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Friday, March 27, 2020

March 27, 2020

One year ago today: March 27, 2019, fake trivia, ba Karaoke.
Five years ago today: March 27, 2015, winners deserve a selection.
Nine years ago today: March 27, 2011, stupidity is indivisible.
Random years ago today: March 27, xxxx, WIP

           Once again Europe takes the lead in common sense. It could be said they finally read this blog, but I won’t nag. They are taking dead aim on millennial marketing starting with right to repair laws. It’s not just voiding your warranty but that it also blocks competitors from making cheaper replacement parts. I’m not crediting millennials with the brains to devise the scam, only that they, the most complacent generation ever in this nation) encouraged it to take over by failing to protest. The second is the universal charging device. That is so long overdue it hurts. They could go one step further and require the manufacturer to include the charger in the weight spec. Today’s pictures are mainly filler, the first being the inside of an abandoned pump station up in Tennessee.
           A slight readjustment of my 2019 budget shows that, on average, I spent $229 per month on entertainment. That includes mainly movies, grabbing a beer, and all museums and the like. Not bad, since that works out to less than $8 per day. The association here is that when I’m out gigging, this is a budget category that can go negative. Technically, it should increase income, but that is not the way the books are set up. All income from entertainment is easily expensed out by the sheer cost of putting on a show. I doubt I’ve ever truly calculated the price tag of playing a gig, but I would be surprised if, when playing in a band, I’ve ever broken even. Soloing, now if focus, is hopefully going to change all that. Ominously, during 2019, I spent $312.41 per month more than I took in. Where’s that hotdog cart?

           Agt. R may have a working clothes washer. It’s a rugged commercial model but we have not tested it. If it works, expect it here by tomorrow. I arrived with things already behind schedule. The word I’d gotten is Miami was canceling all medical appointments so I thought I’d be back last Monday evening. Agt. R is fixing up the neighbor lady’s house, for which he gets a cut of the rent when it’s done. We roughly coordinate the chores so we have the same tools ready to shuttle back and forth. I didn’t know he dislikes electrical. My next task is the bathroom light switch. The door is now “upside down” so to speak, placing the light switch behind it when open. Moving it involves going under the house and up in the attic, a full day’s work anyway.
           I may finally have made headway with Google. Part of the problem is they would not send a reset code to a non-Google e-mail. So, way back in my records, I found an unused address set up before they made too many demands. Without saying how, I got a reset code from that that seems to have worked. Part of the trick is to open both accounts at the same time. You may say nothing to it, but there are many who don’t know how to do this. If it works, I’ll have a password reset account that traces back to itself. Should that carry, I’ll have a way to post blogs while traveling. Applying Occam’s Razor the simplest explanation is that Google must sincerely hate being unable to track people.
           I you see a video of some yahoo slicing potatoes, then rack this up as a success. It only took since 2012 to talk some sense into Google.

           Did I tell you about the bathroom door? Yes, I did. That was the last structural change in the remodel job, although I may install overhead shelves. The bathroom took priority last year when I was still not complete with the electric. That means I’ve long since forgotten what little tasks remained with that. Only the rough part is really done and this is what I was up against installing that new light switch. This took four full hours, including the time to crawl under the house and drill a new access port. I decided to leave the old switch behind the door and use if for something else, like a fan above the door to compensate for that room being not air-conditioned.
           It also took time to get the attic ladder in place, but now there is room to walk around it. I won’t have to take it down every day. The last half-hour with the switch was wasted because one of the new cables was mis-labeled. It’s not surprising because most of the dedicated circuits run along the same conduit. The only major thing that can happen is mistaking a destination and cutting one of the wires too short. The work again proceeded far too slowly for me to make any money at it. The trim is not done but I now have a workable bathroom switch.
That small wiring mix-up may explain why the kitchen lights won’t work three-way. It’s the switch by the entrance and I have to walk across the room in the dark to hit the hallway switch. I can’t expect company to do that. One wire is in there backwards so wish me luck finding it. I just know it will up in that attic. Maybe tomorrow?

