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Monday, November 4, 2019

November 4, 2019

One year ago today: November 4, 2018, trying to sing 3rds.
Five years ago today: November 4, 2014, younger sisters, the perennial favorite.
Nine years ago today: November 4, 2010, working for nothing.
Random years ago today: November 4, 1984, a corrupting Western influence.

           All day raking leaves and I loved it. Sadly, no big bonfire as they turned to be a wee bit more damp than I figured. No matter, the dogs and I spent nine hours in the brisk Tennessee autumn weather and even JeePee was out for the late afternoon sun. That’s where this picture comes in. Here’s the drill. I rake the leaves and put them in a pile. Then Sparkie swirls around making a hole in the middle of the pile. Then crawls in and falls asleep. See that ring of leaves around where he’s snoozing? He made that. And yes, I really was in Thailand 35 years ago today.
           Moving past the evident parallels with the rest of my life, I got over to the neighbors and borrowed the burning barrel. He forgot to mention to the Reb it was filled up with soggy lumber that would have to be burned first. See photo. The larger plastic rake made short work of the front yard, where I discovered I cannot rake very long without getting “bass shoulder”, remind me to mention that to my attorney next month.

           My only break was to watch the videos on Voyager 1. It is one of the few success stories that NASA has been able to keep reporting over the past 40-some years. There are two spacecraft with sensors to detect rays and particles. The electronics are powered by on-board plutonium generator, begging the question that if plutonium is so deadly and forever, why are both probes already running out of juice in less than my lifetime?
           The news this time is that Voyager 2 cross the heliosphere. This is the where the invisible pressure of electromagnetic “wind” flowing out from the Sun matches the pressure from incoming cosmic rays and such. It keeps a lot of interstellar junk out of our system. Sadly the videos were marred with advertising and captioning. I wonder if anybody really believes car ads any more. The fact is, automobile dealerships as a way of selling these things is utterly outdated, a thing of the past. The whole car industry needs a shakeup.

           And those captionings, well, they are okay for those who need them. Otherwise, they are another aggravating example of how Americans are pressured by minorities all out of proportion. The captioning is enabled by default or sometimes cannot be removed. That sucks. The target audience is a minority, yet the rest of us get blasted with it. I mean the big picture, it is not just the captioning, but how every special-interest fringe group in the country is pulling the same stunt. Added together, yeah, it is a major headache.
           As for the people they have with the sign language PIP? Freaky-looking queers, every last one of them. Just another in-your-face pack of marginals. We’ve covered this elsewhere—I do not “feel sorry” for disabled people in America. I doubt if even 10% of them are really suffering. Your experience may differ, but I have traveled the world and seen suffering. Have you? In the end, all I’m asking is to be left alone, to be able to watch a science video without having somebody else’s hard-luck story thrown in my face. No, that is not asking too much. There, I said it.

Picture of the day.
Wild carrots, farm grown.
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           Did I say the leaves are wetter than I thought? Makes them hard to burn and you get the smoke-pot effect, see pic. It keeps the mosquitoes away and attracts the bluejays. This is smelly work and the aroma of burning leaves and roots has long not been a favorite of mine. With the dogs as witnesses I put in a ten hour day, a first for Tennessee. To dry the leaves a bit, I raked them into long “hedgerows”. The pile already in the back yard, I borrowed the leaf blower from Jimmy and got things going. He was unaware of using the blower for this purpose, which is another in the long list of things that say he did not, as he claims, grow up on a farm. The picture shows the smoke from the soggy wood, not the leaves I burned later.
           This is an unmodified barrel, which makes things hard to light from the bottom. It’s what I have to work with for now. I got tired of raking and walked around the yard, gathering all the deadfall. I cut it to length and into the tub it went. Hey, it’s a chop saw, right? So I was chopping wood. As usual, the wind kept shifting to make sure the smoke followed me around no matter where I moved. Anybody who’s tried to cancel their Facebook account knows that can get annoying.

           This is an unmodified barrel, which makes things hard to light from the bottom. It’s what I have to work with for now. I got tired of raking and walked around the yard, gathering all the deadfall. I cut it to length and into the tub it went. Hey, it’s a chop saw, right? So I was chopping wood. As usual, the wind kept shifting to make sure the smoke followed me around no matter where I moved. Anybody who’s tried to cancel their Facebook account knows that can get annoying.

           JeePee got himself out in the sunlight for several hours, probably the longest stretch in years. I still have not built his hacienda for the cage, but there is room in there for lots of stuff. I’ll present him with everything from leaves and grass to pieces of flat rock. To see what he takes to. I know zero about turtle habitats, but hey, they carry their house around with them.

           How about that study of West Point (military) cadets. It showed the more intelligent the man, the less guts and grits. The tone of the study was derogatory, mentioning further that the higher IQ people tended to be less physically strong. The suggestion was that to get the job done, intelligence rates lower than perserverance. The Alamo mentality? (The study did not specify how lower IQ magically morphed into "perserverance", nor whether there is a far more descriptive term in common civilian usage.) Could it be smarter people plain know when to quit? If so, West Point doesn’t want them. Our armies are to be led by generals less intelligent than the enlisted men. Which surprises no one.

           Here’s how to burn wet leaves. The trick is a bed of hot coats. It may appear you smother the flame, but it will dry them out and keep bursting back into flame every time. Here’s the hot coals part. I got that sucker fired—but don’t try this unless you know what you are doing. The photo shows me standing close, but the air jet is not directed at the fire. That would scatter burning leaves all over hell. If new at this, stand back 15 feet and slowly learn to move closer. I reduced a volume thirty times the size of that barrel, but it took all afternoon. Aim at the rim so the air current swirls into the barrel—and have a water hose nearby in every case.

           According to Cnet, this is the 9th consecutive year of worsening freedom on the Internet. Are these people slow or what. My Internet warnings began in a serious form when I began this blog, but I have them in writing dating back to the early 90s, and against databases long before that, I think what Cnet if referring to is the use of social media for tracking purposes. I was against social media from the start, it was the proverbial handing a machine gun to a idiot. This is what changed the way computers were build and sold. They’ve created a world that is only beginning to turn into hell, all because the average nobody wanted his 15 minutes of fame.

           China may be the worst abuser, but I follow my convention that China never really invented anything. They are copying processes pioneered right here in the US of A. And when it comes to electronic surviellance, the distinction between good and evil is shrinking by the day. And I have identified the culprit behind these dastardly events. It isn’t the government as you might think. It is the one truly American evil—advertising. Where many have spoken out against advertising, I believe this blo is the first to issue any real warnings of its sinister nature. And Internet advertising is evil incarnaite.


           AJ replied to my ad for a rhythm guitarist. I’m pretty specific about what I’m looking for, having learned long ago to weed out the wannabes and other time-wasters. She seems to have missed two important requirements. To be located within 15 miles of here and to be over 35. I add, as a joke, that I’ll make an exception for Taylor. This gal seems dead serious but has not responded to my request for either a list or MP3s. She seems professional all the way but won’t say if she is seeking to record or perform.

Last Laugh