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Sunday, October 28, 2018

October 28, 2018

One year ago today: October 28, 2017, my reject list.
Five years ago today: October 28, 2013, my hero!
Nine years ago today: October 28, 2009, have a good look -
this photo would normally be censored, but I thought I was gonna die.
Random years ago today: October 28, 2014, comments on wood stove cooking.

           Shown here is the failing battery from my Tailgater amp. It’s sealed lead acid alright, but not any shape I’ve seen. It’s 12 amp, so there’s a chance I can find something that works. Dang that short life, it was the handiest amp I’ve ever owned. It was maintained to the hilt and still did not last, what, two years.? I adapted the unit to work without the battery, an unsatisfactory arrangement. Then, to test it, I got out the bass and played “Glory, Glory Halleliuah” to the church bells.
           Is this that cool day I’ve been waiting for? The day to get some real electric into the white work shed. If so, that makes it above the fold, above the salt, you know, top story. This being Florida, the forecast is afternoon rain, what I’m seeking is some working weather. Overnight I had to shut off the A/C, then later grab an extra blanket. If this flies, you don’t have to tell anyone the shed will be wired for a freezer, a cooler, A/C, and wall-to-wall anti-varmint storage under the work bench. See addendum.

           It won’t be light for another couple hours, so let’s do the books for the recent Miami trip. First, I record that the new electrical work this month has consumed $906.16 in materials. And we are not quite done yet, think another $200, most cable and breakers. To offset it, I view with satisfaction the increasing frequency of days that I $0, ten so far this year, more than in 2000-2017 combined. And this year, there are 47 days when I spent less than $10 a day.

           Here it is, the trip to Miami cost $200.09, including $80 in gas and $60 for the big party at the Titanic, where I danced with a goddess. Why, if I’d known she was there, I’d have spent, oh $80, maybe $100. Just don’t go nuts; the world is full of goddesses. Only you can’t have them. Because you can’t dance. BWAA-ha-ha-ha. There, I’ve made your day. Why’d I do that? Because it is now 7:22AM and the neighbor has let the rat-dogs out to bark. Explaining the “Glory, Glory Halleluiah” thing. The sound obviously bothers the dogs, I’ve found, at least enough to chase them to the front yard.

           Another reason I want that shed in operation is organization. When I lose things, I like to lose them in one place. Guess which two items I cannot find anywhere? My spare scooter batteries and my spark plug tester. Later, I found the tester, but it is the wrong size for scooters. The spark plug was in bad shape, but continued to misfire after I cleaned it. Oddly, it must have been replaced and I forgot, as it was a top name brand. It’s the plug, the cable, the stator, or the coils. This could keep me busy.
           Then I found the spare spark plug. Right brand, but was also the wrong size for scooters. Looking at the old spark plug, well, I’m no expert. It looks fine and tests fine but it doesn’t pass muster. I recall the spark plug is the same as those popular in riding mowers, so there’ll be a source of them in this town. Making this conclusion is not idle thinking. Replacing a spark plug is a major operation on these scooters. You must remove the seat, not just lift it. Then the batter, then take out the entire cargo bin. These are all bolted in interlocking pieces to minimize factory assembly time. Removing any of these pieces slowly loosens the body panels making it tricky to put them back together. I tend to tie pieces up out of the way rather than remove them whenever possible.
           Still, my robot spider sense says replace that spark plug and see what happens. That will take half the day, plus what I worked on this morning. The news is all about more shootings. You know, I do have a comment. When you are part of a group that the whole world hates, maybe it is time to stop blaming the whole world. As for my amplifier, I cannot find a replacement battery for that, as it is for a child’s power toy and most of those are six volts. However, I am not stumped yet. The biggest problem is the compartment where the battery fits. It is so tight nothing else will fit. Return to see how I solve that one.

