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Friday, April 5, 2019

April 5, 2019

One year ago today: April 5, 2018, the right kind of band.
Five years ago today: April 5, 2014, WIP, bad link
Nine years ago today: April 5, 2010, three customers all day.
Random years ago today: April 5, 2017, the Baltimore & Oriole.

           Cancel this morning. Even the picture is ho-hum. On the way to Old Hickory, the boys and I passed The Hermitage, Jackson’s old house turned into a museum. My limit for such tours is $12, which I know needs revising, but I balked at spending $20. A contributory factor was the poor advertising. It would seem some faction has decided to turn this historical tour into an anti-slavery forum. Sorry, we get enough of that shit on NPR, we don’t need to be shelling out twenty bucks to hear it from morons as well. This leaves the time free, so I baked up some biscuits. Strange, everything in the kitchen was brand new. Turns out later there was no place in the kitchen really warm enough for the buns to rise as much as I like. God, the excitement around here never ceases. (It's a picture of a dead fish at the lake. The dogs loved it.)
           Plus an extra long walk for the dogs on another gloomy day. Somebody reassure me there are days in Tennessee when the sun shines all the time and it’s warm. Oh, I’ve been here for the Montana weather. The sun high in the sky and half-freezing at ground level. This left me with an empty itinerary Sometimes refurbished train stations are great but the one in Nashville seems to be converted into a luxury hotel, and I don’t even like the kind of people who like luxury hotels. Called Union Station, is it a museum or is it a hotel? Can’t find out from the Internet.

           By now I’ve driven most of the main roads in the area and have not noticed a lot by way of social activities that don’t center on sports or drinking. Tell you what, let me glance through MeetUp’s top 50. I may just be out of luck. In any order, here are the offerings I looked into. Remember my advice to meet women. Read where women go to meet men and go there.

           • Franklin Friends
           • Dazzling Dames
           • LifeScapes
           • Polka Dot Powerhouse
           • Nolensville Area Lunch Bunch
           • Fun Happenings Social Group

           Rejects included all the ethnic, dining, hiking, marketing, speaking, real estate, queer, religion, pet-owners, and crypto-currency operations. I didn’t rule out tree planting or square dancing, but these center in Franklin, which is 35 miles from here. And I wasn’t planning on joining a driving club. That’s a little Tennessee humor there, son. With my usual eye out for patterns, I noticed most of the women’s clubs had restricted memberships or waiting lists over a year long. So I opened any pages that had pictures available to confirm it is what I expected. It was, and here's a picture because it's a picture. A pile of leaves in a Tennessee back yard.
           Why doesn’t anybody get it over with and form one massive club for overweight women over 40 with beady eyes who live with cats? This all mainly goes to show there will never be a club that meets my standards. Women, yes, but clubs, no. I see that dominates all the activities of this nature. There was a CodeWorks I just missed and there is a Maker Faire in October, but that bunch hates telling what day. The Dark Blue Comedy is sold out until April 20, at which time I hope to be watering my lawn in Florida.

Picture of the day.
Livingston’s Turacot.
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           Unable to find any real interesting activities, it turned out to be more interesting to just keep on looking. What would I have gone to, had there been any? Product expositions, boat or car shows, tech seminars, foreign films, almost any workshops, knitting, and just about anything musical from marching band practice to puppet shows. In frustration, I decided to go shopping. I’ve decided this place needs that pot for cooking grits. Those who know your grits know the pot has to be the right size. Two cups of finished grits with 1-1/2 inches of steam room. Or you get grits porridge or grits pancakes and that is not good enough, Chumley.
           On the return leg, I missed Tulip Grove and had to turn around at the Mapco (gasoline station). And look, right next door, the famous dive, the “Double E”. Who remembers the Double Eagle? Nobody, that was centuries ago, and I think that’s the last time this pub was painted. Not one to miss an opportunity, I was in there bellying up to the counter. The waitress was one of them floozy types, perfect for the part. I don’t know how far I am from civilization but she had not heard any of my natural figures of speech and called the other server gals over just to listen. I thought “keep the iron” was a universal phrase for the change as a tip. She’d never heard “Buttwiper” or “where’s the little accountant’s room”.

           Nextwise, needing gas, I stopped at the “Road House” biker bar. Ooooh, talk about fine looking women. I guess the lure of the Harley still works in some neighborhoods. I stayed for only one Bud, the goods were just two tempting and all the guys were sumo wrestlers. Mind you, I was the only man in there less than 280 pounds. By now it is after dark, so one more at the “Rusty Urinal” but once again it was dead. The first night I was there, a Tuesday or something, the day I met Kayla, must have been exceptionally busy. That place is so dead, yet it has the best décor so far.
           I left and stopped at “Shooters”, where the one lady server likes me. But she’s shacked up. Still, she gave me her e-mail and I’ll throw her on the mailing list. Let her see what she’s missing, if anything. I may consider my life to be everyday and boring, but I could still take her away from all that. I was home by 9:30PM only to realize we are out of meat treats for the dogs. And out of cheap cheese. I knew I forgot something. So I had to substitute expensive turkey sausage and cheddar, see photo. It’s shaped like hot dogs but costs $2 each. Dang dogs ate better than I did today.

           There is a foreign film theater in SW Nashville, a part of town I don’t know. The Belcourt. I’ve also heard of a workshop in Mt. Juliet. It might be for women only, like that would stop me. I found it because they have classes for building articles of home décor. Canvas pillows, spice racks, type of thing. The owners are a mother-daughter team but if you read closely, it is a franchise. You pay about $50, they supply the tools and materials. That makes it within the price range for a birthday party and such. Remind me to walk in there by accident, there’s a barber shop next door.

           Sigurd Vedal. That’s the name of the guy who runs the sugar daddy site in Europe. He matches up college girls to older rich men. However, he keeps getting shut down because of his advertising. His opponents say it is sexist and he has been charged with such “crimes” as public incitement to debauchery. I thought only New York lawyers could come up with idiotic things of that nature. Those who want to shut him down claim his ads reduce women to “sexual objects”. The sites are called RMB for Rich Meet Beautiful and they are blocked to US residents. Um, you might want to ask how they know you are a US resident. (Hint: use a VPN in Germany.)

           Of course I disagree because it is censorship. It also removes one of the prime incentives for men to get rich, and when it is all said and done, rich men are a necessary and vital component of our society. It doesn’t matter who doesn’t like them, they are what propels all progress in the world. And as for considering college women as sexual objects, don’t go blaming that on anybody else.
           Hmmmm, incitement to debauchery. Since when is debauchery illegal? What? In all 50 states? Read 'em the debauchery act!

Last Laugh