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Thursday, March 5, 2020

March 5, 2020

One year ago today: March 5, 2019, countless, my eye.
Five years ago today: March 5, 2015, the old thrust bearing trick.
Nine years ago today: March 5, 2011, did it in my head.
Random years ago today: March 5, 2007, vocalists who underspecialize.

           We’re back to a routine and spent an hour up at the lake. The water level is the lowest I’ve seen it, my guess is four feet down. That’s a lot of water and a lot of exposed beach. Not sandy beach but rubble and eroded rock from what could be nearby mountainsides. It was not just a flooded valley, it’s line with broken rock fragments. They are like shale and wobble when walked on. Where this makes news is I think I’ve found my first fossil. It’s not much, but I can see some plant-like patterns on the surface. Could be I’ve found such things before,. They could have been duck tracks baked in mud for all I know.

           But this rock was under that water a long time, at least four feet under as my shoulders were a little below the level of the shoreline when the Reb and I were here last year. Makes me confident the rock is older than anything I would have found on shore. I’ve always wanted to find one. I won’t keep this one because it is so faint. I’ll now be on the lookout for a better imprint in that area. Even if the water rises quite a bit, there is still a lot of exposed rock most of the time.
           I bought a small booklet of poems by Rudyard Kipling. You know, the guy lived until 1936. I first heard of him while in Scouts and he was also popularly quoted in comedy magazines I read in my youth. I’d always thought he was more 1836 but then I find out he was derided in his time by academics because his work was so popular with what they called “rustics”. Hey, my own musical act isn’t intended to appeal to the Julliard’s bunch. They say when his work finally became well-known, it was rejected for its content. He was an imperialist and his poetry didn’t flatter women. I identify with that, since I’ve got a blog here that won’t make me any friends at the libtard convention.
           Lucky me, I found a DVD with some decent courtroom drama. I know none of this happens in real life, but I like detective novels, I like the make-believe. That was the morning. Let me see if I can get you a picture of the fossil. If you see it, I succeeded. It’s pretty faint. The stem and one branch are just visible, there are some other branches kind of there. Now I really want one with leaves as shown in the encyclopedia. It would make my day. The move today was called “The Lincoln Lawyer”.

Picture of the day.
Ukrainian monastery.
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           Many of the ancient links on this blog are in jeapordy. A new generation of browsers seeks to block all links that use protocols developed prior to 2006. These were still in use when pictures and the Yesteryear feature began nto figure prominently in my posts. The eFAG gang has not specified if blog links will be affected, but based on their track record, it is better to be prepared. My pages don’t really use any serious encryption because there is nothing unsafe here. I fiollow every link before it is posted.
           In other tech news, it may be time to look into DuckDuckGo again. They have a tracker blocker that can list the outfits tracking you. As shown in this graph, Google is by far the most nefarious reseller of your on-line data. Not mine, I’ve used Ghostery since the day it came out. Nobody who reads this blog is surprised to find Adobe on the list. Remember all those “updates” I warned you about? This is the result. You should never use Google Chrome, or even have it on your computer. I’ll check into thei DuckDuckGo product, but they do not yet make a version compatible with the browser I use.

           One booklet I picked up was, I mistakenly thought, a book on prehistory. Nope, it is some tale translated from French. That makes it a complex read, Called “Prehistoric Times”, I think it is about an archeologist. Meaning I’ll probably read it. And that was Agt. R on the phone just now. It looks like we may have a workable plan to get the Lincoln Navigator on the road. I know I said Pathfinder at first, but since 1980, most vehicles look alike to me. Nor am I the bozo who comes up with these similar-meaning names. I’m still checking and could have photos for you as early as tomorrow.

           Ah, so Trump finally has the clout to cut off these sanctuary cities. I’m not a Trump supporter, more like an admirer of someone with the guts to go up against these lying, scheming liberals. All the good they ever do has long been canceled out by how they go about things. Cities who harbor criminals plainly don’t deserve my tax dollars. However, the other side isn’t above such posturing either. The comments by a politician that the Supreme Court would suffer the consequences of their votes on abortion are basically true and don’t sound like a threat to me. He’s basically stating action-reaction cause and effect.
           I’m curious how the sanctuary cities will react. My take is that the cities who suffer worst are the ones who need shaking up. Think about it, federal funding is a form of welfare. A properly run city does not run up bills it cannot pay itself. I never followed which cities got what funding, but this should reveal if there was even one of them on a sound enough footing to carry on without federal money. I doubt it, because it isn’t just people who develop a false sense of entitlement. Also, no welfare recipient is ever going to demonstrate he doesn’t need the money.
           Having said that, Trump should go one step further and tell the cities that don’t comply now that their funding will be cut off for five years even if they comply later. The reason I feel strongly about this issue is because the people who lived in those cities were never asked if they wanted these criminals in their communities. The way I see it, the leftist governments of these cities are the ones who will suffer right along with the illegals. The average resident will probably benefit.

Last Laugh