mall and worked all the crossword puzzles. What a pity all the good looking women in south Florida have all disappeared, but who can blame them.
           Miami is third world, and has been for thirty years. This is not some event likely in the future, it has become another Los Angeles. These people arrive and cannot speak English, so they can’t find jobs and soon the neighborhood turns to other less productive means of support. The white people move away, and what you have left is what you have left. I could not raise JZ on the phone, so I didn’t drive the extra hour to visit. The tests were over in ten minutes, I drove back arriving here before dark. The bare minimum trip costs $36 in gas and I have to return for the results.

           As usual, I use the long trips to do my deep thinking. It was cloudless and clear, light traffic both ways, so I had hours to ponder. I did not come up with many positive conclusions. On next Wednesday the 23rd, it will be 31 years since I last fell in love . There’ve been good times, but they weren’t like the old times, though I imagine anyone could say that. Every decision means foregoing the alternative. I now live in a world where the only way to get women is with bullshit, something I don’t have in good supply. I didn’t spend a lifetime stockpiling it. Financially, I’m destined for mediocrity, although that is a significant improvement over what they tried to do to me. Everybody I know that got anywhere had it practically handed to them, and while there are exceptions, I’ve never met any.
           So I spent the long trip not comparing myself to the average person, but [comparing myself] to those who managed a few thing in this world. This is a much harsher view and exposes myself to that lamebrain in every crowd who says be glad for what you got. That may be a valid statement if you are one of the masses that spent your entire life trying, but never really trying, working, but not working smart, you know what I mean. Under those conditions, by all means, you should be damn glad for what you got.
           But what about the rest who don’t fit in that category? What about the few that really tried to get ahead and wound up about where they started? Am I one of them? If so, am I supposed to be glad? How’s that supposed to work when others are glad what they got because they got it for nothing. These and many life questions all on a day-trip to Miami. I should write a book.

Picture of the day.
Chinese marching band.
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           My reign as the only opioid-free guinea pig is over. They have found four others so my pay is back to the lousy $50 per visit. Hey, it was fun. I have an audio tape called “Toxin” about a doctor whose daughter dies from eating hamburger. It’s a nasty treatment of the ground beef industry and parallels the reasons I quit eating it over ten years ago. There is something wrong with the whole way it is made these days. Unless you grind it yourself, you can never be sure. Not with operators like Monsanto and Cargill, and government ministers that are on the company board of directors. My advice is you just stop eating beef period, since the stuff on the hoof is not necessarily pure any more either.
           Here’s the odometer showing 200 miles one-way for today’s excursion. The return leg was from 4:44PM to 7:44PM because it took nearly an hour to find and buy gasoline during rush hour. It is rarely wise to go driving in Miami looking for something, since the city is known for random road closures, detours, and today I drove to the gas station in Plantation. I could see the lights and prices from two miles away from the freeway, but when I pulled up, there was a string across the pumps and the joint was closed. There are also a lack of highways from the coast inland to the main mid-state Highway 27. The roads all end around 4 miles short. So today I had to drive an extra 42 miles to get over that 4 mile gap.

           Ha, when I finally found a gas station way out near Sawgrass Mills, I saw a package of dried apples. I asked the clerk the price, though I hated to bother him while he was having Chinese food for lunch. I was expecting a couple bucks when he said it was $7.99. He must of seen my look because he said, “This is one damn expensive gas station.” Yeppers.
           Back on the road, I spent an hour thinking about matrices, which is one hour more than those average people who are glad for what they got. Like, in their lives, I mean, one hour more than their total. It probably can’t be used for much in the new business, but I’ve decided to pursue it out of academic curiosity. It’s one of those things I’d like to understand that doesn’t really fit on your usual bucket list. And my guitar player, Twood, has not been returning my calls. Florida really sucks sometimes, and so do the other 49 when it gets down to it. So I began running my ad again. Funny how little my ad is concerned with what or how you play. Guess it isn’t important once you get out of the bush league.

           Here’s the new K-cup coffee maker. Convenient as all get-out. The plan is to cut down on the $90.30 per month I’m spending going out for coffee just to use the Internet. That was over budget, I used to go to the library, then I found massive popularity at the coffee shop. I have to pay up, of course, when the manager is present, and I was also in the habit of getting some timbits. Soon, it was pushing $100 per month. I had planned for that, but when I was much older and to the exclusion of other things. But here I was, still going to the library and still shopping the Thrifts. The handiness of a single-cup dispenser is hard to beat. This one doesn’t store any water, you refill it each use.
           I hauled the camper into position and made ready for a trial run. This takes time. The camper had never been road-tested, so lacked all the doo-dads that only experience teaches. For example, you will need non-toxic insect traps, a map case, cargo nets, window coverings, clock, thermometer, cup holder, coat hooks and three dozen cup hooks. Plus your exterior shoe overnight box, big enough to hold a pair of hiking boots even if you don’t own any. Your socks go in there, too.

           The interior must also be fumigated, this is Florida roaches will otherwise get in there and set up shop. Roaches don’t really bite, but if you have an existing mosquito bite or weak spot, like even a hangnail, roaches will gnaw away at the edges. Sad but true, a lot of people who have a small sore that won’t heal don’t realize this. Roaches are eating away the scab overnight, and if that revolts you it is because you didn’t know that and you should be thanking me. May I offer you a cup of coffee?

Last Laugh
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