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Saturday, October 27, 2018

October 27, 2018

One year ago today: October 27, 2017, the next 100 women . . .
Five years ago today: October 27, 2013, the situation at 6:00AM.
Nine years ago today: October 27, 2009, Californication + 26 yrs.
Random years ago today: October 27, 2012, on-line: dating for the least successful

           This weekend the weather broke and I decided to totally dive into working on the house. The blogs are wriitten, bu I probably can't upload them until much later in the day. You see, I needed supplies to complete the work and every body else in the county had the same idea.
           The morning was taken up moving building materials, so here is a shot through the car window that I found pretty. I was driving the Spirit Lake road and saw this reflection off the surface water. You can see the sprinklers in operation and what made this notable was the clouds had made most of the area dark, with this one spot where the sun shone through. So this otherwise shady picture was taken almost at noonday. Neat, huh? It’s a cool morning and I must take that opportunity to crawl under the house. (I can't find the sprinkler pic, so enjoy this spectacular Miami sunset earlier this week.
           Yep, she’s a little dusty under there. I ran in the dryer line and when I got to the far end, I realized I had a suitable piece of 10/3 cable stored in the shed. Dang, I just spent $40 plus the car trip to get what I already had. I don’t keep records of building materials, so suffer. Let me tell you a tale from the trailer court about inefficiency. Last Saturday, I forgot my little red drill. Agt. R and I have always had trouble getting in touch, for some reason our phones don’t ring. We’ve just gotten used to it, but with a difference. I’ve adapted to the situation. Six times I’ve called and driven over there to get that red drill.

           No dice. Like most, Agt. R arranges his affairs to what is most convenient for himself, which is natural. But not so great when you have a business associate. I could have bought another drill for all this. The problem is my other drill is bigger and longer. When the bit I need for pilot holes is chucked, the drill is too long to fit under the house to drill upwards. So, I have to leave that part of things undone until I get a little red drill one way or the other. Put another way, when I know Agt. R needs something, I make a trip over there, put it on his work bench, and leave a note on his door. If you get my meaning.

           In that same vein, I see now that food stocks will never be secure over there. Now, 100 bags of chips have gone missing. Two complete 50-pack trays. I understand, you get home and it is convenient to grab the first thing that’s easy. But that is why I provided a lock, so it would not be convenient. It’s not enough to just replace the stock because that can only be done on payday, which is invariably going to clash with operations. No, if you have to go chasing around after work Friday to replace stuff for Saturday morning, you don’t get any credit for running yourself ragged.
           That, however, is not the answer. The answer is to store the supplies over here. For now, that means one of the two sheds, both of which are 2/3 full of unpacked gear from the move. I knew getting behind on the renovations would catch up with me. So, how can I store stuff for now? Well, there is a large enough space under the work counter in the white shed, though that is not ready access. I think I’ll put in a shelf big enough for 96 cans of soda and 200 bags of chips, more on that as I think of it. He doesn’t raid the hotdogs, because they are frozen and require preparation. The concept is to remove the temptation. What say you?

           Storage over here makes another item important. That ramp to load the wagon. Just a simple dirt ramp hemmed in with treated 4x4 posts, just high enough to wheel heavy objects up to trailer bed height. My red scooter is still misfiring, I think it is the spark plug, which I also cannot get at without the small red drill. Tell you what frosts me is I have an excellent brand of replacement plug because I knew that Chinese knock-off would one day fail. But after the move, I can’t (for the life of me) remember where it is.

