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Monday, August 12, 2019

August 13, 2019

One year ago today: August 13, 2018, and it was on sale.
Five years ago today: August 13, 2014, from scratch my eye.
Nine years ago today: August 13, 2010, working like I used to.
Random years ago today: August 13, 2013, a club meeting.

           If I live to be 80, I’ll never understand some women. (Get ready for a gag here, I understand women to a tee.) I'll never understand them. She wanted daily updates. So I left a voicemail saying that her "pets have just been to Difficult with me all morning". And she hits the roof.
           Anyway, I answered another musician ad and it was an old acquaintance from out west. Sorry, no names or nothing by request. This person wants to form a band, but had advertised as a duo. It’s an old trick. I know the person to be a New-Ager, do I declined. I don’t know what it is, but these people seem to be always one step behind where they should be. I always thought it due to New Age-ism being based on rejection of the system rather than any ability to create anything new of their own.
           Thus, any time spent rehearsing with these people is wasted. I can even tell you why. Because they view the past differently. We make mistakes, but they admonish to get over it and move on. They regard any reference to the past as an inability to let go. Hence, they spend their lives repeating the same cycle of mistakes every seven years. By contrast, I view past mistakes as lessons learned, so keep that memory sharp as you can. I make lots of mistakes, but rarely the same mistake twice. You can’t do that by blotting out the past.

           This bore out upon questioning. In the 29 years in Nashville, there have been four bands. Why would I join a fifth one with this person? I needed the hour’s drive to Difficult, Tennessee, to wrap my brain around this decision. It would be an instant band—and a guaranteed waste of time. The first few gigs, okay, but then the argument over the song list, the poor quality gigs due to that out-dated out-moded list, and finally the soloing because of the money isn’t as good as soloing. The one thing they will not do is try it my way. Better to expend my effort on something that might fly. Ah, some say, but isn’t my lady a New Ager? No, she’s a vegetarian, and besides, she’s family. Yuge difference. (I suspect the person who put that on the early Trump youTubes may have done so intentionally.)

Picture of the day.
Near Boise, ID.
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           Do you know what a geofence warrant is? It’s no warrant at all. That’s where police scoop the location data of all phones near a crime scene from sources like Android or Google Maps. So when my critics get rounded up, remember who advised you against Google Maps the day before it came out. The danger here is that if you were driving past a bank robbery a block away and are snagged for questioning—wel, you know the rest. Anything else that comes up during questioning is fair game. And it is only a matter of time until they find that bench warrant from that unpaid speeding ticket in the Dakotas back when you were 17. Besides, what were you doing in the Dakotas at that age? Escaping?

           Coincidence? ZDNet is advising people to get rid of MicroSoft word and switch to LibreOffice for exactly the same reasons I did several months ago. The biggest reason remains that LibreOffice is standalone. It does not need to be connected to a parent server to be fully functional.
           In a similar vein, Elliot from out west reports that his Quickbooks quit working. An error message that some data log-on information was missing. This, folks, is why since 1999, I’ve had a rule against any business software that requires an Internet connection. Quickbooks is particularly bad because they keep issuing 'updates' that won’t work on old versions of their own software. This forces users to buy new software every five years or so.

           Worse, the help sites are useless, stocked full of millennials who use it as a forum to give idiotic non-answers, such as “well I’ve used that app for year and never had that problem”. Even the Quickbooks site was evasive, saying the error “may be” due to missing or damaged files. Thanks for nothing, millennials. It’s lamentable that at this stage they are still issuing cryptic and useless sentences like that. A word to the wisse is switch to LibreOffice soon. MS Office has had their ass handed to them in Europe, so that software will now die a slow death. I program my own spreadsheets for my books.

Last Laugh