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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

May 21, 2019

One year ago today: May 21, 2018, rhythmist wanted.
Five years ago today: May 21, 2014, learning memory gates.
Nine years ago today: May 21, 2010, ghost town.
Random years ago today: May 21, 2007, the dust & heat.

           Here’s the dawn patrol at the Percy Pierce (dam) at 0812 hours this morning. Normally, a lady to pat them and tell them they are good dogs is all they can manage to find, but I have a tale from the trailer court for you. As we pulled into the lot, there was a troop of Tennessee’s finest trying to train what looked like a black lab to follow a scent. This struck me odd as police normally use German shepherds. I gave them a wide berth.
           Around twenty minutes later, I sat down on a rock and Sparky started rooting around. The dog trainers walked past with their lab. Of all the, Sparky found what they hid and their own dog did not. Um, all this was further curious because by now it was clear our paths had crossed, but all six of them, in matching T-shirts, avoided even looking in our direction. Covert ops, I guess. Here’s a photo of them in the distance, I dared not get closer with the camcorder. Very hush-hush, and it’s not like I informed them I wrote a blog. But if they find Hoffa, I want it on record Sparky found him first.

           She was 88F out there today. I could have stayed in Miami for this kind of heat. Other than walking the dogs and washing the car, it was indoors. Caught all afternoon with nothing but Star Trek DVDs. Has that series gone downhill. Right now, in the middle of an outer space firefight, they are evacuating pregnant women. Yep, that’s progress. I got fifty cents says within the next five scenes, one of them goes into labor. What a premise to operate a starship.
           But, as pioneered by the Lost Ark series, these productions often make up for lack of plot with spectacular special effects. What, between Hollywood and the military, we all knew the entitlement gang would put computers to good use. Now they have A.I. “scientists” working on fellating robots, due to the inability of hipsters to get the real thing, one can only suppose.

           If you scrutinize the video clip above, you can spot how the moment my back is turned, the critters have figured out how to open automatic doors. But now, Sparky, he hasn’t figured out they also close automatically. The Reb is out of town. I sent her this clip because she knows you can’t make this sh*t up. I freely admit many of the scenes in this blog are posed, or at the least, culled from dozens to get the best effect. Let that not diminish the overriding fact that these photos are real and do a credible job of capturing every mood as presented by the accompanying text. Because you’re worth it.
           How about that anti-grope app gaining popularity in Japan, where the crowded trains double as massage parlors? It works by having a phone yell help. They’ve had to resort to women-only carriages, but of course, the feminist contingents here in America would never tolerate such discriminate behavior. Unless there was some money in it for them. Just ask Bill Cosby, who probably wishes he’d just paid up. And to think Japanese culture was foisted on American workers as a role model back in the 90s. Yup, high productivity, low scoring averages, they don’t call it the bullet train for nuttin’.

Picture of the day.
City Park, New Orleans.
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           Here’s the turtle that’s going to Florida, as far as we know. Shown here, from 6:30AM this morning, a massage, then some poolside dancing, followed by dinner. And take a bow. Meet JeePee, the critter bound for Paradise Gardens, the box turtle Utopia of the Sun Belt. This beats living in an RV outside Google headquarters because the jobs there don’t pay enough to rent an apartment. (Google Gardens?) But it’s a coin toss whether that’s the fault of Google, or the fault of pro-immigrant liberals who’ve turned most remaining American jobs into minimum wage dead-ends. This, folks, is why before I hand anybody a dollar, I’ve changed and now want to know their politics. They ruined the America I grew up in. And don’t hand me that white privilege crap until you’ve seen rural Texas at its worst.
           The A/C is still on the fritz. Do you think they call it the living room because you have to live there with all the fans on? I didn’t think so, it was a rhetorical question. This place is the only one I’ve ever seen with no windows in the kitchen. Every room in my house, except the crapper, has windows on at least two walls. So, the USPS is resorting to self-driving trucks. There goes the career paths of all them Liberal Arts grads. And, in a move that capitalizes on how few people read service contracts, most of the wired-in generation have given up their right to form class actions. There’s your prime example of how complete idiots give up their freedoms, one right at a time. Can you just see the lot of them joining any fight to preserve their total rights? Heck no, that’s not how they’ve been taught.

Last Laugh