Picture of the day.
Chicago Symphony Orchestra (and choir).
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Plan ahead, it will smooth out the path even if it gets crooked along the way. The fact is, 48 sodas and 208 packages of chips disappeared from storage at the other location. No, it is not good enough to replace it, because that is a last minute thing and causes people to show up late and exhausted. If anything is kept there after this month, it is not my decision and it is only credited on the books for what physically gets sold. You wanted top-level management and now you’ve got it.
           I’m looking ahead to the 2019 season. For me, that means January through May, four months off, then October through December. It won’t go according to plan, but there will be the plan. I must discover if the hotdog cart can be enough to support me in a pinch, which is because I so strongly suspect that pinch is already heading straight this way from DC. I subscribe to the theory that inflation today is caused strictly by the government printing up dollars to pay the big bills, like social security and welfare. It does not take in this money as tax dollars and nobody will lend it to the US any more, so they run the presses.

           Lastly, it’s true, the medical study is still paying me twice the regular. I told how it was taken down when three other people were found with no opioids in their system. But when I cashed the check, it was double. I treated myself to the router bit kit for $20. It’s Florida, to get the one useful 7/16” piece, you have to buy the entire kit. I believe by now I’ve earned the right to call that the “Harbor Freight Swindle”. They stock the tool, but not the supplies that make it work. So you’ll know, you need two extra pieces to work the dovetail jig. A new router base that accepts the “turn-lock” fittings, and the fittings themselves. The other pieces are useless unless you have a set of matching templates at $30 each.
           Under the circumstances, I think I will convert my original router, the unit of California toothpick fame, and use it exclusively for this size of work. What, you didn’t know I counted a million toothpicks and took them to California. That was 15 years ago. Alas, no blog at the time. But there are many instances where it is mentioned. Donated the profits to charity, I did.

           Framed the shed sub-sub-panel, a three-hour job, as the shed is metal and I had to keep rigging up braces to hold the box so the screws would take. Either that or hire somebody. As dark approached, I secured the smoke detector inside the cPod and, using mournfully inadequate instructions, affixed the TurnLock router base to the toothpick router. I had to use robot club washers to make it work. Next, I dug out one of the e-readers, managing to choose the one with the broken screen. The point is, can e-readers play MP3 files? There must be some audio books in that format. If they can play MP3, the next step is how easy are they to use on stage?
           Trump is deploying the Army to the border. Good, these mid-American countries need to know they cannot continue their despicable ways and avoid revolution by exporting their disaffected to us. Of course, all the equally corrupt Democrats are mewling that Trump is hateful but it is just too obvious they want things to return to the cushy political paradise they were carving out for themselves at taxpayer expense. We all still waiting for the collapse and recession they said would befall us. Where is the impeachment they promised? And where are all the businesses failing because they have no cheap labor? Trump has altered their history by exposing their hidden agendas.

           Needing the challenge, I set up the dovetail jig, trying to figure out what the manual was even referring to. I build a box and the glue is drying. What did I learn? Well, the jig is only good for making blind dovetails, a feature not made clear on the packaging. I happen to like dovetails that show. Maybe this unit can be rigged to do that. I made most of the mistakes in the troubleshooting section. Some cuts too deep, some too shallow, and I got the offset wrong. The box staircases up and down around the joints. I see this is just practice.
           The error that got me was I got one of the joints completely backwards. The blind dovetail faces the wrong side of the panels. But it still fit, somehow. I’ll have a box because I’ll simply table saw away any surfaces that jut out. I see now that the jig has to be very carefully set up and the pieces marked in some way to ensure the joints are oriented correctly. It’s a jig mainly for building drawers, meant to be set up and used for a small production run. Funny they made it so tricky to use.

           It’s one of those gizmos that probably has to be learned by making countless mistakes. Like brain surgery. My short-range goal is to use the equipment to make utility boxes and such. The only difference between them is the size. My first try, I made the box 10”x10”, and was very careful to label the pieces. If I want real dovetails, I’ll have to make up a dado and jig for the table saw. The converted router works fine. This operation throws off a lot of sawdust. Oh, and my fancy tri-blade bit? I wrecked it hitting a nail on maybe the tenth hole I drilled. Can they even be sharpened?
           Freaky weather, I had to crank on the heater.

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