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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

April 15, 2020

One year ago today: April 15, 2019, where’s my damn coffee?
Five years ago today: April 15, 2015, can’t use a stick shift.
Nine years ago today: April 15, 2011, C.V. Meyers, R.I.P.
Random years ago today: April 15, 2014, motorcycle heyday.

           A nice view of the progress on the thermal chimney. This shows one of the two double glass panes being fitted. None of the lumber yard employees had a clue what steel duct was. It’s the tin (actually galvanized steel) ducts that your furnace or A/C are flows around in. It comes in flat sheets, which is what I want, and can be snapped together into a duct. I will use this as my solar absorbing material when painted flat black. The chimney will be covered with cedar fence panels, my siding lumber of choice. That’s tarpaper you see on the sides, the inner cavity will be lined with the sheet metal.
           I had originally thought of making the chimney out of stove pipe, which would have cost about the same. But it looked so bad I would have had to encase it anyways. It comes already painted black, so depending on how this project performs, don’t rule out a second unit. Unlike the glass unit, this pipe will not be cool to the touch. Once again, the pipe is cheap, the fittings are outrageous. For the underground, I found some pipe at $9 per ten-foot section, it’s ordinary green drain pipe.

           Aldi was out of hummus, but I found a container of it labeled “carrot cake”. That’s what it tastes like, but that kind of defeats the purpose. It’s another gastrozombie product, entirely artificial. Realistic as it was, I’d rather have the carrot cake. I drove to Winter Haven this morning for supplies and see the level of business activity is slowly increasing.
           How’s the Forex trading doing? As this week’s activity draws to a close, the earnings hit 2.085% out of a target of 3%. There are many questions remaining, but I say again I would be happy if it performed this much on a regular basis. I’m beginning to spot the relationships of the numbers that flicker on the “Expert Advisor”. Be aware this is a volatile and risky market, not suitable for anyone with the jitters. There are times when, due to buying in a falling market, that one of the counters shows a nerve-wracking loss. Until you figure out that’s because the value of what you bought is still falling, it’s no doubt caused a lot of panic.

           Until you recruit three paying underlings, there is a monthly fee of $189. My spreadsheets were based on the amount needed at 3% per week to pay that and still produce $300 per month. There were some other considerations I won’t get into, but the figure was $4,725. I have another spreadsheet that automatically updates the projections based on actual performance. While not as great as the salespeople say, so far I’m content. I’m curious how easy it is to withdraw money out of the brokerage account. What is the lag time, do they charge commission, what are the fees? For now, let’s stick with learning the software.
           My method is certainly different. The webinars remain slow and boring while I’m moving along at relative warp 3 because I can tell what’s going on by how the software works. I’ve now dropped every menu and looked up every unfamiliar term. The difference in approach to the package is as different as can be for the Reb & I, but it pays off when we find situations that don’t work like the demos—bad instructions = a sure sign of the MicroSoft mentality. I’ll tell what happened and you can draw your own conclusions. The Reb & I are in a Zoom full of people who have been using this software this for years.

           There is a new feature that once you reach your weekly goal, a “trail equity” protector is placed on your earnings. We were shown how to establish this in the navigator pane using the modify menu. You create a new template and apply it to your account. Problem, the equity window locked up. When we got on the Zoom meeting, we were the only ones who had been able to change the setting. We quickly figured out that once it became apparent we were not going to reach our weekly goal (3%), we changed our goal to slightly below the actual (2.084%) so the equity protector kicked in, and kept on trading. I think they are still wondering how we figured that out.
           It seems we were the only ones who knew that we did not need that template, that we could go into the individual trading windows and change the settings there. We got more than one WTF reaction. You see, to me the workaround was nothing more than spotting the template was a global variable and failing that, change the local variables.

Picture of the day.
Floating money.
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           This [post] probably sounds overly technical, but that is part of the nature of learning new things in this blog. If you want the shallow versions of everything, try Google. I’d also noticed you cannot change and follow an individual currency. Instead, they always appear in groups of three. I found out these are called trading rings. The default is Dollars/Euros/Yen. Always three. If you wanted to trade in Australian dollars, you would have to find a ring that includes it—with no assurance the other two currencies would be the ones you want.
           For a laugh, check out It’s a combination learning site with a theme of trading pips, or tenths of a cent. Featured contributors include entities like Robopip, Dr. Pipslow, Hucklekiwi Pip (who describes herself as a mortal trader) and Forex Gump. CNN reports that in the absence of a vaccine, the US may have social distancing until 2022. I’m okay with that. I’ve always been okay with that. The media is downplaying the lockdown protests in Michigan, the first state with the cajones to tell their Governor to go to hell. I watched some of the videos, I’d say she just lost her job. As one guy said, “In Michigan you can smoke your grass, but you can’t mow it.”

           I got my third telemarket call this year, and I am proud to once again use my extensive anti-stupid tools on these people. No, they are not just another working stiff trying to put food on the table. My phone number has been on the no-call list since 2005. It’s not so much that they break the law, but that they ignore it when it is a clear signal they are not welcome. Trump didn’t go far enough, we need two things now. One, a law that says they need permission to call, two, a phone that rejects all calls except the ones you program in. Also, the law should make it far easier for the victim to sue for prescribed damages on demand. That would spell the death of telemarketing and I don’t expect there’d be many at the funeral.

Last Laugh