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Friday, December 20, 2019

December 20, 2019

One year ago today: December 20, 2018, Not AI, but A.I.
Five years ago today: December 20, 2014, especially not in Seattle.
Nine years ago today: December 20, 2010, talk about fun.
Random years ago today: December 20, 2015, the ZIP code fake-out.

           Finally I get motivated but it is too late to start any big projects before Xmas. Instead, I’ll focus on the new chicken coop. Every farmer and his dog has an opinion on the proper construction. I’ll amalgamate what seems to make the most sense. Meanwhile, here is a photo of the natural state of affairs over at Agt. R’s place. We are going to get you a video walk-through of his back yard. I told you he has specialized plant training and it is like a botanical garden back there. Unlike his vehicle, shown here with the perpetual flat tire. Next to my shiny new scooter, pretty, innit?
           The chickens require a few days locked inside the new accomodation before they take to it. This is a challenge, since I’m leaving town again for a couple of weeks. The neighbor may be able to take care of that, since his ferocious dog keeps all species of predator away from my house, including the ones from across Highway 17. He’s donated some lumber but I suspect these chickens are about to get a custom built hotel.

           I can see it all now. Does your house have a custom oak floor? Well, no, Ma’am, but you see, I have this chicken coop. BWAAAA-ha-ha-ha. Here’s a snap of the chicken wire from y’day, where I stopped because it isn’t all that pretty. One should take pride in one’s chicken coop, methinks. Two things upcoming. In late January I may for the first time attend a music concert. I quit going over thirty years ago when the TicketMaster Mafia put prices over the roof. Also, there is a Chinese dance company in town in March which might be worth a look. You don’t get out of China unless you know your stuff.
           Their posters say the dance represents 5,000 years of civilization. That’s provided your definition of civilization includes a relentless string of famines, revolution, poverty, and disregard for individual human lives. The concept of democracy, after five millennia still proves to be a western concept. America, unfortunately, has become the easy way out for entire continents who have never conceived of much less fought for freedom. Regardless of what you see in the American media, unskilled non-English-speaking people are not wanted here. Unless they can dance like acrobats. Then that’s okay. I knew you’d see it our way.

Picture of the day.
Swedish porno theater.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           You can’t get enough pics of my new scooter. Here is a busy shot showing lots of telltale clues about how the chickens will fare. I’ll point out some of their favorite haunts as have already happened. On the far left, you see the orchard smoke pot. It looks like a rusty chimney and is fully functional according to Agt. R. Beside them on the ground is a row of mother-in-law tongues that they prefer to scratch around.
           Then the scooter, which they have learned to come running to the start-up sound. In front of the scooter is the bird rest, a sawn off stump that allows smaller birds to get under the kitchen awning without having to fly across the whole yard. There are some small leaf piles ready to form the new fence line. I got this idea from Tennessee, where I dumped huge piles of leaves in the nearby forest. They stopped the undergrowth and became a deer trail. Next is my lawn chair, made from an older park bench. Sit there and you will have chickens on your lap. Moving to the far right, you see the failed flower garden and the birdbath.

           My old diet regime was not working. Six hundred days on 1200 calories per day failed the same as it did fifteen years ago. My system simply adjusts to the new situation. Hence, as of y’day, I will attempt the Reb diet of nothing after 6:00PM until noon the following day. I’ll need plenty of encouragement, but I’m now committed to an honest try. During 2019 I regained 12 pounds and was able only to loose 1-1/2 back.
           In other news, I fired off a letter to Agt. R’s mortgage lender. They know over there they can kick him around, but not I. Back in mid-May, they sent a letter that as of June 1, they would be assuming the mortgage. The problem is, the June check had already been posted. The first lender, the re-po mill known as Ditech, took and deposited the money in their own account. The new lender has taken to hounding Agt. R to make a second June payment. It seems they think we have a problem with Ditech when in fact they have a problem with Ditech. Remind me to let you know how this works out.

           [Author’s note: too bad I can’t show you the letter, but it implies that the new company has nobody on staff with the alacrity to figure this out on their own. The letter will also let them know they cannot solve their problems by firing off letters to Agt. R. Push, and we will push back. Our letter implies that “Ditech knowingly and willingly took money that belonged to them” and “said nothing”. Along with an implication that all mortgage repo-mills are of the same character and should be, for a taste of their own medicine, dealing with each other.]

Last Laugh
(Invisible tape.)