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Saturday, January 18, 2020

January 18, 2020

One year ago today: January 18, 2019, PJ sandwish, Olga Mall.
Five years ago today: January 18, 2015, the toothpaste of acclaim.
Nine years ago today: January 18, 2011, boycott Betty Crocker.
Random years ago today: January 18, 2008, it bothers the locals..

           Hens love peanuts. Here are the gals getting a treat on the door stoop early this morning. I still can’t get them to roost in the back yard. The coop isn’t ready, but the roost is there, along with their water dish. That’s your chicken news, now on to some trivia. Remember that movie, “Event Horizon”? That was supposed to be the edge of the universe. Today’s trivia is how do they determine the edge of the universe? Well, it is theoretical.
           Although I’ve always felt there was something other than motion causing the red shift from distant objects, the prevailing theory is that this is due to objects rushing away from us. It’s the old Doppler effect applied to light waves. Again, I’m not entirely happy with that because unlike sound, light has an electromagnetic component. Almost the entire universe appears to be rushing away from the Earth. I’ve got this sneaking suspicion no matter where you stand in the universe, it would seem the same. I have nothing but a hunch to back that up. So, how do they determine the edge of the universe?

           It goes like this. The further way objects are, the faster they are moving away from us. At some point, they are moving away at the speed of light and therefore we never see them. That’s the edge of the universe, since nothing is supposed to travel faster than light. I see a number of things wrong with that theory, including the increase in mass that occurs at theoretical light speed. Why is not that detected? Infinite mass means infinite gravity and there is something about gravity. It appears to be instantaneous.
           I have no explanation, but if pressed, I do have two theories. One is that the undiscovered dark matter exerts gravity. Two, that the most mass in the universe is far away. Light, passing through the influence of this gravity is slowed. The result is by the time it is detected in most parts of the universe, it has been slowed slightly. This manifests itself as the “red shift”. Anyway, you budding physicists can ponder these things. I’m going to read a good book.

Picture of the day.
Complete photo ID system, $3,200 USD.
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           I like the effect of that siding, this batten design. When properly applied, it is quite weatherproof and the new table saw makes it a snap to cut consistent pieces. It smells nice (cedar) and is easy to work with. I’m thinking of a few other things I could use it for, including that odd shaped area where the bathroom “closet” is located. And the siding for my laundry room may have just been decided. The area does not have to be airtight.
           Next, I spent some time trying to figure out my mobile hotspot. Like most such products, it arrives with “New Age” directions. They assume you just want it to work and will fiddle with it until that event, then never touch the setting again. This, by the way, is my experience of how “power users” approach electronic devices. Ask them anything technical and they haul out another electronic device, duh.

           This unit uses the T-Mobile network, whose “support” is about on par with your average bank. That is, they themselves don’t’ have a clue what is going on and have never quite heard of a problem like yours before. What I can’t get past is all the directions say to bring up the list of SSIDs and chose CoolPad Surf. They are also notorious for the time worn “you’re supposed to know” syndrome. You choose the CoolPad Surf SSID and enter your IMEI. The snag there is the CoolPad Surf SSID never appears and most people don’t have a clue what an SSID or IMEI are.
           My point is, if it logs on by itself and never asks for the password, why not leave it unpaid next month just to see what happens? I was 15 days overdue last time since I didn’t get back until the plan ran out, and the line continued to work. I’ve download the manual and I’ll read it until it makes sense, but chances are this millennial-grade document will not even mention this circumstance. Actually, I should call it MicroSoft-grade because they are pioneers for writing directions that do not cover the problems that can occur on their equipment. And talk about creative and misleading names for features and functions.

           Some contemporary cautions. The announcement of living cell robots is misleading. The cells, so-called ‘xenobots’ are not capable of being controlled, so they are not robots. Fact is, the way they act in particular manners is not understood enough to be making these type of grandstanding announcements. I also repeat when you put a DVD into your computer while it is on-line and the SONY playscreen pops up, exit it immediately. Use your regular DVD application and if possible, don’t play any commercial DVDs on a computer that is connected to Internet service. A picture of the screen you do NOT want to activate is shown here. It’s pretty amazing how many people ignore such good advice until there is a knock on their door.

