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Monday, June 17, 2019

June 17, 2019

One year ago today: June 17, 2018, favorite raccoon recipies.
Five years ago today: June 17, 2014, allow me to interpret.
Nine years ago today: June 17, 2010, yeah, I painted chalets.
Random years ago today: June 17, 2008, a 13-hour day.

           Here’s the welcome back party at the lake. Sure, these scenes have become routine, kind of a blog fixture. But that’s the other side of the coin where you get new adventures now and again. Living above subsistence level is becoming increasingly expensive in America. It’s become a treat to get away like this, you just aren’t going to see a lot of other people in the background of any lake pictures. We are often the only ones there. This picture was a couple hours after the airplane landed. Little else happened except we went shopping. That was a riot, alas, it will take a lot of review before any of that hilarious footage shows up here. You see, the store made the tactical error of putting us in front of video cameras. Have you seen my impression of Oprah in the cabbage aisle? And the tango lesson with the potatoes, something else.
           What can I say? The situation back west is not resolved. There are pending decisions, none of which are going to make things easier in the long run. My resources are limited and I had to spend half a week dealing with idiots. I’m reminded that back west we still have stupid people but it is a different and more stubborn brand of stupid. I’ll tell you about one episode. This guy sends me a note about a location I cannot find on-line. He says my search criteria is wrong, I send him a screenshot to prove I got it right. He throws a tizzy, demanding to know what computer, opsys, time of day, all kinds of crap, while I could not really care less. But he will not quit with that. Stubborn.

           With this and the bass playing, nothing else had room to happen today. I get yet another song list, this one trimmed to 44 songs, but adding a couple new numbers. One is “Green Onions”, a tune so far back in time it even sounds like a game show theme. I’m still collecting the things I need to get this music happening. I will use every resource I can, including cheat sheets, tabs, and sheet music which I can read if I find it. Sheet music is one of the rare items that has not gone downhill like the rest.
Trivia. Today I learned that the Nobel Prize is only awarded to people who are alive. I found out many a single recipient was the result of teamwork where the others had died. Hardly seems fair. And that rules out my posthumous but precedent-setting category for bass playing.

Picture of the day.
Star Wars “alphabet”.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Some kafuffle over Trump canning a bunch of science advisory panels. Typical liberal hubbub about losing their cushy jobs. You see, while these panels profess to aid in complex decision-making, the reality is they have become little more than forums for broadcasting their uber-liberal agendas at public expense. Most of what they do is already equally ineptly overseen by other government agencies. They generally have the least scientific of mindsets, instead they push agendas like climate change and public land usage. And they get paid $50 an hour for it. There is one major reason above all they should be disbanded. All too often, when they do anything, they will not release the “scientific findings” behind their positions, like it is secret and belongs only to them.
           Get the record straight. These people are not scientists. They have totally political agendas, like their committee to “protect minority populations from pollution”. Does that imply the majority can go fend for themselves, or that minorities in America are not already bleeding the system dry? It is pure liberal propaganda that sending these jokers packing is in any way muzzling the scientific establishment. Liberals, by and large, would not know real science if it bit them in the armpit.

Last Laugh