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Monday, August 6, 2018

August 6, 2018

One year ago today: August 6, 2017, begin bedroom renovation.
Five years ago today: August 6, 2013, repost
Nine years ago today: August 6, 2009, WIP
Random years ago today: August 6, xxxx, WIP
Please return after this trip.

           Told you my cell provider (Virgin Mobile) was crappy. Today I get notice of a missed call on April 15. If you must phone me, don’t leave messages, keep dialing until you get through. But I know you won’t because I don’t have a phone number for you. But that may change. I’ve long considered a number where anybody can call in and spout off. It would be an unparalleled source of feedback most blogs don’t have. Take a glance at this photo of disks on my brand new chalk table, as it were.
           I have box after box of these floppies, which have been properly stored so are likely perfectly readable. These have some tempting titles like “letters 1987”, “asia”, and “business letters”. Throw in song words, letters to my ex-wife, some pictures I do not remember ever putting on disk, and it is all very bloggable. Anything over 15 years, I can use real names, although subject to editing. Right now I’m far too busy, but who knows when I’ll run across a good disk drive at the Thrifts?

           Most people are unaware of how far back my computerized files go. Don’t be surprised if I find items there from 1980. I’ve never been much for computer games, so I’m always insulted when people think I’m “playing” on the computer. But like Theresa, that’s all they can do so they make assumptions. The box in the picture contains some gems like original versions of Peachtree, 2D flight simulators, Apple and DOS operating systems, C/PM disks, Visicalc, and one labeled “database” though what I could possibly have been databasing before 1984 escapes my memory.
           I’ll look for a drive simply because I’m curious. I didn’t keep the disks for souvenirs. I know there are prized letters in there, some of the first word processed letters in history. Meanwhile, I’m going out for coffee. Been cooped up in the house all day, painting and planning. On the chalk table, kind of a lot. Don’t hit me.

           When “Pirates of the Caribbean” was over, I noticed the end-music played for a long time. I glanced often at the list of credits and decided to count how many individuals had their name in there. Not the associated companies and others, just names. I probably made errors, but I stopped counting at 866. So, now we have an idea how many people you need for a Disney production these days. I found some of the job titles a mite murky and some surnames a bit doubtful, like “Pancake”. Right now, I’m off to Camper World in a disk hunt. I got there too late y’day to search around.
           And be prepared for a few rocky days, I’m into Miami tomorrow morning and blog posting on a piece of junk they call a tablet is always iffy. It’s like they were designed the blasted thing to prevent any work being done with them. Remind me to pick up some machine oil and find that batch of missing business receipts. And the record player is back here. It did not work even with the charger, so there is either something loose inside or the buyer did not read the rule about completely charging the battery before first use. I’ll attach power directly to the motor and see what we get.

Picture of the day.
Best I can do with Win 10.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           By noon, I was on my way to Camping World, the store that is out near Lake Wales but everybody says it is in Bartow. It was another wasted trip looking for the diffusers but that was expected. All I got was the FSB (Florida Blank Stare). The FSB is a little more aggravating than the one in your part of the world, because this one implies you are incredibly stupid and trying to put one over on the wise staff. If they haven’t heard of it, then it doesn’t exist. I started by describing the piece, then tried pictures, and finally taking in the actual piece. No use. To a one, they are insipidly stupid and cannot even grasp what the part is. But you know the drill. When you finally find one, if you show it to them, suddenly they remember they have a whole box of them in the back.
           While out there, I spotted this mini-camperette thingee, called the “Flagstaff”. It had all the compromises I had to deal with building my own, so I had to give it a good going over. I like it, but the weight, at a ton, is four times what I’m used to hauling. The entire interior is a full size queen mattress, but if it was removed, there would be room to sit up in a chair and small desk. In other words, this would make a dandy mobile office. It retails for $13,500, on sale now for $9,999. I wonder if the chassis is available without the kitchenette.

           However, it is designed for camping and the hatch at the back raises to form a canopy over the cooking area. I wish it had awnings to prevent both weather and bad neighbors. There is a fridge, microwave, and sink. If you want a stove, there is a small shelf that slides on to the exterior above the other tire, though it must be inconvenient as hell. This unit has full campground hookups and the interior is air conditioned, with TV. Can’t go camping without TV. That reminds me, I’ve had the BluRay player and big screen for a week almost and have yet to watch anything on it. That’s how removed I am from being a couch potato. I bought it so I would watch more, but it’s changed nothing.
           I still watch DVDs on a computer, usually while I’m posting the books. Today’s movie was Julie & Julia, a refreshingly novel tale about two ladies with a knack for cooking. One American and one French, both enjoy French cuisine and despite some below par acting, I really got into it. I don’t get the parts about Julia Child, but I understand she had a TV cooking show some time ago and gather she wore pearls a lot.
[photo delayed]
           The big hub-bub in the papers to day is Sharpton and his bunch protesting the stand your ground law. That’s the one that lets you shoot somebody who you believe is going to harm you. The issue here is that there is no provision to hold the shooter in jail until it is ruled he acted in self-defense. Sharpton is on about how the law “disproportionately affects the black community”. Could he be so blockheaded that he doesn’t realize how that comes across? Anyway, I’m not taking sides on the issue, I merely support the fact that it should be mandatory that the police cannot hold people in jail pending court appearances for certain acts, such as self-defense.
           Sharpton’s point is that if it had been a white man shot, the shooter would be charged and held. But he is ignoring the point that white men don’t usually push other white men to the ground over a parking spot. Of course, the Trayvon shooting was mentioned, the one where they portrayed the goon as a twelve-year-old who went to buy candy. Did you hear that Steven Segal was appointed special ambassador to Russia? I told you his movies were a little too realistic. He’s there to promote peace and harmony, no less. Chuck and Claude must be real dissed.

           I’m past half way reading “Battle Hymn”, which is finally a good military story, but still overlong on the personalities involved. Somebody needs to inform these people that killing and dying is the job, it’s everything else that is extra. And if I was in power, you already know the two things I would put a stop to. One is married soldiers; that is the height of parental irresponsibility. The other is the catering at all “official” gatherings. These generals and admirals can’t seem to make a damn decision or sign a paper unless the event is followed by at least a buffet-style feast.
           The same with “diplomatic” functions. These people are paid well to do a job. If they are hungry, they can brown-bag it or order their own Chinese. I side with the crowd that says nothing is accomplished by turning every possible get-together into a free banquet. More harm is probably done because of their twisted artificial codes of behavior. These people show up for the food, god knows they are useless for anything else, but are mortally slighted and want to go to war because Americans don’t understand their boo-hoo tribal customs.

Last Laugh
[photo delayed] screw microsoft
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