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Saturday, December 21, 2019

December 21, 2019

One year ago today: December 21, 2018, bassist destroys bookshelf.
Five years ago today: December 21, 2014, some idiot’s agenda.
Nine years ago today: December 21, 2010, the trailer court scam.
Random years ago today: December 21, 2015, non-Trump non-blonde.

           If they tell you only roosters crow, that’s an error. It turns out I know so little about chickens that I thought the crowing meant the white bird was a rooster. Nope, both females. I bought the wood and wire, plus the screws and glue. But it will not happen today. I might have slapped something together, but it decided to rain. Of all the things to cross my plate, I read the other side of the story about Andersonville, the infamous POW camp in Georgia.
           I was never satisfied with the pro-North version. It turns out the prison commander was nominated for several humanitarian efforts. What struck me was the number of times he complained that his orders were ignored because many of the camp administrative personnel held the same rank he did.
           The movie “Andersonville” portrayed this situation as his begging for promotion. But other than demoting an entire staff, it’s tricky to see how he could have exercised more authority. The movie contained his protests that he did the best he could with the resources available, which I am now inclined to believe. There is something just wrong when the liberal press presents one side of any issue. Anyway I battened down the hatches, loaded up the car, and too care of paperwork including dropping documents off for Agt R.

           I was considering simply covering the entire swing A-frame with chicken wire, but the Reb would not consider that a proper coop. Plus, it has come to my attention that chicken wire will keep chickens in, but not raccoons out. Apparently they can bite though it. Shown here, I’m holding a bolt of 1/2” hardware cloth. Behind it are the 2x3x for the frame. According to the Reb, this looks surprisingly like a turtle cage.

Picture of the day.
Amazon warehouse.
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           The rain put an end to my plans of throwing something toge ther before I left. I spent the time reading, so you get trivia. When the Huns invaded eastern Europe, theygained a reputation for being “arrow proof”. They would simply pull the arrows out and keep on charging. Turns out the explanation is silk shirts. A properly woven silk shirt would not let the arrow pierce the fabric, but it would push in. So to extract the arrow, the Hum simply pulled on the silk.
           Here is today’s mystery object. I bought a box of drawer pulls and this was lying on the bottom. The spring pushes in, kind of syringe-like and there is what appears to be a nozzle on the fat end. My guess is some kind of fuel injector, but it is made of a plastic material.

           We get it. Political Correctness means the only answer the left doesn’t find offensive is the one one they want. It’s pretty amazing how long that tactic worked before Trump came along. At least this willget things moving, since they have to get him before the election. These twisted Democrats are basically saying Trump abused his power because he would not give them enough rope to hang him. Now, they’vre really done it, going up against the most popular (and populist) president since Reagan. Some more voting has to take place before the impeachment gets anywhere. That means when they lose the vote, the Democrats will again cey fraud, tampering, or their old standby, that the voters were not “impartial enough”.
           Ethiopia is launching its first satellite tomorrow. The design and manufacture are Chinese. China paid for 85% of the funding and the launch pad is in China. But other than that, it is Ethiopian. The cover story is the satellite is used for “weather forecasting” and “crop monitoring”. My word, how Ethiopia has survived since 1137 without a satellite is astonishing. As far as I know the only thing that’s happened there of any note was getting invaded by Italy and a speech by that weird looking little man with the triangle-shaped head.
           They call themselves the “Ethiopian Empire”, abut the main occupation and national goal seems to be enriching America with their culture. Just where we need it most. Why, they have already taught almost a third of the women in their country how to read. Now that they’ve entered the Space Race, if you need to get any updates, their country code is 251,

Last Laugh