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Saturday, August 3, 2019

August 3, 2019

One year ago today: August 3, 2018, my worst subject.
Five years ago today: August 3, 2014, some Arduino work.
Nine years ago today: August 3, 2010, America must be boring . . .
Random years ago today: August 3, 2006, early days @ shop.

           The long days have caught up with me. I got some gronk work done today, like sanding the countertop. The belts I had quickly gum up with the glue, so I invested in something called a ceramic belt. Five bucks a shot, but if they do the job, okay. You’ll want pictures of that. I got myself exhausted shopping, that’s not supposed to happen these days. I wound up at the coffee shop working the crosswords, which was fine, since the rain brought everything to a stop.
           Next, a little research on the scams and schemes popular with the wired generations. This is a picture of a “phone farm”, where the operator gets paid a fee for, well, I dunno. Clicks, hits, whatever, it’s obviously a game for somebody who knows the system well enough to fiddle with it. And can afford 76 phones, I don’t know, is that very many? I thought it required hundreds. But same as my day, it’s not like you can just go ask.

           I ran into this cyber-secrecy type barrier trying to find out how to host servers. Everybody who did it was so chary of competition they would not even discuss the issue. In point of fact, I didn’t want to know how they did it, I was curious where they learned how. That got me nowhere either. Over history, tradesmen often invented fanciful stories of what their hand-tools were for, so I don’t blame anyone for business secrets. To this day, I’ve never found a readable textbook or evening course that teaches me how to program a database for on-line use.
           Where I do operate, which I think is the right direction for me, is understanding the mechanics of what’s doing. To me, that spread of phones in the photo is sucker bait. If he’s doing anything illegal, they’ll just go pick him up. I’ll stick with solutions that can be done on an off-line computer, such as the recently developed high-quality gifs. How do I know they are a good idea? Because they get high praise from two generations below me, people who by reputation are supposed to know tons more than I do about such things. They don’t know how I do it—if they have any curiosity at all, they assume I uploaded the video to a service.

Picture of the day.
Coastal erosion, Korea.
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           I have to show some progress today. Boss Hogg has toned down with the Lady Z dirge music, although she’s fairly sharp at talking. A relaxed voice considering she’s in a broadcasting booth with some of the most radical chumps and womanizers who ever found what microphones were for. They sent one of the crew out to buy a sandwich maker and found him six hour later walking out of the stripper club. When he asked how they found him, they told him it’s the first place they looked. They asked him why he was leaving. He said because he ran out of ones.
           While all this is transpiring, I went ahead and built some extra bracing for the basins. Most of the lumber around here is aged before I use it, but you can see from the end cuts it is new product. Examining the center panel closely, you see the actual round base of the basin is completely supported by this square bracket. The rightmost panel shows it bolted in place, but this is temporary, the final brace will be glued and screwed with countersunk exterior screws all around the rim. Why, I may even seal the blocks in place, if I can find any plumber’s putty.

           This took until 11:00PM, and let me get you a better pic of the sanded countertop. This is making it smooth again as the original wood had both split and warped somewhat. So it is sanded and stripped, but not really a smooth finish surface yet. With luck, my tin of English cherry stain will be a match for the rest of the cabinet. I also bought another plumbing pipe but dang, it is a tad too short. I’m also installing a secondary air vent, that kind that equalizes the backpressure. The original roof vent is around a couple of elbows and I barely trust it, though I’m certain it was once to code.
           Here we go, this is the surface as of today. The wood top is solid 3/4” Asian gumwood, built up from strips. You can see the variation in color. It is now reglued solid. I had a clamp seize up and found out it is nearly impossible to repair those things yourself. There’s two spring mechanism inside and if any pops out of its socket, you need three hands to fix it. I got in a three-hour day and I’m happy with that. This gave me an appetite for a salami sandwich. Only to discover the only cheese in the house is that flavorless mozzarella. How did that get in my fridge? I don’t coupon shop. Yet, I mean. The grocery bill hasn’t been hit with the tariff increases yet. What’s with the cheap cheese?

           Not that we get all that much food from China, but the production costs will go up. All these new jobs in America, somebody has to pay for it. And old Bernie never intended to pay for a bloody thing with his own money. The Tampa news is gloating over some security appointee who stepped down for enhancing his job resume. Gee, Tampa, maybe we could go over your job applications, because your broadcast chatter is about ninth grade at best and your entire crew is misinformed in some way on every last subject.
           How’s the economy doing here at street level? No change. The clubs were empty this weekend. That happens on rent week with people who live hand to mouth. Myself, I’ll be okay due to advance planning, and besides, I have a hotdog cart any time I want to fire the thing up. There’s a long winter on the way. September 20th last year was our tentative start date. Once again, it will happen when I make it happen. As for the trip to the Ringling Brothers winter quarters, we’re getting more and more information that it is shut down.

           Charla has some interesting tidbits on that. Apparently the Ringling people tried to cash in on the hoopla surrounding Disney World. They build an amusement park, something like “Circus World” she said. But you don’t make a ton of money competing with big shots like Disney, so now it is a strip mall or something. Still, that’s something I’d go see. In the Tampa area there are three businesses calling themselves Ringling Brothers, but no data on whether they are even affiliated with the real McCoy.

           A tad of insomnia had me up past midnight, and here are some of the results. Testing the stain on a scrap, this shoes the Danish oil to be a better match than the English cherry. I’m not going to do any finish work until tomorrow when I can see the dried colors in the bright sunlight. Danish oil is okay but you go through so much of it. It soaks into the wood enough that I’ve learned to apply it in a thick layer using a paintbrush. There is no verification that wood is the correct material to be using here, so I got out all the remaining poly finishes I could find in the shed. I can’t believe I spent another valuable Saturday night at home. I’d offer that maybe I’m finally slowing down, but naw. If that was the case, I have fifty people that would point it out. My guess is I’ve met every decent available woman in Polk County, and there aren’t any. So why go out?

Last Laugh