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Thursday, October 31, 2019

October 31, 2019

One year ago today: October 31, 2018, problematicized?
Five years ago today: October 31, 2014, remember Kaci “Ebola” Kickox?
Nine years ago today: October 31, 2010, learning to sing.
Random years ago today: October 31, 2017, detection & prevention, my eye.

           A bitter cold like I haven’t experienced in decades. Cancel any outdoor projects, at least until I can find some winter gear. This is unseasonal but I can’t seem to get the Nashville weather report. My computer seems to have, all on its own, developed a preference toward the forecast in Germany. You want to know who is sneaky? Sparkie, that’s who. He will paw your hand to be let out in the morning. The drill is to get up, walk out to the back and open the porch door. This morning I’m out there in the blasting cold holding the thing oprn and where’s the dog? I go back inside and he is sleeping in my warm spot. Why, you little rascal. Not only that, he is the culprit in the back yard fence caper. He can actually bend a 1/4” aluminum bar.
           It is below freezing and staying there. We’re snug inside but this wasn’t the plan. Despite costumes all over the place (the advantage of living with entertainers), we did not dare stick our noses out into that cold. If you include salt-free, gluten-free, flavor-free cauliflower biscuits, we’ve got enough food here for a week. It’s daily in the 40s gradually climbing to the 60s by the weekend. So let’s us reactivate all those indoor hobbies.

           The doggies balk at even the shortest walks, so into the car we went all the way out to Central Pike & Lebanon Pike to get me a pair of gloves. While my car won’t blow heat out the ducts, it will radiate enough to keep the inside cool but comfy. On the return, we toured the ground of the library I don’t care for. The one that lets the homeless hang out but doesn’t police them properly. Like the Yakima library, nice enough inside but you can’t even leave a pencil unattended.

           Music is at a standstill, I admit to not liking the feel of cold metal strings. I’ve done it, I only said I don’t like it. While Halloween isn’t a big tradition for me, I would have liked to take in the Funbar. Charla goes all out for decorations. Just before I left, I stopped back there to see the new lady doing the Karaoke and to make sure my PA amp was being treated right. I kid you not, this lady had never done anything of the kind before and did not know how to hold a microphone. It turns out she got talked into it and agreed, methinks, because it gave her a reason to wear costumes as clothes. Good thing I stuck around, as she did not know what a mixer was or how to work reverb.

Picture of the day.
Making candle wicks.
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           It’s taking a long time to settle back in. Here is a Seattle antenna farm. I’ve been trading information with my pal out west who informs me these are particularly powerful transmitters. Once again, the idea is to get around a government regulation. It seems the Canadian government still, after all these years, has restrictions on what and who can be broadcast. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is a government monopoly and is used to shove liberalism down everybody’s craw, 24/7.
           This does not rest well with the western provinces, who view Ottawa much like I view the Atlantic Northeast. All the opportunities for honest people dried up long ago thanks to their degenerate politics. In feudal times, the only alternative to a life of hard labor was to join the priesthood.

           Nowadays, they join the government. If you ever wonder where American incumbents learned how to use taxpayer money to blast rivals out of the water, just look to the north. This has always been accepted practice in Canada and most of the other 66 nations that declared independence from the British. How else can you explain how a joker like that Justin Trudeau ever got re-elected? Western Canada will eventually separate.
           I don’t know how it is today, but when I was in the industry, Canadian [satellite] dishes had a locking pin to prevent them from angling south to pick up US stations. They were supposed to be aimed only at the Canadian orbiters, called something like Alouette. I believe at one time it was a crime to remove the pin, which despite the need for warming sunshine, explains why so many Canadian houses have a tall hedge to the south.

           You think Halloween is scary? What about the guy in Colorado whose $580,000 house was shot up by police and they don’t have to pay him a penny. A shoplifting suspect ran into the house that was vacant at the time. This kind of domestic terrorism has to stop. There is no reason the police could not have just starved the guy out. Judges on the government payroll of the 10th Circuit Court predictably sided with the police who, they said, were acting in their lawful role when they fired 40mm cannon shells and drove an armored vehicle though the wall.
           Question. What in living hell are the police cowboys doing with 40mm cannons and armored vehicles? Were we ever asked if we wanted that? Why not a low-yield nuclear device? and call it eminent domain? There was no comment on who opened fire first. The homeowner is appealing, but face it. The Supreme Court is also on the same payroll. I think a few Colorado judges need to have their own homes demolished and see how they rule.

           The ones we all love are the tree-huggers calling for offshore wind energy. Like the US could afford to just flip on the switch and be done with coal. The answer, of course, is Sammy Lee, the doggie torpedo. To the rescue, as long as it doesn’t involve going outside in this weather. Exception—if the German weather lady shows up. Then he is definitely going outside for an unplanned inspection of the nearby territory. While I do the same. All are advised to take their time and do it right.
           Oh, did I mention the Korean Church of God people showed up at the door? Despite all the Oriental grammar skills I could muster, there’s no way I could understand them. Darn, hey? I gave them each a little bag of Reese’s Pieces and said, “Tlick or Tleat” and closed the door. Really folks, on Halloween? Give me a break.

Last Laugh