One year ago today: December 16, 2017, a generic day.
Five years ago today: December 16, 2013, slippery & transparent.
Nine years ago today: December 16, 2009, the crows are gathering.
Random years ago today: December 16, 2007, but they did show!
This, gang, is what it looks like. A dollar store drug test. It’s either that or more photos of the back yard. I see we have a unanimous vote on that. Okay, here is the scenario. We’ve all heard about the guy who’s career was sewered by a false positive pee test. Or, if you are like the rest, you just say, “Well, I knew there was something oddball about the guy but I never thought he was into the whacky tabaccy. I mean, I know he was subsequently tested clean and all, but you never know.”
So, it says here 98% accurate, whatever that means. Let’s have a go, and I promise to give you the unadulterated results. Let’s see if this says there are any funny substances in my system. What do you think? What if I fail? You see, if the test is accurate, I should pass handily. If not, there are major implications. A drug-positive test would probably mean it is 98% accurate when the test fails, rather than succeeds. That is probably hard to follow, so put it this way. If I took the test another 99 times I should get 98 good and 1 bad. Send me the money and I’ll do it.
It could be things are picking up around here, and I’ll tell you why. I got a call back from the band on Friday. They want an audition. However, that is the tone of the e-mail, not a statement that they want me to audition for that particular band. It was pretty obvious the band had a mismatch in the bass player department, like he was from a different church or something. You know what I mean. The lure for me is that this group is super-established. I’d love to get into a band that lasts the rest of my time on this old planet. Ten years ago would have been nicer, but I can only get away with saying things like that because ten years is now such a minor interval in my life. I could not have imagined a ten-year stint until I was over forty and even that took some doing.
No fast moves, mind you. I’ve been around bands long enough to know that most are glacially slow to change for the sake of change. It is much talked about and rarely accomplished. It’s because, I always felt, band mechanics are far more intricate than imaginable, even by the members. I asked for a “top ten” list so as not to show up empty-handed, as I like to put it, repeatedly. I was not in the audience for even a full set, but the choices that I heard say they are the type of band I prefer to work with. And, they were singing harmonies. Not that great, but still harmonies. And singing harmonies is my remaining hurdle.
On that note (ha-ha), I’ve found that my method of quickly finding the melody note, then the third, is not workable on stage. It’s strictly a studio approach because I’m quickly thrown when the other vocalist isn’t bang on. What’s showing promise is that I can often “hear” the harmony note and I’m getting the impression that is the method used by bands with seamless harmonies, like Abba. It’s only a concept for now, I’ve even done a few tunes where I was able to force my brain to hear the note. If only I could turn that into habit, huh?
Ferris wheel comparison.
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By late afternoon, I said, "Screw this" and drove over to Winter Haven. I measured and priced out a number of appliances, including space heaters for the individual rooms. When I got the place there was one 240V heater on the north wall for the whole place. That, with the lack of insulation, contributed to the fry-belly-freeze-back feel of the building. A smaller heater in each room makes it more cottage-like, I think.
If you want a biscuit router, this Ryobi is your only choice in Winter Haven. Home Depot does not even carry them. I looked at it and decided maybe later. It was a hundred bucks. I’m still reading the book on crown molding and y’know, I have the tools. Do I have the skill? Or the patience? That hallway would be the logical spot to practice. The old casings were as plain as it gets, a 1x6” with a quarter-rounded edge. I would also rekindle my idea of a set of shelves around the entire or at least most of the room above the door frames. Actually, I was thinking more of locking cupboards all way around. I have things I don’t care to store in the sheds, which never protect things well in this humid climate.
As for the plumbing, we’ll be looking at moving the sink soon. I’m apt to getting something in place, even if it is not the finished product. And I’m taking pictures of that sanitary stack. Everybody is saying I can do it myself. I’m getting consistent advice to just cut the old cast iron pipe and use one of those rubber clamping joints to union it up to PVC. Considering the cost, I should at least give it a stab. As with the rest of the bath, I need things that work more than something fancy. I thought by now I would have found the chest of drawers needed to finish the sink area, but Florida knows when you are looking for something like that.
The chain saws are expensive for anything that gets good ratings. I see they are graded by duty, into professional, medium, and light duty. Agt. R says light duty, but that could be a mistake. Plastic fittings, plastic guards, brand names I never heard of. I have yet to find the Stihl dealership. One brand name, Husqvarna, was twice the price of everything else. Upon questioning, Agt. R has a chain saw that just needs the blade replaced, which can be taken a number of ways, hardee-har-har. I’m pursuing that option for now.
Then, I checked supplies and prices at Wal*Mart. I bought a hummingbird feeder, see photo. They are all over the place, so might as well bring them into part of the view. I picked up some corn on the cob and got myself the most tasteless batch ever. I didn’t know they could make flavorless corn. The package says “natural” but in today’s US of A, that probably has a legal definition as well. I’ve never had prison food, but my imagination says this must be close.
Anyway, I got some feedback on last week, when I let that lady walk home alone in the rain. Was I the fool? The first answer is ‘obviously’, since most men would have jumped on it. Let’s take one giant step backward and look again. I’m not most men, but I still I had to fight the urge to chase her down that street. I’m now informed she will not be at the concert next day. Did I win or lose this one? Because it sure feels like I lost. If she wanted a life-long partner, that would be me. Was it really her who did the walking away? Your turn, just go easy. This is not a situation for professionals, in fact dating is and should remain an amateur sport.
These and other important questions as I tune into Bushnell radio in for “The Lone Ranger”. A couple more incoming calls tells me that losing that 30 pounds and wearing a shirt and tie still works wonders for me. Yes, I still have most of my good stuff in the front closet. I’ve just had nobody to wear it for in twenty years. In Florida, it is only a matter of time until everything you can possibly imagine goes wrong.
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