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Friday, April 10, 2020

April 10, 2020

One year ago today: April 10, 2019, not one offering.
Five years ago today: April 10, 2015, the pay was too low.
Nine years ago today: April 10, 2011, 300,000 files.
Random years ago today: April 10, 2016, central Florida listings.

           All day in the yard when I know there is still work to do in the bathroom. But the chickens were calling, there was a breeze on this overcast day, I had two quarts of iced tea, and felt like making boxes. The neighbor was at the fence again, I think he considers me to be the real handyman. Maybe I could be if I had that barn full of tools he so rarely uses. That’s the guy who spent all that money setting up a shop, but then lost his motivation to use it. I was tarring posts for my shop vacuum setup. I cannot find wiring diagrams for the motor That’s the blower motor seen in this picture with the tarred fence post.
           I drew up an underground cooling system. I’ll price out the pipes, the larger the better. It requires 100 feet of 6” pipe buried at least three feet deep. I’ll need ten 45° elbows or ten tees, depending on which pattern I opt for. One long zig-zag pipe means a longer cooling path, but five short pipes will move more volume. I’m having a hard time finding the connection diagram for that blower motor. I sunk the posts until I ran out and raked leaves. Those sheds, however I work it out, are going to have to do as my work area, so they are likely to get finished, including insulation, on the inside. It will be cheaper than anything the city would approve.

           A long discussion with Elliott on the merits or lack of them with MLM. I know the odds, 43% of people who invest in regular businesses lose money. With MLM it is 96%. I believe that is for those who jump in both feet and try to make a living at it. The danger of rolling over the profit was always evident, where I intended to approach carefully, with weekly withdrawals until we “get our money back”, and even then, keep it as a low key producer as long as nothing funny starts happening. Far from embracing the arrangement, I stress we are only going in far enough to make the same money as two people we know who have been in it for two years. The company, AuvoriaPrime, was only formed last month, but the people, all crooks, have been plugging this software for a number of years. I’ve not mentioned this to the Reb yet.
           Oh yeah, I'm not going to post the blog about e-surveillance categories until the weekend at the soonest.

Picture of the day.
Somewhere in N. Dakota.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I was out there in the back yard. The raised planter are going to cost around $50 each unless I want to waste time shopping around. That’s $30 in lumber and $20 in hardware. The lag screws are now $0.35 apiece and each unit requires 32 of them. The posts for the vacuum shed were hard to see no matter how I took the picture, so the blog that dares hands you this photo of the post holes. Ain’t no unemployment around here. Based on my most recent survey, I’m going over my song list one by one. There are two elements most influential, what my people think of the tunes, and what they think the audience thinks. Crucial here is that many of the scores are from non-musicians who do not care for country music.
           So here’s a treat for you. The highlights of a survey that most musicians, particularly guitar players, never undertake. For obvious reasons, if you ask me. I take these surveys to heart, especially how a lot of people like different versions than what I play. Imagine that, Glen, asking the audience what they want and listening to them. Due to my heavy customization of the bass lines, it is not always easy to switch versions, but I will this time. Generally, I chose the version easiest to sing and pair it up with the best bass line. All this invaluable inside info and photos of holes in the ground. No wonder this blog is as popular as it is.

                      Top rated tune: not “Folsom Prison”, but Cline’s “Back in Baby’s Arms”.
                      Least-liked tune: “Wasted Days & Wasted Nights”, Freddy.
                      Average personal score: 7.1/10
                      Average perceived audience score: 8.9/10
                      Most common like: chick music, top chick song Parton’s “Jolene”
                      Least common like: “Lady Madonna”
                      Biggest surprise like: Dottie West’s “Country Sunshine”
                      Biggest surprise dislike: “Long Tall Texan”
                      Most common comment: “great bass line”.
                      Least favorite Beatles song: “I’ve Just Seen A Face”
                      Biggest surprise dislike: “Spiders & Snakes”
                      Biggest non-country dislike: “Mama’s Broken Heart”, Lambert
                      Nobody liked: “Beer Flavored Kisses”.

           Taking a cue from old Bernie, this newest Democrat weakling is going for the youth vote by promising student loan forgiveness. In reality, one of their few hopes left is to try buying the votes of the least experienced and idealistic. The ones too shallow to spot if you don’t pay your own student loan now, you will wind up paying everybody else’s in taxes later. And encourage a whole new and permanent layer of dependency who will consider the free money a right and borrow to the nines. They say it is for families with less than $125,000 income, but there are already programs for that and numbers have a habit of changing.
           Talking with my people, we are mystified how people are paying for things. There are thousands of people out of work and no husbanding of resources could have lasted this long. I have not heard of any widespread bankruptcies, but is that because landlords aren’t keen on having to find new tenants. When is this whole fiasco going to hit rock bottom, and who will do the suffering? We’ve seen little to suggest this flu is that much worse than the others. The garbage pickup is gone and the postal service, well it says gloom of night, not caronavirus

Last Laugh