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Wednesday, May 22, 2019

May 22, 2019

One year ago today: May 22, 2018, none will guarantee.
Five years ago today: May 22, 2014, it can work against me.
Nine years ago today: May 22, 2010, the $28 tuna melt.
Random years ago today: May 22, 2011, introducing SPAM singles.

           Did I say Percy Pierce again? It’s Percy Priest, so do a mental find & replace. It’s too hot for me to bother. We were there at dawn to watch the spillwater and find out the A/C repairman can’t show up until this Friday. Those repairmen must make a killing, but then again, I think the delay might be it’s a service contract. I was on-line with a guitar player who needs a country bassist. But he wants to form a “full band”, which has some specific quirks where guitar players are concerned. He strums acoustic but wants not one, but two lead players. I said send me your song list.
           You see, I know I can carry a four-hour show with just an acoustic strummer, in case the whole band quits. We talked a bit about crowds, and I have a perspective on that for you. I don’t care for rooms full of married people, for a frank reason. Singles and unmarried couples will outwardly enjoy good entertainment. Married couples turn inward, expecting the entertainment to cater to their relationship. It’s usually subtle, but it can reach awful levels. I don’t play “Melancholy Baby”.
           The Reb and I rarely agree on a place to go for this very reason. If you add up all the time I’ve been in exclusive twosomes in my life, it comes to really only around 6-1/2 years. You should not expect me to go hear a band at a restaurant unless I get married. I find married couples and their entire atmosphere boring and stuffy. Nor would I go to hear a solo act at some restaurant because they “serve great steaks”.

           The guitarist asked about my other big bands, I mentioned Hollywood. So I looked that band up, they will always be in existence simply because they always have been. Two gigs a year. I see the lady singer isn’t there, and they have yet another bass player. That makes sense because they will never keep a good bassist due to their piss-poor attitude toward the instrument and those who play it. If the new guy’s song list has enough crowd-pleasers in it, I’ll learn the list. But no band until he calls me because everybody else quit. Don’t laugh, I made a semi-career out of that situation during the 80s. A lot of country classic music is still around due to lack of a decent replacement.

Picture of the day.
Actual guitar strings.
(From inside on iPhone.)
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           Here’s the troop taking a break. My stunt double has to lose some weight, I’ll speak to him. That favorite trail through the power lines is now plastered with no trespassing signs. Hmmm, that is near the spot that lady was walking an unleashed pit bull back in March, the one that attacked Sparky. A lot of the properties over there do run under the power lines. The designs have several warnings about biting people so I wonder if there has been an incident.
           The signs posted, see photo, are the type used to limit dog-owner liability in case of an attack. I do know the lady whose dog attacked did not show any signs of remorse. That makes more sense if she regarded us as trespassers. But her attitude was that her dog was just doing his job. That has got something written all over it.

           We all know better than to get fired up over an audition, but I have a call back from a unique group. Unique as in have played over 2,000 shows that I know of. Here’s what we know so far. They are a professional back-up band, and I’ve seen them a few times without really knowing who they were. My ad spells out that I’m not into big bands, but that would not apply to Nashville. And I’ll tell you why. A pro back-up band in this town means an excellent shot at guest appearances. We are talking Merle, Willie, Faith, and this group has played with Stevie Wonder and Lynard Skynard.
           They, or I should say their manager, sent me a list of 49 songs, 22 of which I’ve played. Most of the others I’ve not played because they are rejects. But put me on the stage in Nashville and my preferences take a powder. I’ve taken time to watch their videos, and I’ve got a good twenty years on anybody in that band. Still, I know my bass playing is well into their league and it looks like they’ve got the worst of both worlds right now—a guitar player wannabe on bass.

           Further investigation shows this band (as I suspected) goes through so many personnel changes even their blurbs state membership as “of this moment”. And I see their bassists are no younger than I am. I’ve got a theory on that. I’ve told how the bass player that inspired me was older than the rest of the band, and now that I’ve become that bass player and beyond, I think there may be a social aspect to it all
           Maybe the only bass players that survive the meatgrinder are the older ones. I always though it had to do with the fact they represent more stability than a shave-tail player, but now I’m throwing pure age into the mix. It’s simple, you don’t get anywhere playing bass like a guitar player, so only the long-term dedicated few make the grade. Just a theory.

Last Laugh