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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

January 22, 2020

One year ago today: January 22, 2019, FEMA will be first.
Five years ago today: January 22, 2015, anything but a farmer.
Nine years ago today: January 22, 2011, but I don’t have any.
Random years ago today: January 22, 2008, ePinions, no quality control.

           Okay, five days later, the chicken coop chronicles draw to a close. Only finishing work left, the interior is ready. The only big task left is the lid for the nesting boxes has to be custom built. I had a lid that looked like it would fit, but no dice. I may opt for a brooding light rather than the heater, since the coop turned out to be remarkably warm when the south facing window was closed. Working in that back yard area has also got my thoughts back on a compost device, since that soil is far more “black” than it needs to be back there, and is almost 8” deep in most places. That, while my front yard is like the Gobi desert in the wintertime. The area I need to turn green is not all that big. Think 15’ x 40’.
           You’ll find a second picture of the coop today, showing more detail, such as the batten siding and roof. No, it's not a duplicate. The roof “slats” are sealed with roofing tar. I thought to paint some of the surfaces, but I have enough small pieces of cedar left over to do some trim. I want experience with that feature. Note the “pagoda” peaks on the roof ridge. It’s not in the plans, I just thought it would look neat. The entry hatch is on the right, you can’t see it but that’s the east wall. The coop is light enough to relocate by just dragging it along.

           Boss Hogg was not coming in all day, so I had the dubious diversion of listening to Tampa libtard radio. Which station? Don’t matter, all that come in this far away are the same claptrap. Still trying to make a big deal out of this impeachment, with a string of nobody’s announcing that Trump abused his power. But those are opinions only. They claim to have reviewed the findings, but won’t say how and what those were. We want facts, evidence, and witnesses, not unqualified second-hand partisan opinions on “findings”. And again the polls are up to their old antics of announcing an imminent Democrat victory. Ha, we shall see.
           The secondary news coverage is all about how Trump is embarrassing the US of A. Yep, the opposition wants things back to where the country was nice-guying itself out of existence. And good old Bernie has announced a $150 billion scheme to triple the income of blacks, making then the highest paid ethnic group in the world.. Who was it that for the 2012 election announced he wanted to pay retards $2 per hour? Was that also Bernie? As the impeachment circus continues, the Democrats are claiming this has “no political component” and in typical libtard fashion, are twisting any defense against their wild accusations as “obstructing justice”.

Picture of the day.
Ugandan rock band.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           As I scoped the front yard for the amount of compost I’ll be needing, I was surprised by this small crop of collard greens. I’ve raked the leaves away and now that I know what to look for, there are six plants in this one small area. It is unknown why they grow in groups like this. The people who sold me the house say they’ve never seen this plant here before, but have known this plant to grow four feet high.
           The back yard is another story. All the good soil is back there and it has the aroma of forest. You can turn over a single spadeful and get ten big earthworms. The birds have learned to follow when I walk over fresh soil because my shoe prints alone make easy pickins. They seem to like this black beetle that resembles a small scarab. I’ve been reading up on compost and it says the process can take months or years. Here’s me pointing at the back yard behind the bedroom. This green vine appears every year and is impossible to entirely get rid of. There is a pile of lumber, some screens, a few stumps, and a woodpile under all those leaves.

           For siesta, I threw on what I though was a documentary about Loch Ness. It was a documentary about a documentary, not usually considered good entertainment. But I have a hobby interest in short films and I’m finding a lot of the techniques helpful. How they solve problems keeps me watching, but I would not recommend “Incident at Loch Ness”. For example, the boat is too noisy and the only solution seems to be installing a smaller motor, which costs. Instead, the sound man solves the problem by arranging to tow the recording gear on a barge 300 feet behind the big boat. While they don’t give prices, this movie at least shows the people are strongly concerned with costs. It is rare for movie people to talk this subject, although they have no problem revealing the total cost.
           There is another ad on the radio about buying a new car entirely on-line. The dealership is just north of here and they brag that you can phone in your order, no down payment needed, and they can have the vehicle ready for you whenever you come in. Folks, this is not progress. Complete strangers have so much of you and your life on file that they can hand you the keys to a new car sight unseen. Creepy, that’s what it is. This trend is only beginning as the country moves ever closer to the “one big database” state. It’s unstoppable in the sense that if you succeed in protecting your privacy, that just opens another file flagging you as “one of those”.
           An example of one big data base is City Hall. If you go in to get a dog license, they no longer open just the dog license file. They open your entire file, and go through every field. They will not issue the dog tags until every other item is completed. It says here they don’t have your marital status. It’s none of their business, but unless you comply, you may have to shoot the dog. It’s aarping on a major scale. Like the rule that they won’t let you register a car unless you have a valid driver’s license in the same state. Such laws criminalize ordinary people. What’s next, you can’t buy a house anywhere you want unless you have a passport or something? This is what the Constitution was written to prevent.

Last Laugh