Picture of the day.
Soybean-based deforestation (Paraguay).
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           All afternoon and three more circuits, all of the under the building. You don’t want to hear about that, so let’s talk other stuff. Setting. You and I finally meet, it’s a coffee shop, you are a reporter, and your goal is to let me talk to see if my viewpoints are consistent over a spectrum of dissimilar topics. I could just tell you no, they are not, but where’s the fun in that? Before that, let me check something. 6:18PM. So I did put in an eight hour day. That hasn’t happened since 2003. I’ve re-written the bass line to my biggest country hit (once it gets released), that’s the tune, “Twang Twang Honey I’m Horny”. I once got a sniff from an Australian beer commercial producer, but that’s it.
           I missed the Halloween parade, there was no room for me and my amplifier on the float. It’s another missed Xmas season for me, no guitar player. The Fubar has a new Karaoke lady and they’ve changed LGBTQF night over to Fridays only. What? How many times I gotta tell you, the F is for Fat. I’ve seen these ladies. And the show is crude, every other sentence a sexual innuendo, it was like a Martin Sheen comedy. I wonder if these people float around all day in a similar daze where everything reminds them they are queer and most people aren’t?
           This photo is one of the cranes building more condos around JZ’s place. These average 25 stories high, cutting off all views. At 25 stories or more, they turn his measly little 3-storey unit into a virtual hut. It’s really a slash and grab because I believe this is the last generation that will come to Florida to die. The millennials will probably go to Redmond, and not a moment too soon. (Another missing pic, so here's the first and last photo you will ever see of the road sign that says 'Miami 99'.)

           The cPod camper foam is expanded and fills the entire floor space. I may have to raise the back shelf an inch so my toes don’t hit. Testing the feel, I see that when I sleep on my side, the 3” of memory foam lets my hip and shoulder bottom on the wood. But she’s ready for a trip. By mid-afternoon, the climate was still agreeable so I skipped siesta and put on “Hannibal”, the one I’ve never seen. Same theme, super Lex Luthor type cannibal, and I got a different tack on this version. They meant to portray the frustration of the police when a criminal outsmarts them, but the message I got was this explains a lot of the way the law has moved in my own lifetime. From upholding what was right by a respectable police force to the mass of disgusting laws that allow the police to pin anything on anybody and minimal respect, if any, in too many neighborhoods.
           It dawned on me that in real life, the police don’t have the money, the budget, or the personality to attract top quality. When you can’t rely on brainpower to uphold the law, you rely on manpower to enforce it. Hmmm, maybe the rash of bad cop movies since the 70s is an unintended documentary of this changeover. All the street punks get rounded up regularly, but the kingpins rarely get touched unless they quit playing the game. Usually, it’s a publicity bust of some criminal known for years, Noriega, Madoff, and the odd crime boss. What? Oh, don’t tell me they didn’t know about Madoff long in advance.
           Anyway, there’s a germ of a theory here. It’s along the lines that the police have deliberately channelized their jobs to the point where they can be accomplished by brute force. That’s to the detriment of society. They keep bending the law more and more toward ultimate police power. Take for instance that character in the news who mailed the bombs. He was charged with endangering a former president. Such a charge did not exist long ago. What’s next? A charge for endangering a former president named Barrack, George, or Donald. The point is they are fine tuning each law so that they need less and less evidence to make the charges stick.

           Big news flash, I guess. The Queen’s corgi died. While good ol’ Liz has been around all of my life, I’m not so sure I’m going to miss another rat-dog. I certainly recognize the value of a mascot and empathize with her loss. But nor am I sure that rates as a news flash. There’s some hub-bub about universities offering 900 courses on-line for free, so I’m taking a look. I don’t know about ‘Urban planning of African Cities’ or ‘Political Existentialism’. Here’s one on copyright law in the music industry. Maybe something on machine learning. It more like 700 courses unless you can speak languages like Russian and Portuguese. Now, let’s find out how “free” they really are. Or is this another ploy to get your personal info on their files?
           I took the evening off. I found a DVD, “When the Bough Breaks”. Probably the title put me off watching it years ago. It’s a good police drama, though you’ll figure it out. So I’ll tell you. The police find some severed hands in a sewer. A kid in the crazy bin draws hands on the wall. The detective, a nicotine addict, finds the answer. A doctor who is married to a concert pianist has twins, the kid in the bin and a daughter born with no hands. Each year on her birthday, he abducts a girl the same age, cuts off her hands, and tries to make his daughter a piano player.
           That gets me worried. You see, if anybody decides to create a guitar player who can learn new music, forget the hands. They’ll be trying to cut off my head.

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