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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

April 16, 2019

One year ago today: April 16, 2018, entertainment is my entertainment.
Five years ago today: April 16, 2014, a gruesome discovery.
Nine years ago today: April 16, 2010, I played Hollywood Johnny’s.
Random years ago today: April 16, xxxx, WIP

           I was not unpacked enough to get good photos of this dresser, but there it was, just what I was looking for. The top, facing down in this shot, is solid wood. Mind you, it was laminated, so I’m removing it to insert dowels and better glue. The drawers are missing, but note the design. This is to become the bathroom vanity with two sinks. I’ve designed the plumbing so only the top two big drawers have to be shortened to accommodate the water system. This took up the entire morning, since I had no help at all except the stockroom guy at the thrift.
           Agt. R was at home, using his mother’s truck. I didn’t ask, but I wonder why they haven’t recovered his vehicle yet. They know where the thief lives. I can’t help, I’m already behind schedule and I’ve previously expressed concern that he should be more careful about picking which women he does favors for. These women are over 40, divorced, and it ain’t 1979 any more.

           This reminded me of a situation that I don’t know the proper slag term that applies. Comment it to me if you have it. It’s that uncomfortably familiar date most every man has been on with an easy girl. She’s slept with everybody else in town, but has decided this is the time to turn over a new leaf and play hard to get. For a short stretch in my early twenties, I was plagued by this sort of women. The last fifty guys got it for free, but the next guy, he’s gonna pay. You know what I’m talking about.
           This work, moving furniture, was unfamiliar to my muscles, which is sort of new to me. I regularly heft things around but for some reason, I’d have preferred walking the dogs today. I needed extra naps and tried to watch some DVDs that had worked their way to the back of the cabinet. I’ve hit a stretch of really poor productions starting with the “Jensen Project”. That’s about the fourth movie in a month about a couple being appointed guardian over orphaned children. The plot is predictable and the kids are role models. This prompted me to plow through my entire collection for a good war movie. That just tuckered me even more, so come back later. I’m into my siesta.

Picture of the day.
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           Some yard work shows I have more planting to do. It looks like my avocado tree didn’t make it. When I picked up that dresser, there was also a curbside child’s crib and a headboard which netted me a wagonload of excellent quality Asian gumwood. Good, it stocks me up for the boxes I want to learn about. It could even get me to invest in a real table saw and some dado blades.
           That’s it for today. Your turn.

Last Laugh