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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

June 19, 2019

One year ago today: June 19, 2018, roughly the same size.
Five years ago today: June 19, 2014, computers, but no robots.
Nine years ago today: June 19, 2010, addicting walnuts.
Random years ago today: June 19, 2015, a whiff or two.

           Today’s project was to get the cuts for the beer box standardized. The market name looks like “HopsAlong” or “Hops-Along” may stick. Ha, I just got the pun. To make the parts interchangeable, Whitney-style. It will require better tools, and yeah, I’ve heard the Gump version that it’s the carpenter not the tool. But there is a good reason they make specialty tools and an equally good reason good carpenters have them. Shown here is the best I can to here, and every cut has to be clamped.

           There’s seldom a shortage of ideas and the Reb says one potential market is people who home brew. It’s still a big deal Florida, she says there are similar clubs here the size of small warehouses. This design is easily copied by anyone with the inclination, so I’m leaning ever more to some design feature that requires a tool most home shops would not possess. It wouldn’t have to be much and who remembers the electric branding irons we looked at not so long ago? The most expensive ran around $200 and that’s well within budget.
           When I was a kid, I never fell for those woodburning art kits which would test the patience of them Buddhist monks. The results were always inconsistent which is what I may be looking for here. Another consideration is to change the design to use all jigs, since I have a separate saw and drill for everything back at Alpha Two. An example might be to make the half-lap joints right into the end pieces.

           History shows how politics follows a long, multi-generational creep of liberalism into a nation, followed by sharp, nasty rightist reactions. And the cycle starts over again. Are we living in such a moment? The president has finally drained one swamp, the heads of the immigration department that were ignoring directives to enforce existing law. Fired the lot of them. The media is downplaying the positive results of removing the illegals but it is to no avail. YouTube is shutting down “dissenting” sites, but it fools nobody that those sites are anti-liberal.
           These may soon be the most tumultuous period of our history since the Civil War. There is talk off door-to-door arrests and deportation, and of armed resistance. Some say that would be a blessing in disguise. My position is I support Trump as a businessman, not as a politician. I don’t care who he used to talk to or his tax filings—he is doing what he said he would and prior to that is not the oppositions business. They are conducting searches without any warrants and it smells of a sting operation. What they are doing is illegal in America.

           Politicians don’t like it when somebody starts keeping promises; it’s a precedent they truly despise. Anyway, I’m going to lean back and watch this one. If I take sides, it would be with the majority. As for 2020, Americans are fed up. Once the first illegal tries to get smart with the authorities, Trump is in by a landslide. Any sensible person knows that people who are present illegally don’t have the same rights as those who are. First on the list are illegals who are in jail, next are those who didn’t show up for their hearings, and the roughly one million already issued removal orders. These people have no business in America. Trump has not, in majority opinion, gone far enough in firing immigration employees who are using their jobs as anti-government platforms.
           Top traitors there are attorneys and mayors who owe their jobs to illegals. They are advising illegals to swamp the system by appealing, a tactic planned to overwhelm deportation resources which are known to have a shortage of beds and field agents. It’s unpatriotic and as far as I last heard, illegal to counsel others how to commit a crime. As for the rest of the rhetoric, let’s not forget Mexico is also a nation of immigrants. Few people there spoke a word of Spanish there as little as 500 years ago. I’m curious to see how Mexico welcomes them back, as they are returning with American-style job skills, something sorely lacking in most countries that are more proud of their culture than their worker productivity. And I am against using airplanes to fly these people back, that is just a retarded waste of good money. There are much better ways.

           For the record, I support any good cause. But not at the expense the freedom of America or its citizens. The country is already spending a trillion dollars a year on welfare and anything that trims that by a single penny is worth pursuing. Unfortunately, the only solution is cut everybody off and start over again on a case-by-case basis. Note this does not apply to social insurances (medical, unemployment, etc.) that government sources love to include along with outright welfare handouts in order to confuse the issue and to make it sound socially positive.
           Most Americans view welfare is a social cancer, a parasite on the taxpayer. Parenthood, lack of job skills, and sheer stupidity should not be grounds for getting free money. Anybody who really wants a job in America can get one, a situation that could drastically improve once the illegals are gone. Every reasonable American understands that every society has a tiny group of the sincerely lazy who would rather starve than work, but they should be wards of the church, not the state.

Picture of the day.
Paint factory.
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           What’s with these rainstorms? The Reb says it’s only been the past few years. I wouldn’t know, but I’m used to rain every day. Sadly, the neighbor I’ve mention here lost a brother this morning. They were a year apart, but due to an eye operation, went through school together in the same grades. That makes for a typically dysfunctional childhood, but they remained friendly enemies to the end. Now I’ll stick around until after that settles, but yes, I want to go home. But not until I look at Dolly Parton’s banjo. What’s a trip to Nashville without that? And I would at least like to settle on one batch of tunes the Reb would like since it is a given we would be playing out. It’s the premise of how we met.
           For the few who asked, the Elm Street Marina is not a big place. Here is a picture from the shoreline. The covered area to the left is outdoor dining, something I don’t care for. That area is on pylons. The band shell is the tent-like canopy on the right side, it’s floating. Notice the walkway around the edges lacks a guard rail.

           I see there is an electric airplane about to hit the market. Half of all domestic flights would be within the performance envelope says the Israeli company, adding the plane is incredibly easy to fly. No photos yet, but it has three rotors. The US, which by now should be serviced by high speed rail, tells us that industry is completely stifled by some very powerful unknowns. It’s not hard to guess, mind you. Look at Spain, the instant they put in their high-speed rail, airline bookings plummeted in half. It’s simple, once you get where you are going, trains are better than planes. But would electric planes not be silent? That changes the whole airport dynamic.
           We looked at the tethered electric planes on the Naples-Miami run, where power was via a cable dragged along a ground track. The electric plane is not new tech, it replaces fossil fuel with electric motors, which are about twice as heavy. Thus, calling these “electric jets” is a misnomer. They are not jets, but ordinary airplanes with light-weight batteries driving electric motors with propellers attached. These have flown since the 1950s, the barrier has always been the energy and weight limitations of batteries. Solar powered planes have circled the globe.

           The Texas welfare queen was on the radio again, that’s the lady who phones in with all the arguments why she doesn’t work—and makes perfect sense if you overlook a few basic facts. Her main pitch is the working people can moralize all they want but if somebody offered them a million dollars, they would take it and never work again. In that regard, she is correct. The concept, she insists, is that you are dumb to work if the opportunity exists not to. And that is all she’s doing—accepting society’s offer to pay her way. Therefore, people who get up and go to work are dumb.
           What keeps me listening is this lady is obviously articulate and quite educated. With federal and state benefits, she gets $2,300 monthly in total assistance. She’s shacked up with a man on his own welfare and they both work under the table whenever possible. I see her point there, that if she reports $10 in income, they deduct $20 from her welfare check. However, I’m anti-welfare and triple-anti-welfare when it comes to career breeders. That is the height of parental irresponsibility.

           She calls station KLBJ if you can find a recording. The DJ is equally sharp, like he says, there is a gun to his head if he doesn’t pay taxes, but nothing forcing her to go on welfare, so her comparisons are invalid. One caller points out how the equation would change is she said somebody offered a million dollars stolen from her neighbors. Because that is how welfare really works. It creates a permanently dependent sub-class who think their situation is perfectly justified. I’m reminded of a character I once knew who actually thought his welfare check came “from the government” and would not believe any nonsense about any connection with taxes.

Last Laugh