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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

December 17, 2019

One year ago today: December 17, 2018, a federally acceptable document.
Five years ago today: December 17, 2014, remember Jerry?
Nine years ago today: December 17, 2010, only the good parts.
Random years ago today: December 17, 2011, by both criminals & authorities.

           You want news of the chickens—and I must disappoint you. Agt R and I slapped the basics together but it’s best you don’t suppose we know what we are doing. We set out the big raccoon trap to find out the feral cats are light enough to take the bait without tripping the latch. The neighbor with the chickens attracts a lot of attention for code violations. The spin off is that the code people, who might drive down this street every other year, are now here twice a week.
           And dang it, new readers. I told you how the bad guys blog people out of their own blogs. Be patient ane check back—but when readership falls to 48 per day, you disappoint me. I got a couple blog buddies who complain they don’t get that many hits per month, but it is not like they post something new every day. What universe do they live in.

           I got out to Ft. Meyers in time for chili with Alaine. Running a big late, she wanted something home made so count me in. Um, she is such a better cook than I will ever be, I’m relegated to chopping onions. My own fault, after I messed up the mashed potatoes back in, what was it, 2014? All the pictures today are just what I could find. Leaf piles, a parade float with a model of City Hall. And a great shot of my mail slot. Hey, at least this blog doesn't steal your identity.

Picture of the day.
Camouflage trouser fail.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The trip into Miami was a GPS special. I was on the coast highway and just wanted t wasy to connect with Tamiami Trail without the agony of driving through Naples. I’m still using the semi-retard Garvin GPS. After wasting time trying to get it to work, I decided to waste less time following the crazy directions it gives if you just keep driving in roughly the right direction. This back-tracked me some 13 millennial-miles to emerge near Sunniland, FL. I’ve been past there before
           Around this time, darkness started to happen and I noticed the interior light of my car was stuck on. I see the door ajar light on the dash, so I get out several times and slam all the doors, including the hatch One time right in front of the Miccosukee reservation police. Nothing. Unlike user-friendly plungers, the sensor is somewhere inside the door making it inaccessible. I pulled into the Miccosukee rip-off station some 45 miles west of Miami after dark.
           Of course, not one person at the “service station” had the vaguest clue about a damn thing. They are service people, not mechanics. Which is probably why they get paid so much. To their wide-eyed agape amazement, I crawled under the dash and yanke out the interior light relay. Since my car is a 1997, the millennials had not yet placed that light relay on the same circuit as things like the headlights or distributor, so I was able to start the car and drive on to Miami.

           To find JZ, who doesn’t carry his phone (don’t ask the reason why, but it as some ties with with the debt collection industry), forgot I was arriving, so I was just about It was a hectic enough day on the road, plus a few appointments that did not go well. JZ wanted to check out that country dance place. Not me, I found one of his unread books on treasure ships and fell asleep for the next twelve hours. We drank coffee and talked about women for a few more hours somewhere in this process.

Last Laugh