One year ago today: September 5, 2018, some vacuum cleaner accounting.
Five years ago today: September 5, 2014, an on-line sadist.
Nine years ago today: September 5, 2010, I never recorded Tech-ila.
Random years ago today: September 5, 2006, direct-to-disk, wow!
Damn those millennials. The entire WiFi capability of my tablet disappeared off the device. While I was napping. Came back to do some work and even the icons were missing. In control panel the settings screen was gone. No, it was not on-line at the time. Finally, I restarted the machine and it just sat there. Other than e-mail, the only thing I’d looked at this morning was a pancake recipe. I wonder, is Betty Crocker spreading malware? I mean, she has dishes containing kale and eggplant, so she was, you know, always close to the edge.
Here's the doggie resting on the hood of my car. See if you can spot six differences between the two pictures. (That would be great, because I can't even spot six similarities.) When we got the dogs into the clinic, one of the clerks read the name Sparkie as Sparkle. All I’m saying is I thought it was funny. Like the person who wrote CLINT on the Starbuck’s order, not thinking how mug-wumped co-workers can often read faster than they can think. Not that either of those attributes are up to snuff these days, I’m not saying that. TMOR, a mugwump is a person who is educated beyond their intellect. Used to be a rarer condition in America. Before browsers were invented.
I’m heading back to Florida. Did I mention I’ve got some extra cash this time? Yeah, I did. I tried to set things up for a big party in St. Augustine but ran into conflicting schedules. There is a way, but it would involved leaving here next Tuesday and I’ve been in Tennessee long this year. I don’t want to stick around another week. Like today, I’m giving the lawn swing a second coat of paint. This doesn’t constitute party time in my book, either.
At this late stage, I’m informed that people want to actually sit on that swing again. It looks too good painted to just be planter. So up to the lumber yard for a some slats. I’m going to reinforce the seat parts and see if that does the job. Did I ever tell you the Reb had a handyman business a while back? Yep, had all the tools and such and although she has never expressed interest in doing it for a living, if I start working in the yard (as opposed to on the yard), she’ll soon grab something and be out there working with me.
Um, there’s even more to that. When we start working together outside, just you watch. In no time at all, the neighbors start to appear. I know what it looks like, the darling couple doing things together, all that quality time stuff. It probably is, just that it is not anything special for us. I can even pretty much tell you the order in which the neighbors will appear.
So I scan my news feeds to see how 8chan is doing. I know it is hard for leftist liberals to understand that the viewpoints of white people are also protected by the American Constitution. Barring a few topics, unless there are outright threats of violence, the non-white side of the story is open to counter-opinion. But fair and equal is not good enough for haters like the liberals, they want to ban all opposing views as hate speech. That’s what I’m watching, not the issues on the surface. That’s where I found the article that says “science” has proved “toned” female bodies are not considered sexier than skinny blue-eyed blondes. I thought what is this shit, who are these jerk-offs trying to kid?
Then noticed the article was written in New York. Well, there you go. Science has also proved there are nothing but geniuses living in that state, because they said so.
Halloween roll.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.
Admittedly, I’m attached to JeePee, the turtle. He’s got a much deeper intellect and better patience levels than I get back in Polk County. See this photo? You know how dogs will stretch their front paws out to limber up? This turtle has learned to do the same. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was mimicking the dogs.
Taking the lads for a walk out in Mt. Juliet, I thought I’d stop for a rare treat. A small order of Five Guys Fries and a small soft drink. Next time cancel the small drink. You get a tub-sized cup in exchange for $1.99 plus tax. Yes folk, especially retired folks on a fixed income, that snack cost me, c’mon guess. Was it $3? $4? $5? You’re getting warm. It was $5.76. To my buddy in Canada who complains about prices, that’s $7.78 in plastic money. There’s a reason they call their dollar coin a loonie.
Time to time I’ve said how I use the jimmyr site for tech news, but lately it’s become more of a pro climate-change anti-Trump jump on the bandwagon type list. It’s still okay but the decay is not apparent looking at their home page. For that matter, it looks like Craigslist. Anyhow what’s going wrong is the number of links that go to sites that are not free. Some might argue that those popups that bellyache you’re using an ad-blocker are still free but they are a waste of time right there. Today’s “tech” list was a lamentable laugh. Here’s the short version, no links.
The Motherboard (no link) has finally figured out the DMV is selling your private information.
T-Moble is selling refurbed phones as new.
Some outfit called The Week says Facebook doesn’t care about your mental health. WTF?
The Chinese have built hacks into all the software they’ve been selling you.
Facebook is getting into the dating game – is anybody stupid enough for that? Sit down, Dawn.
Hey, I just said refurbed. If that’s a new word, I came up with it. Isn’t that something, nearly a fifth of the new century has passed before the world figures out why, after my first, I’ve never had another driver’s license from the state where I live. What a shame that which passes for tech news in this day and age. But we have long noted how it was heading that way. None of this OMG breaking news surprises my regular readers. To cap off today, here’s some old-fashioned trivia.
Martha Stewart was a best-dressed college girl in Glamour Magazine, 1961.
The Unabomber got his nickname because he targeted Universities & Airlines.
Ketchup was originally marketed as medicine.
“60 Minutes”, a TV show, has no theme music.
Bubble wrap was invented as 3D wallpaper.
Most toilets flush in E flat.
Sean Connery wore a toupee in all his Bond movies.
I found a way to get on-line, but the WiFi icon is still missing. The on-screen directions to reset it in the system notification area, and that’s assuming you somehow know that’s where to look, does not work for the simple reason the WiFi option never appears there. This is the type of annoyance that should not even occur. It typifies the bloody chaos that stupid people in large groups create of anything you let them touch. Ha, and one of their final contributions to equality is seen by what’s happening to Hooters. They are rapidly closing down place after place as bogus lawsuits and complaints take the place of common sense.
Nothing typifies stupidity in the name of equality as the two scruffy men who sued back in 1997 because they weren’t hired. Funny, they sued Hooters and not the WWF, if you get my meaning. It’s all smoke and mirrors if you ask me. I say they are glossing over the real reason for the decline in the chain. It’s the lack of availability of the stereotyped “Hooters” gal. Take a look at their advertising and then at their actual staff.
The picture is the cheapest house I could find for sale in Belgium, at $70,000 USD. Actually, by American standards, it is s bargain, Two bedrooms, one bath, 861 square feet. Strange how the EU has created a housing shortage in Europe. They can build them, but the VAT means nobody will buy them, so they quit building them. European art and music may be sophistcated, but European politics has not learned a thing. They rag on the USA, but the longest period of peace in their history was after the Yanks stepped in. If it wasn’t for America, it’s a wonder some of those places have not declared war on themselves.