           Oh, and if you are using Google Spreadsheets or MicroSoft On-line, you only think it you are the one doing the using. US Bank fired a woman and her supervisor for giving a destitute man $20. Way to go US Bank, but typical. I see Facebook apologized after its translation software called a Chinese politician “Mr. Shithole”. Damn, that name was reserved for American liberals, who exist on the premise that the majority of people in this country do not know what is good for them. This does not jive with the record turnouts for Trump appearances, outdistancing even 2016. The message is simple—9 million people are likely to vote for Trump out of sheer horror that any of the ass-clown Democrats would get in.
           The Democrats are using their old formula of promising everybody everything out of the that flop on them last time? Somebody should inform the pollsters that it is Hillary who is the old bag. But not as old as Bernie, whose major campaign promise is to “rescind every damn thing that Trump has done”. My instinct says these are the dying gasps of malcontents who know they don’t stand a hope in hell. They want a return to “business as usual” and I wonder if that is possible after Trump.

           Clearview. Tha/s the name of the company you’ll probably hear a lot about. It’s the startup that scraped a few million photos off Facebook and such. It matches any photo taken by any camera, say a camera at a busy pedestrian intersection, and matches it with any other photo of the same person. Using the pseudo-A.I. code, it goes well beyond facial recognition. Some 600 police departments are known to be using it. Soon, you will not be able to walk down a street without being ID’d. Myself, there are no pictures of me anywhere on line with enough detail for that. I recognized the danger back in the 90s, I’m surprised it took as long as it did to snag these incredibly stupid millennials. The FBI just busted a site with 12 billion stolen records.
For whatever else went wrong, the general pattern was each generation was overall a little bit smarter than the last.            History did often repeat itself, but the mistakes were a little smarter over time—until this generation. The first in history demonstrably far, far stupider than their predecessors. There are exceptions, but as Ann Coulter put it, exceptions don’t alter a statistic. There is a strangeness to how complacency works. Those most guilty of it hope the fiasco they create will drag everybody else down with them. Why try to improve, or study, or get ahead, when anybody can be shamed into pretending they respect even loathing idiots?
           The culprit? Social media. It’s made for liberals, who can be anybody they want on-line. The disconnect can get brutal in any face-to-face, but that’s where they’ll just call you intolerant. You know the drill. Churchill made a prophetic statement about appeasement. Those who feed the alligator hoping it will eat them last. I figure the alligator is social media and entering private details of one’s live is the food. How about that big upset with dating sites sharing personal info. What exactly did they expect?

           I partially blame the assembly-line college system in America as well. They are no longer turning out a quality product. They hand degrees to anybody with enough money. Then we get to listen to the complaints there are no entry level jobs for those degrees. Well, duh, because employers have caught on the degree is useless and don’t want to spend money training people who can’t read or write. I would love to go back to college some day, studying a variety of topics. But they want you to pay for a degree up front, Yep, guys, have fun in high school and college, because if you don’t, the opportunities are never the same again. which is another con job. I enjoyed university back when it was boy-meets-girl and everything else was strange.
           Fortunately, I figured this out in my early teens. Those who didn’t get the picture, well, I guess they could always wait until they are 35 any pay for it. If you really want to know how well I did, encourage me to get my early journals key-entered. In my college days, it was still possible to meet total babes who were actually virgins. No matter how the world changes, there will always remain a huge value in that situation. Other bonuses were the pill, few age limits, diseases were rare, and people who belonged in closets stayed there. I’m not saying things were better for everybody, because they weren’t. At the same time, don’t be telling me things are better these days. I’m revolted by what I see on a lot of campuses.

Last Laugh