Picture of the day.
Airplane reflections.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I sunk another post for the lean-to, the used lot from Tennessee so they look like they’ve been there since day one. One of the interior tiles is removed from the shed to trace the mystery pipe though I have not cut through the wire mesh yet. Too hot out there even with the shed fans on full blast. That job is going to take more than I planned. Because of the shape, the posts had to be placed 8-foot-8 apart. I’ll have to purchase ten footers and cut them. That’s my weekend. Either fix the kitchen light or get ahead on that shed. Fear not, such thrilling days are not my destiny. I’ve allowed for two hours per day practice. Once I get the new act together, it will take two decades off my blog reporting.
           How that works is because I talk about pretty women when I see them. And without being on stage, this is America and you won’t see them. TMOR do not be fooled by Hollywood movies, it is possible to go for years in this country without ever seeing a young beautiful woman. The exceptions are going to places like the beach, but there’s a different problem there. It’s that every other nose-pickin’ mouth breather has the same idea. Sure, you’ll see them, but that’s about as close as you’ll ever get. Sadly, this is one thing that changed about America during my time. Back in the 70s, you could go girl-watching just about everywhere. Today, except for the meat markets, it’s a wasteland.

           That’s about to change for me. I may not chase women, but I love looking at the pretty ones. After 40, the best remaining times are on that stage. It’s not my sole motive, I have always enjoyed just making people happy with music. Good, because making them happy any other way is too much like work for me. I’m gradually re-recording my list and sifting through what I already know for tunes that make the grade. I’ve had some surprises already. Cash’s “Walk The Line” proved ideal, plus that guitar work is a natural for bass soloing. Other workable tunes include “Keep Your Hands To Yourself” and “On The Road Again”
Here’s one to ponder. I still have the lists of every band I’ve played in since 1985. The one list that I cannot use anything from is the Hippie’s. It kind of figures, knowing the guy, that he would have gravitated to music with that hidden quality. I can no longer say the tunes on his list have nothing in common.

           Agt. R and I are looking at the problem of my non-airconditioned bathroom. He says a ceiling fan that draws off the hot air will work. I say only if there is a vent leading from a cool area of the house. And if that is the case, mount the fan in the wall. It’s easier, or put it above the door where it is most out of the way. Closer examination of that washer shows hidden damage and mickey mouse repairs, so it will be hard to sell. But if it works, it’s far better than what I’ve got. Do you need any electric motors? We have a surplus. Whoa, Ken, that doesn’t mean they’re free.
           So, an Austin company is planning to dock the paychecks of employees who get a stimulus check. Good, that’s an initial wake-up call for millennials who had nothing to hide. Your boss goes on-line, he doesn’t need to ask you. Oh, and they’ll also dock half the $500 your dependents get, see, they’ve got that on file, too. Think about that, you brainwashed millies, the next time you run off at the mouth about the wonderful networked society you thought was so your oyster. All I’m saying is it serves your right, and this is just the beginning of what you people have brought down on your heads.

           Remember 2008, when corporations used the bailout money for stock buy-backs and CEO bonuses? The availability of bail-outs has prompted the biggest corporations to direct 90% of their cash flow to create overseas stockpiles while posturing themselves for an increased handout next round. If I was Trump, I’d exclude cruise lines, casinos, airlines, insurance companies, and hotels from any assistance. These outfits can suffer because they historically refuse to establish any cash reserves.
           It is interesting that corporate executives dumped nearly $10 billion in stock during the month and a half between the time the flu was identified and the virus was politicized. I see gold is climbing. I wonder, do I have any gold? Probably, but not much. The slowdown is pushing a lot of people over the cliff, so darn rights I’m watching every selling price. Please, please, silver, pop up to $200 and ounce, just for one day.
           Last, there’s the boy scout ranting on-line about a teen who died from caronavirus after being refused care because he had no medical. Hold on, there snowball, we need a lot more information than that. The post was titled, “This didn’t have to happen.” What sort of healthy teen dies from a flu? What were the circumstances? If it didn’t have to happen, can we send you the bill? Did the hospital know he had the caronavirus? Did he even die from the viru?. Some reports say on the death as “linked” to the virus. Others say he died of a heart attack. Either way, there is too much political manipulation going on for me to take it as a virus death.

Last Laugh