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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

July 16, 2019

One year ago today: July 16, 2018, pan okay Jesus movie.
Five years ago today: July 16, 2014, I was a landlord . . .
Nine years ago today: July 16, 2010, Dave-O can’t play shit.
Random years ago today: July 16,2015, take the money & run.

           One egg. That’s all I had left, and that’s good. A twelve-hour shift triggers your famish mode. Here’s a photo of the type of work I’m doing myself. Heavy duty at my age, and let it put a stop to any impatience over my lapse in posting every day. Can’t you see I’m busy? Damn, once you start renovating the shitter, take my word for it you need to get it over with.
           I think it was 50 years ago today Apollo 13 lifted off. But the foot-dragging since then makes individual dates irrelevant. This is moon-landing month, and that’s become close enough. NASA is that aging whore dwelling on past glories. What have they done since then? The shuttle debacle? A few probes? I declare without NASA and their job-preservation priorities, we would be mining Mars by now. And don’t mistake these probes as NASA support for robotics. Now that I’ve studied the field, the Arduino society of amateurs has accomplished more in that field. Good morning.
           Boss Hogg is at it with the mystery hits again. At times, I recognize the odd chorus, such as “Poison Ivy”, but the first time I listened to the entire tune was today. At least I now understand why it never held my interest. Let’s connect some plumbing pipe. Let’s have another fun day in the pit. All’s I can say is a few people snickered when I said I wanted two sinks. Who’s laughing now? It’s a good thing I memorized the plumbing books, since in the shifting around to get materials ready, they’ve all gone missing. You will never have enough space for everything once you live in a palm-based economy.

           The Democrat socialists are ablaze, thinking they’ve cornered the President on a “racist” comment. It was nationalistic at worst, and that makes it patriotic to most. It isn’t lost to the public that the ones who criticize the US the most are from countries that are rotten to the core. Whatever Trump says, what he means is if they don’t like it here, go back where they come from. We are weary of listening to their rhetoric. It was different long ago when protesters wanted to improve the US. Now, they want something different, which is to make it more like where they come from or to get a piece of the action for free.
           Some goof up in New York filed something against Trump and the leftist press is going to town. The snag is, they have not learned these tactics don’t work on the Don. In fact, they backfire. He only said what those who elected him have been saying for years. If the complainers were offering valid suggestions, the citizenry would glom on to it instantly. But the US people don’t cotton to bull-donkey. Trump is the embodiment of that fact. Aside to the New York twerp—by the time I can’t pronounce your last name, the American public has long spotted you’re onto some hidden agenda. Or as I once said of such things, “A name of ponderous consonants, vowels, that is, heavily outnumbered.”

           Don’t get me wrong New York. Your opinions count. It’s just that you’ve become so whacked out that nobody wants to hear them any more. Telling people who don’t like it here to go back where they come from is a stock Americanism. It is not racial in any way, and trying to make it so is a surefire way to look like an idiot. Now we got socialists lining up for the opportunity. Ha, politics or not, I think it is entertaining when people I do not like infuriate themselves.
           Countrywide, there are a few token celebrations for the moon launch. Tampa is playing interviews with some current astronauts, taking pains to make sure they are all women. They even interviewed the one woman who was in the control room during the original mission. What message are we sending the world? It certainly isn’t an accurate one. I’m watching a lawyer movie about a divorce guy who marries one of his clients and gets taken. My favorite line is when he hires a hit man to kill her. He asks if she’ll suffer. The hit man replies only if you pay extra.

Picture of the day.
Fancy haircut.
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           It’s like work, doing the final rough-in plumbing. I had to get materials and was happy to see my fixtures are still reasonably priced. The sinks are $100 each and the medicine cabinets around $140 each. Make that two of everything. Again, not bad considering it is the most expensive part of the job. I say that because I haven’t taken on the kitchen yet. Now, I have some advice for the stoopy-doops of the world. These are the people who take lessons to get in your way. The ones that see you a mile away but won’t move until you get right up to them and ask to get by. You know who you are.
           Well, here’s one to add to your repertoire. If you see a station wagon who backed into a parking spot in an otherwise empty lot, and there is a vacant spot behind him, take it. And pull up so close to his bumper that he cannot open the back hatch without starting his car and moving ahead. In the rain. Remember, stoopy-doops, there is nobody anywhere more important or busier than you are. They only think they are, and it is your duty to drag them down to your level. That includes those pesky ambulance drivers, always in some big hurry. Not to mention those nervy people behind you in line who leave their ATM-ing to the last minute. Can’t they see you need to read the directions every time? Sometimes twice? Like, in case the menu has changed.

           And here, what other blog will send you the dimensions for a medicine cabinet cavity? I’ve got to the stage where I may be able to floor in half the space and leave the rest temporarily to tend to the rest of the building. I see half my readership abandons me every time I miss a couple posts consecutively. No worry, the blog carries on. Sooner or later they’ll have to give a Nobel for persistence. I dropped out for a couple of beers last night. It’s what we heavy duty construction types do. As for music, I’ve almost nailed the bass line to the Doobies’ “Listen to the Music”. As for stage presentation, Dooby Brothers are about my ultimate challenge.
           I particularly like their bass lines because they aren’t just adapted guitar licks. One aspect is their walk-ups and walk-downs beginning long before the chord changes. This is my specialty, I’ve done an 8-measure walk-down behind guitar breaks, which is no mean feat. Because I avoid open string work, this tends to make the movements flashy. Right up my alley, innit? It also means I tend to confirm any key changes with Nashville. Who in turn insinuate a pro musician should play in any key. I get their point, because I can play in any key. But do they get mine?

           From our “Two can play that game” department, the Trump administration is set to stop the requirement for banks to ask ethic questions. These questions are the idiocy that tracks how many non-whites the banks lend mortgage money to. It is from a liberal fantasy of some sort. Well, if the census cannot ask a person’s nationality, then banks can’t ask similar questions. Ha! The lefties can’t have it both ways. Politically, I’m in the middle, but sound rightist because I believe in personal freedom.
           As a libertarian, [I believe] all participation should be voluntary. But I’m redneck in the sense that I grant the oppressed the privilege of fighting back. And nobody is more oppressed than the taxpayer in a socialistic environment. Years ago I predicted it is rednecks that will save America. Yet some people still say it like it was a bad thing.

           There was a man arrested in Tampa for what I consider to be a bullshit charge. He was involved in an auto accident and taken to hospital. At which time the report says he shoved an orderly and a policeman. Serious charges, but from the description, it sounds to me like he was acting within his rights. When I was in the hospital from that cop that struck my motorcycle, they sent a number of people to grill me while I was on painkillers. When they found I could not be tricked into anything, the pressure ramped up. If this is policy for someone stone sober, what are they doing to people who’ve had something to drink?
           This is not about the legality of drinking and driving, which is distinct from being impaired. The authorities would have you believe it is all drunk driving, but it isn’t. This is about your Constitutional right against self-incrimination. You cannot be required to testify against yourself. The laws against destroying evidence do not apply to testimony when it comes to things you don’t say. The cops want you to think your right to remain silent only applies if you are arrested, and take special training to get you to break silence. They are allowed to lie to you to get you to talk. They will try to pretend they only want your side of the story for their records.
           Well, I’m here to tell you the cops did everything they could to lean on me over that collision. I would like to hear of some guy pleading self-defense. That he felt they left him no choice. Was he trying to leave the room? Was he being held without charges? Was he being questioned without a lawyer? Was he free to leave and they stood in his way—that’s a perennial cop favorite. There was something funny going on, that’s for sure.

Last Laugh