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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

July 17, 2019

One year ago today: July 17, 2018, decisions, decisions . . .
Five years ago today: July 17, 2014, hey, we elected Nixon . . .
Nine years ago today: July 17, 2010, music, then business . . .
Random years ago today: July 17, 2004, Mars sundial.

           My system said “day off” so let’s see what sort of antics I get up to. Turns out, mostly the usual. Library, shopping, coffee, and minor repairs around the house. Is this my destiny? I hope so, but half my world seems set on preventing just that. I wonder if there is a secret American committee that goes around making sure people over 40 never get to really relax. It makes sense from the angle that they are the last productive element of society left in this once-great country. So milk them dry. Social programs don’t work so great when half the nation is on welfare.
           The Reb’s advice on nutrition is “read the label”. I did before, but from the standpoint of GMO-avoidance. That is, I went along until I saw the word “modified” and that was auto-reject. Other ingredients that turn me off are most corn sweeteners, beef, canola oil, and foods that have ever had a bad reputation in the past, even eggs at one point.

           Consider this product, organic licorice, made in France. Even the packaging seems targeted at the American market. It specifies no peanuts or tree nuts. I was under the impression that such food allergies are largely confined to American “gastro-zombies”, the crowd that has been eating pseudo-food from birth. No soy, no egg, no diary, it goes on, yet these type of allergies were rare to the point of extinction when I was growing up. I’m curious why a country that bans modified food, hence doesn’t have food allergies, makes a label like this?
           So I read the fine print. I was aware American licorice was fake, so for contrast, what have we here for ingredients? Rice flour, and get this, organic brown rice syrup. Huh? Organic licorice extract, how about that? Not that anise substitute. The only unnatural flavor is the natural flavor, now that we know the difference. (Natural flavor can be any nasty chemical, so long as your system will digest it. The stuff is still a man-made synthetic.)
           The label states the product is certified by Ecocert. The serving size is twenty pieces. That’s much more realistic than usual here and I notice that there are no added vitamins or minerals. I wonder if that’s because, over in France, having access to real food, they don’t have to.

           And speaking of food, the word from Tennessee is the doggies will begin to get real meat in their diet. My tie to the fact is Reb wants their food prepared. They are house dogs that have likely never eaten raw meat on any regular basis. Shhh, no need to inform her I’ve been cooking for the dogs over three months already. What, is it food picture time again? Okay. This is my faux barbeque chicken as of 7:30AM today. It is not real barbeque sauce, but a concoction of coconut oil, melted oleo, sweet horseradish, and onion soup powder. Gives it a slight chocolate taste, mmmmm-good.
           But what is in that soup pot back there? Since you asked, it is door hinge soup. Those are the hinges off the bathroom door, which is being rigged to swing open the other way. I’m boiling the layers of paint off. It’s a process that never works as well as the handyman magazines claim. My speculation is it works due to the coefficient of linear expansion. If they turn out to be brass, I’m reusing them because that would be real 1942 brass. During the war, they had a lot more brass mines. Get it, Ken? Brass mines.

Picture of the day.
Dingo fence.
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           Another update from Nashville, adding nine new songs and with a list of gigs for this weekend. Nothing spells more to me that this is a living, breathing band, the added songs are even prioritized. I’ll see if I can get you a copy of their Bizarro set list. If it’s here, the more sharp-eyed reader will spot my influence, even though I’ve only played a half of one set with this group. My influence? Sure. The spelling is better, same with the capital letters, and abbreviations. What’s that you say? Well, hell, you should have seen it before.
           What a nice picture. This is the view currently enjoyed by anybody washing dishes in my kitchen. Such a sad deployment. If I move the sink to the back wall and put windows there, they can keep an eye on the back yard instead. What I’m toying with is putting in an old style restaurant booth in place here. Let me point out a couple items in the picture. First, the tree stump in the bottom left. That’s for the bird bath. Note the back of the lawn chair made from a park bench. The spear plants are visible and that’s a little bell dangling from the birdfeeder. The awning will be painted, just not now.

           How about a news update on the immigration raids? Can’t, the libtoid media is only broadcasting hate speech against Trump. They still cannot believe their barrage of globalist rhetoric was blasted out of the water by his election. For years, American media has groomed all broadcasting to support the existing two parties who between them agreed to never let the voters get near the real problems of immigration, job-loss, and foreign wars. TMOR, please do not blame the average American for such things. At the end of the day, he just wants to go home, feed his family, and spend what little quality time is left to him. This is why Trump terrified the establishment.

           He spoke people talk, nailing down the issues his opposition had been deliberately avoiding. They called him “toxic”. Their bastions of propaganda, the Post and the Times still falsely imply there is a huge anti-Trump movement that would oust him if given a “fair” chance. Up to the night before the election, the liberal media claimed Hillary’s chances of winning were between 91% and 99% when they knew that was an outright lie that continued until the morning after the election was over. By then they’d known Trump was elected in the first half-hour after the polls opened.
           Of course, they been screaming ever since and over any issue they could imagine. They’d already failed at everything from the Obama ploy of tax investigation to election-rigging (which they know when they see it) to having the hired help blab about sex parties. None of it works on the Don, because the American people have had enough of the bullsh that has gone on since the Reagan era. The media isn’t talking, but people are and I can tell you what they are saying.

           Trump is in. He is already elected in 2020 by a landslide. The reason is simple. Jobs. Consider just one aspect of that. The millions of people who got a job back are not going to vote for the bastards that once took it away. That’s the only sort of candidate either party can pit against Trump and they might as well save their breath and their money. It’s fairly certain the tariffs were squarely aimed at American companies who tried to move their operations overseas. Trump made it cheaper for them to stay put. You know what I think? I think I’m not the only one who thinks Trumps apparent inactivity on immigration was intentional. He needed some other solid results behind his presidency before cracking down. And he chose the job market.
           The news sooner or later has to boil over. Tomorrow I’ve slated all day to work with the radio on. Shall we finally see if Americans will take those jobs the Democrat socialists have said they would not? Once the over-supply of unskilled laborers is gone, those jobs should start paying what they out to. Trump has not ordered mass round-ups, a smart move. That not only saves money, it should prompt more than a few illegals to leave on their own. Think of it this way. All the big money they earned under the table here, they used to buy a nice house and car back in Mexico, because they love their country so much they won’t even learn to speak English. What? They spent all their money on what? That’s racist! Huh, you have proof? That’s pre-meditated racist!

           Here’s some statistics from the American experience. What it does not tell is the breakdown by ethnicity. Suicides, runaways, head cases, rapitst, dropout, druggies, juves, these are not equally represented across the races. Or by citizenship. And have you heard the latest bozo theory on that Malaysian passenger jet that went missing? It goes something like this. The entire passenger body and flight crew were part of a suicide pact. They shut off the flight recorders, cut off the oxygen supply, and plunged willingly to their deaths. All of them. Go team.
           Well, except for Mervin the Millennial, who got a standby seat by playing his entitlement card. (He was able to verify there were not enough mommy’s-boys on the flight.) Merv went out screaming. Mind you, it is nice to see someone from that generation finally take a firm stand on something they truly believe in. If it’s any consolation, Merv, you and the whole planeful are now as equal as you’re ever gonna get.

Last Laugh