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Thursday, April 9, 2020

April 8, 2020

One year ago today: April 8, 2019, a bastion of stupidity.
Five years ago today: April 8, 2015, politics yes, morals no.
Nine years ago today: April 8, 2011, originals and backups, both.
Random years ago today: April 8, 2010, $30 for drinking beer.

           The hot days are arriving and the lack of A/C in that bathroom is a difficulty that has to be solved. I’ve done some thinking and rather than try to draw cool air into the room, I have another potential solution. If it works, it avoids having to cut ducts into the existing structure. I’ve located a top-of-the-line occupancy sensor that, if fitted behind the door in the cutout of the old light switch, can detect any presence in any part of the area, including the shower. And I have just the mounting spot for it. Remember that exhaust (fart fan) I put into that unfinished dead space above the commode? You can see I’m experimenting with which panels look best, creating a empty flat area facing the doorway.
           I was going to hang some granny art there. This just might solve the summer heat troubles for less than $200. It was a heck of a time finding a switch that can be shut off if someone finds it too chilly stepping out of the shower, but would turn itself back to sensor mode after, say, five minutes of vacancy. Not cheap. Thusforth, I’m going to test this idea with a $45 Lasko fan from Wal*Mart, which I can always use elsewhere otherwise. Don’t expect it today, the wiring has to go through the attic.

           Did I just say elsewhere otherwise? Anyway, I was out in the morning twilight raking the chicken run and rolling out the mesh. This is also the opportunity to run some laundry. Outdoor laundry is common in the south once you realize how much heat those appliances put out. It’s on the north side in the shade and both the washer and drying create a slight hum inside the bedroom office so you can tell when the cycles are complete. This is the blog that dares to bring you real people news. Fence posts, chicken coops, laundry, MLM, turtles, tire treads, peach trees, and reviews on Crackerjack. Who could ask for anything more?
           The Forex dummy account is up $53, but it still keeps moving after the trading deadline. Actually, if it kept doing the fifty bucks a week pretty regular, I’d be happy with that. I would move in enough money that I could live on this income. I’ve already got the budget to the penny, I would only need to calculate the amount needed to ramp up to that level. There is a schedule that’s emerged for this property as for upkeep as well. It’s one hour every other day and one four-hour afternoon per week. I’ve got the fence straightened around back and it needs a few new panels. Maybe a coat of insecticide, but it should last another ten years. Not a couple of those trees, however. They have to be topped and that may require a professional. I’ll try to borrow a 30-foot ladder but this is overdue.
           As for other income, I’ve passed the $20,000 mark selling my opiod-free blood to the labs, but lately they have found others and my income from that source is dropping to $400 per year. It was a good run, since I had to give the samples anyway for my clinical trials. My cholesterol remains well under control and in the lowest percentile.

Picture of the day.
Thermal image of zebra.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Here’s the emerging chicken run. The wire mesh on the ground is visible and the one corner post is sunk, that’s it upright just next to the chicken coop. The compound will be 8 foot by 12 foot and built like a turtle cage. Matilda, the orange chicken, will go in the coop by herself, but LayLay remains the vagabond. I could only manage a few hours out there today and I’m going to have to burn another batch of leaves and logs. The dragon plants have not responded to the transplant yet. My views on this martial law situation are turning out to be rather moderate.
           There are postings along the lines of “We Are At War” on Twitter and Facebook, youTube will follow soon. The new youTube has gone bad, it has become steadily worse as the Google-style ads creep into the format. There used to be some decent documentary links there, but that’s tapered off. You get these semi-educated commentators in their obvious twenties who have not rehearsed the script and can’t read well enough to wing it. Particularly annoying is that millennial who pronounces it “sub-SEE-kwent” now posting military themes. They have a long way to go, but there are some posts beginning to question the official history.

           I’m taking the evening off to watch Donnie Brasco, though I find nothing amusing about the way Hollywood portrays these New York gangsters. To me, New York is the entire area northeast of West Virginia. And if I can find a good one, a documentary on camouflage, one of the few times it is okay for guys to use makeup. Actually, I’m more interested in aerial camouflage. This has become big business, with full size decoys inflatable decoys of tanks, airplanes, and transport vehicles that emit the same thermal and radar signature. There is a roller to simulate the tank tread marks and real markings are displayed on the weapons.
           Alas, I could find neither a good source or any prices, but I did find a used Russian model for $3,000 on Thrillist. (Some ads say $300, that’s a misprint.) No doubt, once deflated, they will never fit back in the original box. I don’t watch TV, so has everyone heard about the French guy who flew a hoverboard across the English Channel? That was last year, I just heard about it now. So much for news feeds.

           Kodak. I watched the history of their decline, the popular misconception is that they were wiped out by digital cameras. Wrong, they invented the digital camera. It seems their entire structure was based on developing film. They would have given the cameras away for free. The turning point was 2005, the year digital photos taken by myself began to appear in this blog, I believe the first was on February 25, 2005. A photo of a JZ scrounging a pallet. Prior to that, you got downloads and scans. This was almost an instant change, digital photos dominated blog posts from that point onward, the major challenge was always finding a decent camera.
           I may have taken earlier photos, and some may have been retroactively placed, but we can agree this date was the first purpose-taken picture to be posted. Recalling, I was glad not only for the photos, but to be rid of the whole process of Kodak having access to your photos. What would Kodak have done if you had inadvertently taken a photo of something illegal? I never did like having an unaccountable stranger develop my film, I did not even like the instant cameras because the photos (I felt intentionally) were somewhat blurry.

           Some Internet trivia for those with nothing to hide. Many have heard of the teenage girl who’s father found out she was pregnant by advertisements that started arriving on the family computer. It turns out even the teen didn’t know she was pregnant. So what was it she did at that triggered these events? She had switched brands of shampoo. She changed to one with a milder scent. Electronic surveillance, folks. Statistics show that pregnant women often become more sensitive to aromas. Just imagine what they have on you.

Last Laugh