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Friday, December 6, 2019

December 6, 2019

           Food. Here is a product labeled plant-based protein. The package says “fishless tuna”, which I’m okay with since I quit tuna some 15 years ago over the by-catch issue. They say the nets have been redesigned but I never returned. The package goes on to say vegan and 7g of protein, non GMO (meaning soy or wheat), no trans fat, cholesterol or artificial preservatives. Beware of American food labels. The label also says maltodextrin, corn starch, and soy sauce powder which could come from engineered sources that need not be specified. It also contains “natural flavors” which does not mean the substance occurs in nature. Also, yeast extract and no artificial preservatives doesn’t mean there are no preservatives, nomsayn?
           The change here is I’m going to attempt to diet like the Reb. That’s misleading, she does not diet, since she adopted a healthy life style as far back as I remember. The technique of not eating until noon was blogged here some months back. That means from the time you fall asleep until noon the next day you are running on empty. The theory is that anything you each in that time, even a single bite, wipes out the function because that triggers your digestion back to burning food instead of fat. This is a trial, not a commitment. Nor is it strict, as I drink coffee in the morning and eat anything I like at noon, where she is careful not to overindulge.

           Then I took to measuring out the back yard. I’ve notice the city doesn’t squawk about “temporary” shelters, such as a plastic canopy to park your car. I have two places I could put one of these, the retail price is around $500. it would also give me experience in how these sheds are erected. If they work, I have the okay to place one in the Reb’s yard. Being able to work all day over there puts a new perspective on how much I can get done. Later, I’m going to price out what’s available. Rather than build something by hand at around the same price, I give myself a large workspace that may or may not survive the next hurricane.
           As for building a shed, I do require something for the chemicals I’ve begun to accumulate now that I have a house. Insecticides, fertilizer, oil, anti-freeze, garden powders, and general such products I want as far in the back yard as possible. There’s a weird triangle shaped spot where they fenced around a tree that has long since died. That spot is shaded and just big enough for a decent sized shed. If I could free up the red shed for inclement weather work space, or even a clean room, I’d go for it.

           I tested the bevel setting on the new saw. It has probably never been used and works perfectly. Now I can tackle that eight-foot long window sill required for the double window in the back bedroom. That has been incomplete for two years now. It overlooks what I hope to become one of the nicest views in the city. The central shady part of my back yard. My priority is that bathroom, but soon. Also, does anyone know if it is possible to connect up a dishwasher without using a sink drain. II have a spot away from the existing drains that I could install a temporary trap. But all I got was funny looks when I asked if it was possible. It would go a long way to keeping my kitchen in better order.

Picture of the day.
The Acme Thunderer.
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           What is unusual about this post? Nothing you can see, but it is the first post of this blog ever that took place from my home office. That’s correct, I have never had Internet service until today. This is the gadget that made it happen. The CoolPad HotSpot. It should have been invented in 1995. As I’ve said, I still don’t really know how wireless service works and nobody who “knows” has been able to explain it to me. And remember I have an outstanding $500 reward (down from $1,000) to anybody who can tell me how differential equations work. No, not teach me what’s in the book, but actually how to work the equations and interpret the results so that I understand it all. Here is the CoolPad.
           If it takes a while before you see this, blame Google. It is a new device so they again locked me out of my account. Have you seen the amount of information they want to “protect” you? Google caters to stupid people, in particular those so stupid they cannot manage to keep a password private. Google sends me alerts that somebody with my password tried to access my account. Right, you dumb bastards. They are unclear on the whole password concept over there.
           I remind the reader I never willingly used any Google products—they took over my blog provider long after this blog was too well-established to transfer. The CoolPad works wherever there is cell phone coverage. It has a cap of 50 gigabytes per month, which the store says is “a lot”. The service is $50 per month, which compares well with other companies that want your life history and credit card numbers first. This one is pay as you go. In good old anonymous cash. Alas, it does not work on anything older than Vista, the OS that set a new standard for crappy.

           I stopped by the Funbar on the return leg and tested out the Karaoke system. It is our old friend, Karafun. This is the brand where a lot of the music is ticky-bop. I’m glad I took an advance look because over time, every illiterate that used her system used their own filing system. Rather than sort the mess, I filtered out all the CDG (CD with graphics) files and put them on my own flash drive. Some idiot had renamed thousands of the names to start with the album track number. By the number of spelling mistakes, this was not an import, he actually renamed them file by file over a period of three years judging by the last modified dates.
           Using macros, I stripped away a lot of the nonsense which reminded me there are people out there who don’t know that the English alphabetical filing system had already been perfected long before they came along . Then again, that system out-modedly does presume that one can read, type, and spell. If you’ve read any resumes on-line, you’ll know these complicated skills are no longer required to attain a medical degree.

           Between you and I, we had the same relative degree of fake news back in my day. There were just not as many sub-educated crybabies who fell for it. Two bloggable events late today. One, the table saw had a faulty switch. I sort of noticed how he said he’d turn the motor on. When I got it set up, the on position was held in by a little pin, which promptly fell out. I fixed it, which involved taking the entire plate off the front of the saw. It was no big deal for anyone with some robot-building skills. But from now on, I test everything I buy there myself.
           Taking Hwy 60 home again, I stopped at the old club in Bartow. The mother-daughter band was playing. Seems odd most every time I got back this year, they were playing that weekend. The safe assumption here is that they are not stalking me. There have been changes in their presentation, which I recognize because they are the same ones I would have made three years ago. Most important, they have been practicing their vocals. The harmonies are much smoother, but they are using some sort of deep reverb sound that makes the between-song patter so muffled I miss every other word.
           There is a distinct sharpening of the daughter’s guitar work, but in a band of this nature that is not necessarily a great thing. The first half of the show, they’ve dumped the guitar player. But he gets up there half-way. As predicted, he’s dragged them down to his level. Nearly every song is slow guitar music. Overall the presentation is much more professional than what they were a couple years ago—and this propels them into being just another circuit band. The amateurish edge that made them so distinctive is gone. If you want to look them up, the band name is “Southerndipity”.

Last Laugh