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Monday, February 24, 2020

February 23, 2020

One year ago today: February 23, 2018, like tarot & aromatherapy.
Five years ago today: February 23, 2014, swamp, forest, & cotton.
Nine years ago today: February 23, 2010, Wallace pulls a fast one.
Random years ago today: February 23, 2001, island music, huh?

           It was off the recycling spot this morning. As far as I know, we are the only pair that go there as a couple. Don’t people know what they are missing? See how the Reb saved up a whole trunkload just to be ready for when I arrived. Only somebody who truly cares will do that for ya. The site is near the town of Old Hickory, so we scouted for a coffee shop. Nope, the only business open there on Sunday was the biker bar. So we found a creek with deer trails and spent an hour in the brambles. We got back to the deserted town square.
           Things are down to a routine for these trips but there is always last minute scrambling. So I took over cooking duties and made some California black rice. It’s just rice with a grainy taste, a kind of health-food flavor, but I report it is okay if you want to try. The cook time is 45 minutes, the usual reason people don’t care for any but white rice. That’s the day.

           I can’t deal with cold very well, so I curled up with the latest PopSci magazine, and I’m not happy with the new format. They’ve taken the print down to around 8 or 9 points, what, to save ink? Thus, the magazine is easy to read at the table, but I like to lie down and read. This puts the print slightly too far away. No, I won’t wear reading glasses because my vision is just fine, thank you, and I tend to fall asleep while reading. Glasses aren’t great in that situation, at least until our civilization can make them out of material that can bend or not break.
           I’m struggling to find anything more interesting about today, but no luck. Even JeePee the turtle has gone into dormant mode. I could not tempt him with his favorite blueberries. I brought more music gear along this trip, so if it stays chilly I can work on my act. It appears there will be little else to do. Pat-B e-mails to report on the cruise lines, the fat lady situation has become “an epidemic”. He still has no idea how rare good-looking women are about to become after he hits 45. Even if you find one, you may wish you hadn’t. Their personalities usually take a swan dive around the same time.
           Here’s a photo called “Seagull Revenge”. This was an odd one since there are no trees or overhead wires where we park her car. I say it was organized dive-bombing. We drove five miles to find a gas station with free windshield wash. Of course, this mess was on my side of the car. They also did a number on the paint job and headlight lenses. This is the blog that dares, don’t laugh, this photo already got 117 hits.

           All is in readiness for the trip. These are one of the few times I read the weather report and it not only has rained here for three weeks, it is forecast to rain every day between now and March 7. Florida rains, yes, but you don’t have to walk chickens twice a day. This is also another no-gif trip, as I’m no longer bringing the big computer along. That could change, for as I restore order to my place back home, I’m finding stuff that had been moved out of the way while I replace all the flooring. Sooner or later, I’ll find the disk with that program.

Picture of the day.
Lawnmower beer.
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           Look at this couple dog-marching. Some people! It is actually the John Cleese Silly Walk as interpreted for doggies. Stick around and I may get you the video, but there is almost no overlap on our schedules these days. I’m back, Tennessee makes me sleepy in the winter. Couple that with my developed liking for afternoon naps, and the day can to pretty fast. I had to write down the instructions for the new doggie diet. They are partially going back on dry food. But they’ll continue getting home-cooked turkey while I’m around.
           Well, well, the business community is finally getting the wake up call of depending on foreign sources for vital materials. The caronavirus has shut down some major Chines factories and certain products are already in short supply. I’ve always maintained the US should remain self-sufficient on anything that would be vulnerable if some other country cut us off. We have not only lost those commodities, but also the factories and the skilled labor force. I can’t understand how America could be so stupid to go out on a limb like that. But it wasn’t somebody like Donald Trump who gave all our jobs away, now was it?
           Rumor is that the stock market will take a dump after the next election. If Trump gets in, there is no incentive to keep propping it up. If Bernie gets in, a communist in the White House would have the same effect. And on the Assange-Diplomat issue, I say send the diplomat back. If you are unaware of the situation, the wife of a US diplomat drove on the right hand side of the road and killed a Brit teenager. She was whisked away, but I don’t think diplomatic immunity should extend to the families. That would set a dangerous precedent. World-wide.
           Strangely enough, the liberal left is still trying the old media trick that doesn’t work on Trump. It's the creation of fake hype that some other guy is winning. In this case, Bermie. The papers are declaring he won in Nevada, but don’t specify what it was he won. Knowing the Post and Times, it could have been a 2-for-1 pizza. A spelling bee. A free lotto ticket? I can’t believe anyone would listen to a politician who is going to have to steal the money from somewhere. Fortunately, most voters know that not paying your debts has consequences.

Last Laugh