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Thursday, September 6, 2018

September 6, 2018

One year ago today: September 6, 2017, WIP
Five years ago today: September 6, 2013, worst candy ever.
Nine years ago today: September 6, 2009, yes, I have a favorite.
Random years ago today: September 6,2007, reads like a DNS script.

           I borrowed the bingo kit from Fubar. Take a peek at this. Fancy, with wooden balls and a wooden tray. I might not have asked if I’d known it was this fancy. The numbers are laser burned and that makes every part of the machine irreplaceable. And nobody knows the projected attendance. Rumor is this might be this outfits first bingo, which might be why they so readily agreed to my fee. And why they didn’t grasp the concept of a 50/50 round at end of the evening. I found that useless little Android ProScan that took fifve tries to open the text processor and would not let me import photos. It has a five gig built-in chip, so this evening is slated to find out if it can be used to play back anything worthwhile. You can plug in a power cord, a keyboard, or a mouse, but pick one only.
           So, we do have a problem with the neighbors. The rat-dog is here to stay, as far as I can tell. It is well known that dog owners cannot hear their own dogs barking. The club has a “bird house” but it is still down in Hollywood. Since they cost less than $40 at Home Depot, I’ll do that tomorrow. After all, the dog is not going to stop barking on its own. I took the time to read up on customer reviews of this article. Read the bad reviews first. There were two major categories to the poor ratings. One was that the unit eats 9 volt batteries because it does not have an off-on switch. Millennial designed, huh? The other complaint was that customers complained the device had no effect at all.
           We all know what I’m talking about here, do we? It is an electronic device shaped like a birdhouse. When it detects a dog bark, it emits a loud shrieking sound above human hearing range. This raises the question that how did the people who said it didn’t work on the dogs know whether it was working at all? I seen that one coming. Because they commented that it worked on cats as well. Also, several said it worked better on big dogs than the rat-shaped ones. Then I moved to the mediocre reviews and again there was a pattern.

           When it worked poorly,[they said] it took up to a week to have an effect on some dogs. To me, that just says some dogs are like my family. Slo-o-o-o-o-w learners. One review said it didn’t work on dogs than had floppy ears, but worked well on breeds who had uprights. Another had a neighbor clever enough to figure out a something was going on and got a court order to desist. Clever neighbors are not a common Florida issue. And a couple reviews stated the sound would not penetrate a good fence. My conclusion was that even if the complaints are valid, I can work around the failings as described. Let’s take them in order.
           A long-lasting power supply and a power switch. Not a problem for a robotics club. Next the sound related issues. If it has no effect, could mean the dog is hard of hearing. That’s another non-issue since I own a 600 watt PA system, a real brute. I know the rat-dog hears fine because he starts up when I turn the doorknob on the south side of my house. One way or another, sound-wise, that little pest is about to meet his maker. As for stealth, that’s my specialty. Nor is the fence any obstacle because it belongs to me. And I can drill a hole in it anywhere it needs one.

           Speaking of vermin, it is ant season and I didn’t spray this spring. Fine, it just means I catch them in full bloom. It’s the tiny ants that love tropical weather who are the worst. The tiniest crumb brings them on. My aversion to chemicals in the house except baited glue traps. But the trap is not a solution. I have tried most brands, placing them exactly as directed. And had them never catch a thing. I’ve seen brands that let a string of ants march right over the box. I’ve baited the traps myself with the exact particles the ants were raiding and they would touch it.

Picture of the day.
Chip in car window.
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           The chip rack. More than a few questions usually result in a picture, and this is the unit. The spindly green thing resting on my scooter seat. Agt. R calls it “John Deere green”, the spray can says “Meadow Green”. I hope he likes the color because this rack took three coats and used up the last of it. Rustoleum ain’t cheap. Was over intending to fire up the water system even though we won’t need it. I would jlike to be sure it is working just in case, even if I’m positive the average cart out there worked for the inspection and not since. It’s a Mickey mouse arrangement, but we got it working fine last month.
           The rain wouldn’t make up its mind, so I left it and went home to look for things. It’s been so long since I moved and have not yet unpacked so much stuff that I don’t remember where half my stuff is located. Like my fancy 12-volt fan. I’d like to have that right now but it wasn’t in the shed. I had a DVD playing in the background and it had some amazing special effects, like bullets going around objects. Called “Wanted”, it was a big number since it had Morgan playing a major role. And Angelina Joie, though I can’t say how well she was actressing because nobody has ever seen her try it.
           The overall script is stale. Ancient order of assassins, corrupt leader, everybody’s a double agent, secret codes, samurai initiations, and breaking the law for justice. They never rise above that.

