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Monday, April 20, 2020

April 19, 2020

One year ago today: April 19, 2019, America needs a strongman.
Five years ago today: April 19, 2015, she was probably a mule.
Nine years ago today: April 19, 2011, remember the barn?
Random years ago today: April 19, 2007, database spoken here.

           It was overcast again, an opportunity to sink more posts and tidy up the place. I need that outdoor storage because right now I don’t have a place to keep drywall. I’ve just enough to finish the job so I don’t want any getting wet. Here’s a perspective shot of lining up the posts for the scooter port. That first set of fence panels I bought on sale were no bargain. In less than two years they have sagged and need to be replaced or repaired. That set my mood for most of the day, which had me cursing these idiotic millennials. They are like NASA, one can only wonder what the world could have become by today if them dipshits had just left things alone. I’ve got countless gripes against what millennials have done with computers. You want to hear some?
           Okay, that Win 10 tablet I’m using. You’d think since Windows has been around since the 80s it would have a better default behavior. Redmond still hasn’t come out with a decent search function. Now it’s a tiny text box in the upper right that does not display results even if it finds your file right away. It waits until it searches the entire drive. And when I plug in my flash drive, it knocks out my wireless mouse. No matter how many thousands of times I’ve set my photo files to display as thumbnails and my text files as detail, they randomly revert to something else. And that damn default autoplay. Or that damn feature where you lower the volume on an application you are using and it lowers the system default volume so you have to get into control panel to restore it.
           And this brand of incomplete thinking has spread to other electronics. Like removing the viewfinder from cameras or making the blinking red record light too small to see from five feet away. Or how the record mode picks up the bass sounds to loud. Before the Internet came along, society was not perfect but it had a self-correcting mode. Nothing distinct, but certain types of people did not make the Olympics, or win beauty contests, or rise very high in the business community. It was up to the individual to keep his own ass away from things he just was not any good at, and very importantly, it never became a loser’s “turn” to win.
           Bad software and bad movies never sold, and that was that. Consumers were generally protected from blatant lies and rip-offs and free meant free. I’m not saying the system was perfect, but compared to now, things got done more efficiently. We still had majority rule but when they were wrong, they were wrong. They did not have a world-wide web as a forum to insist they were right and compel you to pretend it also or risk being labeled some pretty nasty things.

           The “new” youTube has drastically gone downhill. The vilest of American inventions has to be intrusive advertising. The average new youTube poster is some money-hungry little fink that needs his ass kicked. You’d think they would at least have some sense of sponsorship to the subject of the post, but no. They’ll post a documentary of the Falklands War, some pretty serious dying, and interlace with ads for protein shakes and tennis shoes. I’ll say it again, if you want money, go get a job and leave youTube alone. These morons are not subject to the same rules as television, so they blast the ads louder and pile them on toward the end. Advertising has to be curbed, but nobody wants to be the champion.
           And it’s all millennial-grade junk product, some of it really sick shit, stuff you’d really have to be unhinged to waste your money on. It’s the Hindu mentality, where they blast the same thing at you over and over hoping you’ll finally spend the money just to get them to shut up. Like the Beta males who do the same to get women. And another thing on these ads—the women are plastic-looking. Not one young together babe, it’s almost a given if they even show a woman under 28, she’s going to have fat thighs or ugly tattoos or hooker hair or black roots or something guys like me really don’t want to look at. Yuck.
           Catalogs and such are okay, because they are not intrusive. You go to a catalog with the intention of seeing what is advertised. But when is the last time you chose an Internet post because of the high quality of its Amazon blurbs? Or because you needed the latest on fake weight loss pills?

Picture of the day.
Russian nixie wristwatch ($314 ea.)
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           My table saw won’t slant 45°. It maxes out at 30° but could be I have to adjust something. The markings are there. The blade stops tilting well before that point. I watched a few how-tos on making picture frames and every one of them skipped the important step. And, just what is the important step? First, I’ll make the wild assumption that if you own a miter saw, you know how to cut 45° angles. And how to use stop blocks to cut your sides to identical lengths. This is what the videos show, and for the most part, it is wrong. There is nothing to hold the picture in place. What you need is a rabbet edge around the entire inner perimeter—and this is what has to be the correct size, not the rest of the frame. Ah, I detect a few raised brows.
           The way I do it is rabbet the entire length of the frame plank first. Cut one miter, then mark, don’t measure to the point where the next miter cut matches the rabbet. This might seem a crude procedure to some sophisticated carpenter types. Then again, I’m not the one who leaves out the tricky part and tells people how easy it is. You know who you are.

           Other than the battles of the Kokoda trail, nothing much puts Papua New Guinea on the map. It’s got 851 languages and exists barely out of the stone age. Rich in resources, poor in everything else, there is no organized law enforcement. The crime rate rivals that of the multiculturalized parts of South Africa. Food is expensive and has to be imported. There are three highways, sort of, and the work week is 60 hours. The island is split north to south by a straight line except for a little nib that juts westward along the middle of the Fly River.

           Trivia. It says here Australia encompasses 8,222 islands. They must be pretty small or not that much above sea level. The lockdown has some side benefits, one being that you don’t spend a lot of money on stuff, although I’ve bought some $200 in materials for the yard and house. My entertainment budget is way under, meaning I have enough extra for a drone. Not knowing what I want, or what features, and especially not wanting to ask any drone-owner for advice, it’s a trip to Wal*Mart. I’ve seen them on the shelves, it’s a product I just would rather not buy on-line. Research says go for the Drone X Pro. Automatic landing, voice controls, two cameras, auto return, altitude hold, streaming video, and programmable flight. It’s just time I learned about this technology.
           Forex trading. One of the changes I made was to change the master parameter from fixed weekly goal to trailing equity. This was to take advantage of the new feature that stops trading if you lose more than a specified amount. After five hours, the display shows a gain but I have not received any trade notifications. It appears to be running on trades left over from last week. I cautiously changed one of the three pairs back to fixed weekly.

Last Laugh