One year ago today: March 18, 2018, random text generator.
Five years ago today: March 18, 2014, eight lines of code.
Nine years ago today: March 18, 2010, real people answer.
Random years ago today: March 18, 2001, it’s a quoll.
Here. Enjoy this picture since it is so cold today that nothing else is likely to happen. Maybe I’ll use the time to find something to edit Sony’s version of MP4, which as usually is impenetrable by everybody else’s software. And none of the codecs tried so far work, including the ones from the Sony site. I’m still wrestling with Jarte and this LibreOffice did not like my Win 10 system. Jarte, you simply have too far to go to call yourself a word processor. And that typing sound? You know what you can do with that.
Told ya, I’m getting to know the area around Lebanon Pike. It’s a major east-west artery to downtown that I never got to explore. That’s changed enough to be remarked. I now patronize that donut shop when returning from the bank, but the blonde lady has not been there to try her luck again. That’s okay, her fashions and manner spell s-i-n-g-l-e mother. Every radio frequency in my car was on about the New Zealand events and blah-blah about rising white supremacy.
The problem there is they can’t define what white supremacy is. Apparently merely doing well is enough to get tarred. All the media blockage on this particular story screams “cover-up”. What are they really censoring? The leftists are on about how rambling and incoherent the posts were, but they would say that. I’d like to sift through it myself. If only to see how many facts it contains. How do I know there are facts? By the media reaction, that’s how.
Here’s the sign at J. Percy Priest lake. I guess that says it all, but not like that would stop me, ha-ha. You see the part about the three people who drowned wearing life jackets? My theory is that they were millennial computer coders. There was a list of instructions on the life jacket, see. The final instruction said that the jacket should fit comfortably. Being coders, they ignored the context of the previous list items, took the jacket off, and put it where it felt good. In the same place MicroSoft can put their Calibri 11. Of course, they all promptly drowned. Face down. However, if you’ve ever tried to get any real work done on an Android, you know their code lives on.
Okay, LibreOffice is installed and I like it already. Even a spreadsheet. I reserve judgment until I’ve checked it out. But it instantly has the look and feel of familiarity. Hang on, the dogs are going ballistic. Those men have arrived to raid our garbage again.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.
The US commie party, oops, pardon me, the Democrats have come up with a candidate I would reluctantly rate as viable. By that I mean he has a toothy grin and otherwise is a failure at life. With the nickname Beto, he’s precisely the image of the shiney-faced politician most Democrats grew up thinking that image should be. His only accomplishment has been changing the name of a building in his home state? Until now, the Democrats were tripping over each other running for president. This Beto guy has a solid record of voting along party lines. And not much else. The turtle is PeeJee, living a climate-controlled life. He’s my nomination for head of the liberals. Short-sighted, lives in a shell, and when it comes to his own kind, as cold-blooded as they get.
PeeJee is actually a nice guy. Democrats, on the other hand, consider define people like myself as “rich” and would like us to be put into 70% tax brackets. It does not count that everything I have was paid for with dollars that I earned and already paid tax on. If I had blown my money as fast as I could and never sacrificed, I’d be one of their poor, and deserving of a larger share. The guy who wants to do worst, that alien-looking Bernie Sanders, is on the warpath again. He’s what you get when you mix ugly and stupid at the high-school level.
The liberal air waves are blaring away how he raise a “massive” $6.1 million in his first 24 hours of campaigning. If Trump had done the same, it would be a “piddling” amount. Beto is playing the role to a tee, even swearing off PAC donations, but that is so obviously for public consumption one has to wonder. Anyway, keep an eye on this yahoo. If he doesn’t fade fast, he’s cut in at the right moment that left-wing voters need to find a hopeful from their overcrowded slates. Be aware that to date, Beto has not won any nominations and the amount of money reported is only what he says.
TMOR, PACs are political action committees, a peculiar Canadian-American euphemism for buying votes. While there are rules about donating money and backing candidates, no such regulation governs running ads or mailings. Don’t quote me as the laws keep changing and I don’t follow along. The PACs can support but not contribute. Their actions are as often for one candidate as against his opponent. Unions and such generally give to Democrats while banks and business will fund Republicans. All PACs should be outlawed, but they would just re-emerge in some other form. Money and politics are the same in America.
And oh, please, give me a break. The left-wing press is now screaming the Christchurch killer used the “same kind of language” as Trump. I believe it is called English. And according to Karam “Captain Obvious” Dana at U. of Washington, the world regards the US as the epicenter of how white identity is seen. His comment, if any, on Arab identity seems to have gone unrecorded. But then, he is in Bothel, not Beirut, the clever little man. Note that UW is a hotbed of liberalism and this professor consistently gets rave reviews in that environment. Reviews that use the same kind of language . . .
This is my first post of a blog page using LibreOffice. So far, it has been a pleasure compared to Jarte. I can imagine a few people snickering how long it took me to find something suitable. They are forgetting I'm ten years ahead, not ten years behind. That means unlike your average Joe, I'm not surrounded by contemporaries who can fill me in on what's a big deal right now today. And for those to think what a big deal now is the important thing in life, this blog will be here long after they are gone.