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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

April 17, 2019

One year ago today: April 17, 2018, failure is not an option . . .
Five years ago today: April 17, 2014, Festus rules!
Nine years ago today: April 17, 2010, today, smarter to take the bike.
Random years ago today: April 17, 2011, It rained. I took a nap.

           This pictures shows the daffodil bulbs from Nashville now at my cabin. I doubt I’ll have many survivors, as they dried out very rapidly once I put them in the car. I had to plant them before getting on the road to Miami, killing that now-routine drive listening to talk radio. NPR is the only stations you’ll get except, if you keep scanning, the programs that blast the liberal left. They are immensely more entertaining now that Trump is on the scene. I’ve no doubt this Russian story is going to take the entire Democrat party down a few notches and dominate every newscasts for months. Why? Because the whole “investigation” was a cheap setup by the political left. My prediction last years that just like they won’t let go that they lost the election, they will not accept a not-guilty verdict.
           They don’t want a solution, their agenda is just to create the narrative because they think they can spin it into a wedge for the 2020 elections. In a sense, I’m glad they are being such dorks, because they are exposing almost their entire bag of dirty tricks. And for the life of them, can’t figure out why it does not work on Trump. I have a theory on that. I remind the reader I do not support Trump as a politician, but because he is business-minded. All presidents since Nixon with few exceptions, have basically been crooked lawyers or stooges. The possible exceptions are Jimmy Carter, who was too much of a wimp to be categorized with any cause, and the unique Ronald Regan.
           Now, c’mon, which blog dares to publish picture of dried daffodil bulbs in blue plastic? You’re here because this blog goes for the gusto. And furnishes proof even rock stars have so-so days.

           My theory goes like so. Since the 1960s, American politics has become corrupt. To get elected, you had to play the game. Americans have always asked why no matter what promises were made, each president turned around to the liberal agenda once he got in. The answer is blackmail. The political left have spent years placing their own kind in key positions, that is how you take over. The coup will fail unless you have an apparatus is place to step into the vacuum. This creates the seen in every dictatorship ever, where the party in power can manipulate the entire government system to clamp down on any real rivals. You get every trick in the book from tax audits to sex scandals to trial by media.
           To get elected, you had to be dirty, and the leftists knew it. Thusforth, they were prepared to threaten any political electee to follow their rules. The Trump weighs in and he’s not a politician. Their orchestrations don’t phase the guy. Tactics that cowered politicians had no effect on a businessman. Where other presidents starting with Nixon hid behind executive privileges, the American electorate is fully aware that Trump has not tried to hide a thing.
           A few announcements have been made to indicate Trump is completely innocent of any Russian connections. This creates a charged climate in that the people who started this ruckus stated numerous times that they had evidence. They lied. They presumed like their own, anybody who did get elected could be, in the course of a stretched out investigation, inadvertently saying something they could glom onto, or worse, bullied into defending himself enough to create screams of “obstruction”. But they move like slugs compared to old Donald.

Picture of the day.
Scotch pines, all in a row.
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           Here’s today’s activities. I tried to get away at dawn, then every couple hours until mid-afternoon. Things kept cropping up, like having no choice but to do a load of laundry first. So I get JZ on the cell and he wants to carouse. I explain that for the first time in twenty years, my budget can’t handle that. For the first time ever, he says no problem, he’ll buy. Okay, I took Highway 27 all the way, expect some of this to be repeats, since it is written in sections. For reasons unknown, the traffic was light until I was all the way until 8 miles west of JZ’s place from Krome Avenue. Then it took nearly an hour to cover that last leg.
           I arrived dusty and thirsty, six hours late. In fact, too late. JZ lost all his money at the casino during that interval. So, broke or not, I paid for the night on the town, sixty bucks. We went to that sort of okay joint out on Dixie Hwy, halfway to Homestead. I did not know it was Karaoke night, and got up there still in my Nashville mode. Suffice to say my act is a little livelier than your usual Wednesday crowd.

           Yep, there were some ladies, but to seal the deal, I usually sing a few songs first. The DJ, however, started screwing up the plan. You see, he did the right thing the wrong way. When somebody new enters, get them up fast by bumping the list. The idea is to get them to stay. Myself and most of the old hands are aware this messes up the rotation, but the usual delay is three songs. What could the problem be?
           Easy, not only is three the limit, it is really only necessary to get one singer up from each group that walk in. This DJ was letting groups of four get up ahead of me. I mentioned it, he got irate, I said have you little Karaoke because you are going nowhere with that attitude. And we drove over to the Titanic, which JZ only goes to when I’m around because the drinks are a couple more dollars each. Despite having lived there twenty years, JZ does not know if there are any lounges, or where the pretty women hang out, or even which places have entertainment. He finds the cheapest place to drink and never changes after that.
           My calendar shows this to be my 20th trip back to Miami from my place here since I bought the building. If I didn’t mention it, JZ is still jealous I got such a deal. Hey, it took years and as you know, 509 tries. Yet he still maintains it was pure luck. JZ, if I’d got it on the fifth or tenth try, okay, that’s luck. He’s jealous.

Last Laugh