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Friday, April 26, 2019

April 26, 2019

One year ago today: April 26, 2018, sexual brinkmanship - it's nothing new.
Five years ago today: April 26, 2014, married-couples-ville.
Nine years ago today: April 26, , 2010, useless & weak-minded.
Random years ago today: April 26, , 2007, ignorance IS the standard.

           Finally, got my wind back and I’ve been working since dawn. Those old guys who said you don’t miss it until you can’t were not kidding. I’m still putting on window trim and I’m glad I learned how every piece of old single-hung windows worked, along with the trim. Each piece is custom fitted, to a degree, and once they warp with age, it’s fun time. The old bedstead I’m using for trim simply bypasses or buries most of the problems, but leaves the sliding parts accessible if I ever find time to do that right. The good news is my old can of Danish oil matches the stain on the wood exactly, so I’m doing both steps as we go along. I’m working on a before and after shot for you, but it is getting dark.
           The job presents me with a small illogicality (yes Ken, that’s a word) in that I’m no good at trimming these windows, but I enjoyed the process. They say do what you like doing, yet that would sidetrack me. It’s easy to think when listening to Boss Hogg, because that’s one radio station that makes their listening audience feel so much smarter. My verdict is to continue learning to make boxes. Windows are box-shaped and that means the more experience with boxes the better my windows. Except once this place is done, will I ever deal with windows again?

           Got it, there’s your picture of the same window. I haven’t chucked the Venetians yet because I may leave them permanently in place on the upper half. It depends on how much work the shutters are. I have a pile of shutters, but the only ones that fit without considerable modification are on the other window. See photo below. The top half of the window is only for looking out, so the slats can be fixed. There is an awning that stops any direct view from the street, so give me some time to plan what I’ll do with this. You may notice at the bottom the sill doesn’t quite match the trim, because I’ve decided to make my own plinths. Skip them for now, as I’m not even going to attempt that without a real router table.

           As for flooring, I’m staying with my plan to rustle up some thrift carpets. I like tile but until I can lay it myself, it’s not an option. For siesta, I watched an excellent remake, “Jack the Giant Slayer”, a 2013 release with a cast of hundreds. They go all out for special effects but keep them in line with the plot. The list of credits goes on forever but the scenery, realism, and animation meant it was an all-out effort. One disappointment was the princess. She was so plain-Jane I did not realize until the film was over that she’d never caught my eye. Come on, Warner Bros, I like my princesses to be sex-pots. Keep that Star Wars casting where it belongs – in the distant past.
           I give it a thumbs up, with bonus points for new twists on an old theme. I think the giants live on the tepui in Venezuela. The weapons and tactics of both sides are imaginative, though I did not care for the ending which implies the British crown is the proper keeper of the world’s defense against tyrants. After all, we now know who really had plans to enslave the world economically. I was also re-reading a few chapters of “Eagle Against the Sun”, as it gives an excellent and better perspective of what happened on Guam. (The early amphibious landings were on coral atolls, while Guam is a big, big island.)

           The relationship is that I view Guam as the operation that dropped the “Germany first” pretext that got the USA into the war on England’s side. It was well-known Churchill’s primary goal was to preserve the British Empire, but to do so he needed the USA. The First World War showed the owners of Europe the industrial might of America was coupled with a weak central government. Europeans had hundreds of years experience taking over behind the scenes, so America became their new breeding ground almost overnight, and it has remained their puppet ever since. It was almost too easy to channel over 70% of the world’s wealth into the USA, safe from bombs and invasions.
           The productivity of America surprised even these industrialists and the way I see it, they decided Europe wasn’t worth sticking around in. The controlling class, particularly the bankers, had too many close shaves. Who needs the British Empire anyway, when you can buy anything you want?

Picture of the day.
Moose Jaw Court House.
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           Who knows the tune, “Blurred Lines”? I do, and it isn’t my brand. But with minimal effort I adapted the whole song, including the drum beat, into a bass line. Where I’d ever play this piece is guesswork. Maybe use snippets as filler music. I was in Winter Haven again, what a surprise that all three of my barber shops are all vacant. What do I know that others don’t that I get my haircuts in the next town? Are all three relocated or bankrupt or what? Isn’t that something?
           Progress on the front bedroom is a peak topic because so many people out west would like to see Florida but balk at the cost. Bad timing, since the nasty summer weather is only hours away. But that leaves the upcoming November, and I’ve had a couple inquiries. The major attraction seems to be that shortly, this place will be wired for high-speed everything. I haven’t been out for a while, so I dropped in to the old club. That five-piece band that sounds like AM radio was there with a new guitarist. Finally, somebody on stage that’s older than me. True to the prime directive of guitardom, the band played the identical song list as before.

