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Friday, October 5, 2018

October 5, 2018

One year ago today: October 5, 2017, my own handwriting.
Five years ago today: October 5, 2013, my milkshakes!
Nine years ago today: October 5, 2009, all drum boxes suck.
Random years ago today: October 5, 2014, extreme banditry?

           Another tough morning under the building and I’m ready to call in the electrician. Didn’t I mention that? The tricky part, the actually connection of the sub-panel and the lugs is slated for a professional. It’s the journeyman guy I mentioned, the negotiations took place in Spanish and he’s only doing the finishing touches. He wanted his standard $20 per hour, but I talked him up to $25. It’s a robot club thing about recruiting only professionals. It has to look so swell that an inspector in the future would not think of lifting any drywall. My electrician will be working in a bright air-conditioned hallway with background music. The gronk part is mostly done.
           Here’s a glimpse of the future. Bad news for all the gyprologists, this is a robot drywall installer. I could not find a video of the rig in action to check the speed. But it is still new and you can bet if it goes into production, it will move many times faster than any drywaller you’ve ever seen. It’s a Japanese invention and the big construction companies had it coming. And it is just the beginning.

           The only casualty is my right knee. I didn’t fall or sprain anything and it is still acting up. That means I had to take a break and read. I picked up a large book telling the story of the Battle of Britain, the usual claptrap about how the valiant Brits took on the mighty German air fleets. Hogwash. In contravention of the Treaty of Versailles, England and her allies had never disarmed after the first World War. Germany was the only country that did disarm and by 1930 found herself defenseless and encircled. England had been designing fighter aircraft with eight machine guns since 1934 and screaming bloody murder when Germany finally began rearming.
           Another important detail conveniently omitted was that the German air force was never designed to fight other airplanes or bomb civilians. The English invented that. Germany’s airplanes were intended to assist the ground forces as a type of flying artillery. Get your history right. Germany never wanted to fight the English and tried repeatedly to make peace, only to be ignored. It’s amusing, however, to see how indoctrinated the world has become. The book was written in 1973 and still adopts the position that Hitler personally started the war. Duh.

           My personal opinion is the British have never admitted the extent to which they were spying on Germany and that they still maintain many of the same secret tactics to this day against the rest of the world. Living on an island has made them experts at surveillance. The reality is despite some real expertise at disguising their methods, the way the war went shows the British had far too many “lucky breaks” to fool anybody who looks at the cold facts. C’mon, finding the Bismarck in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and laying a pipeline at exactly the right spot in the entire Western Desert?

Picture of the day.
Salt mine.
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           Still having a sore knee, I took the late afternoon off to go shopping. I’m using top quality Square D components. They have a cheap brand called Homeline, my advice is you don’t use that stuff. It looks and feels cheap. I don’t care for JIT inventory, this is a computer model of “just in time” stock ordering. The concept is to calculate the reorder point so the next shipment arrives just as the last of the old merchandise is sold, minimizing the cost of keeping goods on the shelves. The reality is the same software can also be used to find the optimum stock out quantity. This is where you always run out of something for a period before you reorder.
           You may recall the days when the newspaper box always had a few left over when the man came to fill it with the next edition. Thus, you were always able to buy a newspaper. Then around 2002, the boxes always ran empty. JIT. The newspaper would rather miss a few sales per box than put extras. The printing department saves money and to hell with the disappointed customer. Well, now you got the same system at the franchises. You will repeatedly find stores running out of their signature items. Today, Home Depot was out of 20 amp breakers and 60 watt light bulbs.

           I went to my 2nd favorite Dunkin again for nearly two hours. They don’t mind, I’m often the only person there on Fridays. The libraries close early so that’s my alternative. I have a tendency to not shop or hang around nearby where I live, so I was surprised when people came in who knew me from entertaining. My latest act can only be rated as chintzy yet it seems I may have some fans. This seems odd because at the actual gig, the audience is characteristically reserved and apparently not paying that much attention. But as far as chintzy acts go, this one is really coming along. More and more classic rock is appearing in the sets.
           JZ finally called, he’s doing the same. The reason he called was that horrid ex of his wants to move into his place. Absolutely not, I warned him. Let a woman that age into your house and you will never get rid of her. She’s been evicted from every place she’s ever lived and I got twenty bucks says its to the point nobody anywhere will let her in the door. Normally I don’t pay attention to who dates who or what goes on, but in this case he would be making a serious mistake. My clinic called to move my appointment ahead, so I’ll visit an extra few days this month. Maybe convince the guy to get out of Dodge for a while. If I had his money, I’d travel all the time. This is the same guy who was born in Florida that had never seen the Everglades until I insisted we drive through it in my Cadillac.

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