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Sunday, June 30, 2019

June 30, 2019

One year ago today: , 4-1/2 octaves.
Five years ago today: ,
Nine years ago today: ,

           The yard work is getting caught up as I discover more about homeownership than I cared to know. Here is one of my emergency candles from the white work shed. A Florida rat has been gnawing at the paraffin wax. Myself, I once tried a purple crayola and let me say, the flavor was not quite as bad as theater popcorn, more like furniture polish, actually. I might take some anti-rat measures, since I saw one across the street regularly visiting the postman’s garbage bin. Isn’t all this blogging over yard work just the cat’s meow? There, I never thought I’d use that expression.
           What did happen is the areas of the yard treated with the iron spray bloomed. It took weeks and sometimes months. The chrysanthemums from Harbor Heights that looked like goners are truly bright green. I had surrounded them with devil’s backbones, which also took but more sporadically. Ah, Mother Nature is so finicky. Well, except about the breeding habits of the lower orders. That, she could use some pointers on, particularly along the Boston – Washington axis.

           It’s Sunday, for crying out loud. No major flings or dings, just more time on the house and yard. The devil’s backbones just mentioned have shown two styles of bright leaves. I’m going to take cuttings of the best of the best and see it I can train it as ground cover or hedge or small bush, whichever starts to look good. I’ve got my pruning shears and kneepads, a spray can of skeeter repellent, and the rest of the morning. Ahead of the sun, I mean, let it blister the ground, not my back.
           I finally figured out how that little timer cube works. It has numbers 1-3-5-7 around one set of faces. When you turn the cube, say with the 5 facing up, tap it on the desk and it will beep after five minutes. This is handy as hell since way over in this room you can’t hear anything from the kitchen. It must have a series mercury switches inside, each positioned to react to gravity at the right orientation. Hmmm, that’s type of electronic branching that provokes ideas with the Arduino.

           This next picture is an upside-down musical jewelry box. It’s at the moment, drying from a quick application of Danish oil. JeePee, the turtle, is drawn to music, from what we know he will climb stairs to get near the electric piano. He is trained to respond to my whistle, the same I use to summon the birds. This is for when I’m not there. I used the timer just mentioned to calculate how long it takes to wind down. The most common trouble with these classic gizmos is a broken mainspring.
           So JeePee has it down to a three-winder for regular days, a four-winder for holidays. Well sure, turtles have holidays. You mean you’ve never heard of St. Poindexter, the patron saint of the Galapagos. He can tell which island French women come from by the hair in their wingpits. This music box is to make JeePee feel right at home when I’m not around. It plays, “What The World Needs Now”, a touching little number.

           That guy I don’t like is at the Thrift again. He’s got something to do with the church that funds the place. I dislike him for a number of reasons, so if there are any shopkeepers reading this, sit up and listen. First, what people buy really is not your place to comment on. Ring it up and move along. Did I know this used DVD had an “R” rating? Well, I’m over 18 so how about we let me worry about things like that. He’s also caused a general rise in prices, but it puts many items out of his target shopper’s range. It looks like an antique rocking chair and might be one. I’m still not going to pay $50 for it. And I’ve got more purchasing power than the entire store at this time.
           Also, it took him far to long to catch on that I don’t chit-chat much, except with pretty women. Anyone who doesn’t like this behavior can go you know. Really, I mean that. I know from experience that I look like an interesting person to some people, but that does not obligate me to enter into conversations with them. And one of the most common delusions in the American masses is that if someone has leadership qualities that he naturally wants to lead those masses, and all they need do is get in line to be led. Hell no. I get paid to associate with people I don’t like, much less lead them.

Picture of the day.
Key lime pie.
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           Has this organic food thing gone too far? Here’s my hummingbird juice and I just noticed it plugs no red dye, see photo. So, I read the contents label. Ha, I knew it. The moment I saw the “Made in Wisconsin” sticker, I knew they were lacing it with something. Here we go, all ingredients not found in Nature. Sucrose, fructose, dextrose. The birds don’t seem to mind, but when you see the fatso crowd at McD’s, it means evolution doesn’t produce instinctively good eaters. When this batch of artificial sweetener is gone, I’ll look for something that contains actual bird food. Maybe make my own.
           What’s that beside the bottle? That’s my breakfast. Apple slices with brown sugar and ginger sprinkle. You can have all the fruit you want. Or all you can afford. Have you seen the prices on this stuff lately? That constitutes my mention of food, always a blog darling. Except to say I roasted a big batch of potatoes with onion and Italian seasoning. You can tell Italian by the hair in . . . oops, I already used that one. Do you think this nectar concentrate has any addiction-causing chemicals in it? The kind that would be denied by the industry?

           I’m going to digress here and you get a magazine grade article, once again for free. That’s really free, not some 50 shades of millennial free. Around the 20 minute point, the DVD “Who Killed The Electric Car” finally gets down to some useful facts. I was around in 1990 when California pushed through a zero emissions bill. I also knew it would not work for one basic reason. California cannot function without the motor vehicle and Detroit knows it. The car industry has its own agenda and they knew that California alone could not provide enough demand to uproot existing technology.
           People were leery of the cars because they needed special recharging stations. Consumers who might take a chance on such vehicles tend to have minds of their own, which isn’t a key factor in California day-to-day operations. There were ads, but they smacked of liberalists not saying they would buy a $100,000 electric car, but would certainly make laws requiring you to do so. As it was, the car industry just waited. As the deadline approached, they had no zero-emission cars to sell and California caved. They amended the law to say production would be based on demand.
           Unlike a car full of batteries and wires, demand is an intangible—and the Big Three have platoons of skilled manipulators at the ready. Look what they can do with MPG stats. So it was not so much the electric car that got killed as the demand. I saw news reports on the car, it was powerful, quiet, and had a range of 120 miles

           Nor was it American politicians that got oil prices back down. It was the Saudis themselves, who were, and probably still are, terrified by things like the American space program. The moon landing was incomprehensible to the leadership over there. They followed the shuttle program more intensely than most Americans, and it was that which convinced them America could do anything. When electric cars started appearing, it sent shivers down such spines as they have and OPEC got the memo. Drop prices to where electric cars are uneconomical.
           If they did not believe more intensely than Americans do that an electric car is viable, by tomorrow oil prices would be $500 per barrel and headed for $1,000. Because deep inside, they believe they had a perfect world until the Great Satan and their Zionist buddies showed up in the 1930s and ruined it with their ridiculous ideas that women were equal. Of all western ideas, that is the one they hate and fear the most. And it is a bastion they will fight for to the death.
           But, in America itself, it was the demand that got killed. The price was too high and there was no infrastructure to support fleets of these cars. I’d also heard the motor and frame was modular, which would have been a knee to the groin of the repair shops. Meanwhile, the video keeps up the pressure that the only solution is more and bigger government. They contend the car lobby is too powerful for anyone to go up against except a Federal government, or at least one under liberal control. This nonsense has been around a long time. And can you see the government going in and fixing anything? They can’t even fix an election, and lordy knows they’ve tried.

Last Laugh