           But there were plenty of imaginative scenes and concepts. My favorite was the Russian guy who fed rats a mixture of peanut butter and plastic explosive. When they were stuffed, he put a wristwatch timer around their bellies and released them into a target building. Boom! I doubt it would work in the real world because animals are too unpredictable. Remember how the Soviets tried to train booby-trapped dogs to run under German tanks. But they had trained them by using Soviet tanks. The German tanks burned gasoline, while the Soviet tanks used diesel. The dogs were attracted to the smell of diesel.
           Sometime during this month, this blog will pass a milestone in total hits. Sadly for me, I will not live long enough to attain my goal of one million visitors. In approximately nine days, I am immortal in the sense that it would probably take a mass extinction to get rid of every copy of this blog to the extent that it is forgotten forever. It is a view on contemporary life and to that extent might serve as a reference in time to come. It was not written for any such purpose and there’s a wide spread of topics. I’ve said my knowledge of politics is nil, but that is a qualified statement. It would be more precise to say that I know the goings-on, but could care less about the names of the individuals involved.

           I cannot name a single governor or senator. Yet that should not be confused with my awareness of the issues. Why? Because the issues have not changed in 3,000 years. So to me, every politician except the heads of the US, England, Russia, and China are just a collection of bit players who will hardly be remembered as long as myself. I can safely make such claims because there is no fixed way to measure all the variables. Let me give an instance. Can you name the elected representative of the county next to your own? Or the current head man in Viet Nam? Well, neither can I, and that is my point.
           Here’s why. Take away the slanted media thing as ask if a quarter of a million people have ever stopped what they were doing, sat down at a computer, and read what any of those politicians had to say. Of course not, yet we are constantly indoctrinated to believe these “representatives” are important people, maybe even famous, and we put their names in history books and encyclopedias. But nobody seems to read those any more either. So while I’m not revealing my totals, even if any of them ever got a quarter million people to read their works, I’ve still got them beat. Immortality.

           Maybe I found a use for that POS proscan tablet. That was my first and only foray into what the ass-clown generation has turned the computer into. It won’t do a thing without wading through complicated screen presses and although I have a mouse, there is one port for the keyboard. Maybe later today, I’ll look if there is a hub or splitter on the market. Until today, the device was just another sample of hipster-think, I mean who would ever want to plug in two accessories at the same time, say a mouse a keyboard? It’s unthinkable to an assembly of dolts who think multi-tasking is pressing Shift+i. You know, I’ve seen millennials who can’t. They have to use the CapsLock for upper case-and they consider themselves level 99 power users. Probably the same posse who have to buy their bubble gum with a debit card.
           Using the ridiculous finger navigation, which uses every other tap to try to connect to the web, which I don’t want plus the wifi is turned off (hint, hint), I was able to copy a group of bingo files to the internal memory. This was not easy, there is no way I could find to link to another computer, but I found a mini-SD card in the back slot. With an adaptor, I was able to transfer copies to the DCIM folder, copy same to the music folder. I played a few samples, but stopped at that point because I could not get it to autoplay through the list. I see the arrangement again, who would want to play two pieces of music in a row. There may be a way, but I didn’t want to spend my morning screwing around with it. No, no playlist, that’s not what I want.

           Should I crack the code and get the thing to behave like a computer, at least in this regard, it could double my bingo sound effects and make a potential playback device for the food stand. Here’s a picture of my front yard pumpkin tree, I call it. Every year it dies back to nothing and then comes back like this. See my beautiful front yard bench? I made that wood. So I can sit and watch the tree grow. I’ve not yet successfully found any flowers that will grow in this soil. About the only thing it is good for is parking motorcycles.

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