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Saturday, April 18, 2020

April 18, 2020

One year ago today: April 18, 2019, who’s waiting on who?
Five years ago today: April 18, 2015, the devoted superman lapdog.
Nine years ago today: April 18, 2011, nixie tubes.
Random years ago today: April 18, 2008, our crappy space program.

           I’ve incurred the wrath of my colleagues with my description of charlieplexing. It does not actually use two grounds, but behaves that way for the purpose of illustration. So, I apologize. Next, I know my theory of changing current direction is not new and is called complementary circuitry. I’m compelled to explain more. My contention is that the wiring can be rearranged in a manner that another layer of control is possible. All I’ll do just now is describe the essence of why I said ground when that was not what happens. We are dealing here with only Direct Current, DC.
           Connect a DC source to a light bulb with only the hot wire. It sits there. No place for the electricity to go. It will only light up if you connect the other side to ground. You can turn the light off by removing the ground. There is another way to turn the light off. Instead of a ground, put an equal and opposite current on the ground pin. You have two hot wires to the bulb. This is where you imagine what happens if you remove one of these two currents. Does the light come on? Answer, no. Enter the diode, which allows current in only one direction. This creates a wiring configuration called tristate, where the possible permutations matter. AAA, AAB, ABA, ABB BBB, BAA, BAB, and BBA. There are eight possible, but AAA and BBB are unfeasible, so that leaves six.
           My theory simply says that there is an undiscovered but clever way to connect the diodes to utilize the fact that at any given time, two of the wires are hot in “opposite” directions. It has been tried, no doubt, but the answer lies in the reason why nobody has pursued the concept. Meanwhile, what is this picture? It’s a better view of the tar coating on most of the posts being planted in the ground. In this case, you see three feet of tar on a ten-foot pole. These are for the lean-to on the shed and they are intended to be solid. This is hurricane territory. The wind is more likely to tear off the roof than uproot these posts. I’m also considering a shelter for the scooter behind the front fence.

Picture of the day.
Abandoned Liverpool theme park.
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           My priority for today is putting together some form of shelter for storing lumber. I’ve been leaning extra pieces up inside the shed to the point they are always in the way. Plus, while I was doing trim work, one chop saw is set up in the spare bedroom. Again, lots of leftover pieces that don’t need to be inside. I worked until dark and got the pole shown above into place. This is no easy task for me. And I don’t have the heart to tell the neighbor that if I enclose the table saw area, it blocks off his yard from mine. He has glowing admiration for the thermal chimney, I take it he has difficulty cutting angles.
           I like radio while working and everything was off the air today. Don’t tell me the liberals say radio is spreading the virus, but I would not be surprised. The only station was that Tampa “reality radio” I call it. They play recorded broadcasts from the past with a religious take. Today they featured anti-communist preachers from the 1950s, so it has some entertainment value. For siesta, I listened in for an hour on a Forex workshop. It requires no more evidence that too often, the phone is smarter than the user. Forex trading is intrinsically computer based. Yet moron after moron calls in thinking he can troubleshoot a complicated piece software from memory.

           However, such idiots place themselves at a disadvantage. You will never stop such imbeciles from wasting your time. Predictably, the host is weary of answering stupid questions. The moment one intellectual question gets asked, it dominates the rest of the meeting. Do we know any intellectuals? If so, the easiest way to shut up the truly stupid is with vocabulary. They will mever admit it when they don’t know a word, it’s that brotherhood of bozos credo. So much for the wired generation when they have to be shown every last procedure in baby steps.
           At the other end of that spectrum, I had a list of pointed questions derived from testing every option. One was that a series of labels in the templates were counter-intuitive. It’s once again OOPS programming, where many methods are named the opposite of their function. The ones that got me were the fields with percentages where every one was backwards. For example, the “equity protection” setting of 65% meant only the other 35% was protected. Duh. But, C+ people live in a world of their own.

           In music news, I’ve added “Calling Baton Rouge” to my set list.

Last Laugh