           This is an album cover photo. I’ll make the explanation multiple choice. A) I’m a lonely old man nobody writes to. B) a staged photo that all my letters never get replies. C) I’m out of touch with the world because I don’t text. D) it’s a dig that people who text are 15 years behind the times. E) I just emptied the mail.

           Dawn was on duty and I was right about the name of that nursing course. Phlebotomy. I was also right about shift work, early hours, and the hassle of dealing with patients who don’t like needles. What I didn’t find out was what the pay was like. It’s always been a guarded subject, with the instructors saying only, “it depends”. My guess is around $20 per hour, based on the $2,000 expense of taking the course. You watch, I’ll get the information out of her. It’s depressing but she is becoming increasingly eccentric over time, and is doing so in the exact manner I witnessed throughout my career. I’ll describe it as long as you bear in mind her case is minor compared to the phone company.
           Generally, these are women who married the wrong guy and wound up single at 30. They say these women never learn and keep making the same bad choices, but my observation is the fact remains only that sort of men will still ask them out. Sorry, gals, I side with the men on this one. Given a choice between a divorcee with two kids and a dead-end lifestyle, or a fresh young babe, personality hardly matters. And I’ll tell you why. It’s because women who have dated weak men always wind up treating any new guy in the same manner that caused the divorce. It’s a vicious circle, because women who date the right men stay married and keep those men off the market—for marriage but not for affairs, Theresa.

           This is a broad brush, but dating frogs is the most common element in the hundreds of single women I observed. Many of them go through the motions of keeping their figure to snag a better man second time around, but fall prey to men who are in the game for themselves. For me the bottom line is if all women wind up treating you the same, the trick is to find one you can tolerate and forgive—and that has been a life-long chore for me. Any time I wanted a miserable life, I could have shacked up most gals I’ve dated. As it stands now, I’ve not met a keeper since 1999.
           Who recalls I once asked Dawn out? In 2016, thereabouts. Not so much a date, as I was in an adjustment period at the time, and asked her to a day at the science museum in Tampa. She didn’t say either way and the opportunity passed. And you know my rule about asking twice. Technically, that would make her the fourth woman I’ve asked out in my life. It was evident at the time she still wanted a buck stud and that has never been my manner. Over the two years passed, it has been amusing to watch her date a series of strapping hillbillies ten years her junior. And, she’s going spinny.
           I’d place Dawn at around 45 now, and I hope she likes cats. I’ll only admit it from a safe distance now, but I was at an intensely vulnerable stage right after I moved here. If she had gone on that date, she would probably have been the one.

           Nashville sends me the head’s up on playing cupid. JZ took a mild interest in meeting one of the gals seen in various background photos of my travels. Sorry, you don’t get a turn. Let’s just say, these two are not made for each other. Squelch that entire idea except for the part that JZ may actually keep current with the idea of visiting Nashville. It’s not my house to say he can stay, but that may not be an obstacle if I’m house-sitting, according to—and get this nickname—the Reb. It’s a long story, but until further notice, she is the Reb, or just Reb.

           How about that Virgin Mobile? The missed calls from April 7th – 9th are just showing up now. I’ve heard other complaints of dead air time and cell towers going dead. That’s strange because the profit margins on cellular are huge. Then again, for basic phone service I don’t squawk at the $20 per month tab, so I hope they are not floundering. This is a current issue because of the pending WiFi service and smart phone that should happen here if suitable service can be arranged.
           As usual, there is nobody in my age group to ask, and none of the people supposed to be wired-in can answer my basic questions. They simply accept the service they’ve got and don’t know the features of their own equipment. I figured as much. And we are not talking intricate anything, I’m asking like can you show me how fast it takes to bring up speed dial, or how long it takes to transmit an e-mail. They don’t know. They only text and phone. The other $580 was a waste of good money.

Last Laugh
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What's going on out there? Lowest readership in years, just one day, but still. This usually indices some big new release or yet another social media "upgrade". I went over the stats and it's true. There were actually three times today when nobody was here. One I can understand, but three hours?

No problem, whatever it is, we have the staying power and you'll be back. Yes, I've been a little lax on the timing and posts, but you know that just means more and better is on the way.

In case you are wondering, there were only 28 people here y'day. A record low since 2005, I think.

Later - okay, we are back to three-digit counts. That's better. But I forgot the flash drive at home, so wait for the post. I diss Ernest Hemmingway, mainly because I found out he wasn't a poor man with writing talent who beat the odds.

It's a bath mat that changes color when wet.

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