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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

March 24, 2020

One year ago today: March 24, 2019, shell therapy.
Five years ago today: March 24, 2015, the 3V “zippo”.
Nine years ago today: March 24, 2011, the last KFC smorg?
Random years ago today: March 24, 2007, yes, but it’s deceptive . . .

           Miami beach, where you can be arrested for walking in groups of more than two. Most of the morning we drove past the coronavirus test centers in search of a yard plant for JZ’s sister-in-law. The plant is common but not the size and shape. Here it is, out in the Redlands. It was too heavy to lift, so had to be pried out of the ground and rolled to the truck. Two of them actually. Tey’d been sitting outdoors long enough they’d put down roots to the ground soil. We got them, which required a twelve-foot pry bar and a six-pack of Samual Adams.
           Which is a more expensive bottle of beer than JZ ever drinks on his own. But when I get to town that’s different. If you think I’m the sort that bases my diet on what’s organic and non-GMO, compare with JZ who favors whatever is on sale. He does shop at Publix, the most expensive regular grocery chain in Florida, a place I shy away from. That’s the place with the shrink-wrapped potatoes. What’s next shrink-lumber?

           We hit four different nursuries, including some of the largest in the area. Lots of walking, above my limit, actually. All my medicals were cancelled, I call it the NOVA effect. That’s from my days with the NOVA robot club (what a joke). That’s where you give a man a cell phone with the capability of texting cancellations at the last miniute, and the sumbitch will. Shown here is the biggest one and I style I don’t care for. The points on the ends of those leaves are as sharp as they look.
           According to JZ, if they root, they are carefree. So I scooped a pail full of the small shoot-type pieces trimmed from the edges of what you see here. This plant reminds of old black & white movies. They were the man-eating jungle plants. The extent of the virus scare meant we were the only persons shopping so we got some real bargain. There is talk the feds are requiring some airline travelers to self-quarantine for two weeks.

           The popular mood is shifting each passing day. Talk now is that the Democrats have purposely overstepped their authority using the virus scare to cover their intention. That intention is to test how much nonsense people will put up with. They’ve done this countless times, slowly innuring people to following orders without question, always pushing the envelope.
           So much for the 2002 theory that people with smart devices would develop superior “thumb powers”. There was one guy supposed to speed type 40 wpm with his thumbs and they were supposed attract mates faster and dial 911 faster than keypad slowpokes. Instead there is a massinve increase in related bone and medical conditions.

Picture of the day.
Bolivian train cemetery.
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           I was unaware of the destruction of Yeehaw Junction last December. It is a route I no longer take, it has fallen out of favor. It’s been in the blog at couple times during the 2014-2015 era when JZ and I were house-hunting. We had stopped there once in the daylight for a beer, I remember only how hot it was that summer. It is another of those middle-of-nowhere intersections near state center. Some Chicago truckdriver plowed into the restaurant bar area. It’s difficult to imagine how he managed that.
           These obscure cafes and such are a holdover from the days when I was reduced to hitchhiking. Don’t read me wrong, most teens in my demographic received, if nothing else, a good used car from their parents. At least. But that’s another story. While the country was changing due to the growing effect of the interstates, there was still a diner in every town, a counter at every bus depot, and a place to grab coffee along most roads.
           That change has happened in my lifetime and was not an improvement if you ask me. Franchises have their merits but the personal touch American way are not amoung them. I’ve never done it personally, but in my day you could get a free meal at a roadside by offering to do dishes or sweep the sidewalk. Nowadays you need an on-line resume and a good credit score but is that progress? JZ & I speculated the truck driver had a fantasy of crashing into the Desert Inn Motel, to leave his legacy. Or maybe it was that wooden Indian in front. Could it be he just hated that? How do we know he didn’t just lose that nice truck at the casino. At least (see photo) he missed the historical marker. For that matter, could they not just leave the scene as is and charge admission?

Last Laugh