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Sunday, November 3, 2019

November 3, 2019

One year ago today: November 3, 2018, dash-mount GPS, my eye.
Five years ago today: November 3, 2014, “on-going” consent?
Nine years ago today: November 3, 2010, sincerity of the self-made.
Random years ago today: November 3, 1982, typical journal entry.

           Unbelievable. The dogster got out again. I’m not going out there to see how he did it for another few hours, when the sun comes up. Just unbelievable. That was until I figured out I had left the gate open. See pic, that is the locking rod leaning against the shed. Duh. I have a standing ad running for a country rhythm player and this morning got a link from a band that plays nursing homes. I watched the video and it was disarming to see nursing homes full of people in my own demographic. And in some cases, considerably younger than me and already decrepit.
           As music for me has a huge social component, I’ll pass on that band. They stress there is good $$$, which I’ve heard from many sources, but I think that would be worse on my personality than playing the church circuit. One reason I like college towns is everywhere you go, the people are easier to look at. That tips you off how happy I’d be playing for anybody else. Just don’t rule anything out.

           The Reb called for a chat-fest covering everything. Aha, I recognize this type of call and it tips me off to the type of things that used to go wrong while she was away. Things don’t go wrong when I’m here and that is that. If I had to define the worst thing that goes wrong when you rely on others, it is people who agree to help a bit to feel needed. That’s the worst reason to help somebody. They wind up doing things you didn’t ask for an thinking it was part of the deal. I wonder if there is a term for people with that condition.
           She’s right. They don’t know you well enough to make such choices. Another bad bunch are the ones who promise one thing, in private but in public they will do what makes them look best even if it means letting you down flat. I wonder what must have gone wrong before I came along. If she ever tells, I’ll let you know.
$267.40 That’s how much I’ve already spent in this town and it’s only been a week. She wants to see the Adams’ Family movie, knowing I like theaters. I wonder if she knows I’ve taken her to the movies more in the past year than all women combined in the past 30 years.

Picture of the day.
Keyboard waffle iron.
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           Remember the little birdhouse with the red chimney? I think it is back for another turn. The question remains will this thing get painted? I don’t know. The Reb does not have time and I’m no good at this type of thing. The structure is stronger, with several upgrades not visible. Any loose joints were glued and pinned, for example. How do you like the repair on the entrance? Rodents are not likely to chew that nasty tasting cedar. All cracks have been sealed and there is caulk around the chimney or anay other place moisture might enter. I’m told from many sources not to put a perch. It just gets in the way.

           Took the evening off to write letters. JZ and Marion. I had spent an hour checking the car, adding fluids and wiggling hoses. The transmission stop leak said to drive the car until warm, around 20 minutes, then keep it at sustained speed another twenty. I added a quart of slightly heavier oil (5W-20) and drove up to Wal*Mart on Lebanon Pike. There I purchases a 3-foot wide leaf rake. Something a guy can make a swath with. Wow, that was even hard to type, “swath with”.

           Here’s the car earlier, with a dusting of Tennessee leaves. I stopped at Shooters. They remembered me. It’s a working class watering hole where I have no intention of meeting anyone, but I’ve said how writing anything gets a lot of attention sometimes. Like tonight. Sunday or not, some of those jokers had been drinking since opening time. I attribute the majority of it to boredom, they have nothing else they can really do and they are tired of watching TV at home alone.
           Tonight was weird. I have a secluded corner at the far back known as “my office”, where there is no cross-traffic. Once more, every woman patron in the place was watching me. As usual, none are my type. Flabby-armed, tattooed, whiskey-voiced divorcees have never been held in any regard. Nothing happened and it won’t, I’m only mentioning it because I was scoped out six times, and that is blogworthy, though not a record. On the phone earlier, I mentioned to the Reb how Sparkie had faked me out and crawled under my blanket. She said I was lucky he didn’t slam the door behind me. This, folks, is the thanks I get--or at least like to poke at.

           It pleases my ear to learn ATT is losing customers by the millions. The phone company acted like a privileged entity for a hundred years, pioneering many of the abuses now prevalent on the Internet. Instead of running a phone company like the spoiled brats they are, the went after on-line advertising revenue. They broke the cardinal rule of telecommunications: the phone company can only run the phone company.
           I am totally aware to the molecular level of the attitude and mentality required to rise in the ranks of the phone company. It is a combination of Murphy’s Law and the Peter Principle combined with a manner of arse-kissing and imaginary “people skills” that work only on their ilk. The end result has all the earmarks of recursive stupidity in a package of political correctness, itself a bygone and discredited brand of tunnel vision.

           Kudos to Firefox. They seem to be the first browser that is actually listening to what users want and say. Their securiy is beefed up and they are introducing software that blocks all pop-ups This is a major step forward because it makes no distinction between so-called good and bad notifications. Rather it reacts to the fact that 72% (don’t quote me) of users who still dare to participate in on-line surveys show they ignore or bypass all pop-ups. I go further by refusing to do business with business that advertise in this way.

Last Laugh