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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

April 7, 2020

One year ago today: April 7, 2019, he’s still got the truck
Five years ago today: April 7, 2015, Colleen Meade, sigh.
Nine years ago today: April 7, 2011, is never good?
Random years ago today: April 7, x2013, where do musicians party?

           What did I say, that bathroom décor and storage getting finished already makes a difference. The fixtures have been working a while. I needed the shelf and drawer space because stuff got placed all around the house. Now that’s happening, I can focus more on the yard. I cleared the brush and kudzu from the chicken run and raked up the area. The coop is being moved to a more open area where I can enclose a permanent cage. She got hot around noon though I kept on clearing another area for the first raised planter. Upon reflection, I’ve decided the best design might be the entire unit above ground so it can be moved if need be. Look at how many times I’ve had to change plans so far.
           She’s going up to nearly 90° this afternoon. I repeat that attic fan is paying its way. I’ve only had to use the A/C a few hours this month. Regular breaks inside the cool kitchen area are already needed, heralding a very hot summer. I’m also putting together more boxes, I can make a rough example now in about an hour. The table saw and the router table make it easy, although the upper limit in length is around four feet. These boxes are sturdier and better looking than all that came before. All joints are either mitered or rabbeted or both. I prefer to use existing sizes of lumber. Here’s a view of the chain link that will form the underground burrow-proof matting. It’s fun to unroll. It’s dark because the sun is just arriving.

           Forex trading is proceeding largely without any input from me except to approve the suggested trading pairs, mostly Euros and Dollars. With around 36 hours to go this week, the dummy account is up $14 with what I think is the sell-off about to begin. I’m really having my second thoughts about these training webinars. They’re fine if you’ve got all day. There is a small display saying I’ve reached half my weekly goal. The displays, called “Alexander” are fussy but becoming gradually more familiar.
           I measured out the area for two or three planter boxes. I found my old lawn sprinkler which should make things easier back there. I’ve still not found where that buried pipe ends up under the shed but it is solidly in the ground and buried the regulation depth. Please let it be a hose bib inside the shed. Taking an extra break I watched a documentary on the Royal Air Force and how they used their obsolete and less than best bombers. The big raids were Lancasters and Halifaxes, but I’m familiar with dozens of designs such as the Short Stirling and Blenheim. Undoubtedly serious business at the time, it is borderline hilarious how the pilots and people were fed so much hype without suspecting much. There they are, slaughtering German civilians while referring to them as huns and barbarians.

           I’ve never heard anyone question why the V in the V-1 and V-2 weapons stands for “Vengeance”. Against what? Against the Allied terror bombing because the deliberate targeting of civilians was against international conventions. Yes, the Germans did drop bombs on London first, but it was a navigational error. Churchill seized the opportunity to bomb Berlin, his goal was to shift German attentions away from attacking British military targets and concentrate on bombing London in retaliation. Germany had never intended to bomb cities and its airforce was both short range and ineffective, having been designed to support the army.
Churchill’s declared aim was the preservation of the British Empire and Germany was the only threat. One theory suggests that Churchill knew Germany had legitimate claims he extended military alliance with Poland and declared war right after Germany attacked. Churchill knew England could not defeat Germany on land, but the Russians could. Therefore his first act of war was to blockade Germany and cut off her oil supply, knowing sooner or later, Germany would have to attack Russia for oil
           It’s an interesting study on the emergence of oil as an international bargaining chip. England had coal, but not oil. The middle east was not a big producer at the time. All of Europe except Rumania had to import oil from the USA and Venezuela. And oil was changing warfare. Airplanes, tanks, and trucks cannot run on coal. Thus, every move Hitler made was largely dictated by how much oil Germany had.
Picture of the day.
Friendly’s forbidden chocolate.
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           Maybe I’m learning to build boxes. The one I made today was off-square but it still works. The lid fits only one way, but so what? The spot for the chicken run is cleared and I got to unwrapping the chain link fence. I cannot find my bolt cutter. I resorted to untangling it by hand but the heat drove me back inside. This is why I need separate work sheds and storage sheds. I need to sink five fence posts, which can only be done when the sun isn’t overhead. A while later, I found the bolt cutters and went to work. Part of the roll is something like ten feet, so that’s how wide I make the enclosure.
           Shown here is the area to the side of the chicken coop is the spot, but before that, I’m scooping up most of that black soil, so rare in this area. You may see several pictures of this area that look alike--they aren't. There is a lot of work going on. That is actually the highest spot in the yard so I can take as much as 5” down and still have a drainage slope. The idea is to unroll the chain link onto that raked area, move the chicken coop on the wire, then build an enclosure to hold and protect the chickens. The leaf pile got too large to move, so I waited until late afternoon and burned it, standing by with the garden hose. I got some 80% finished when I notice a late-model black pickup truck over on the south lane. Doesn’t belong in this neighborhood and driving a little too slow.

           The fire was out within a minute. Sure enough, not long after, the truck came down my street. I’ve pointed out this is the shortest, hardest to find street in town. GPS shows it as a block away, remember how I almost didn’t find this house? Nobody drives down this street by mistake. Even if you take a wrong turn, you would not pick this street to turn around. With the two new fences in place, there is no direct view from the street so I hope the prick is still driving around. I would not have given this a second thought, but two years ago somebody turned Agt. R in for burning leaves.
           It’s sixteen hours now I’ve been watching the Forex trading. This will take some getting used to, as the numbers move opposite to my accounting intuition. When I’m buying, my cash should go down, and the opposite when I’m selling. I’ve figured out the difference between the balance and the equity is approximated by another number called “floating P/L”. I say approximate because it changes proportionately.

           This performance and a host of other items has the Reb & I on the phone more than ever before. I don’t like to talk on the phone, but it is more productive than the tutorials. The topic today was which way the software works concerning the percentage set as a weekly goal (usually 3%). My understanding is that the lower you set that goal, the more small trades will qualify. The Reb says no, that the trades are identical and a lower goal merely increases your chances. My perspective makes sense only when you consider the amount of money you have to trade is finite. If you trade all your money at once, you have nothing left to take smaller opportunities in the meanwhile. Is this clear? Good, because not so much over here.
           For myself, I’m writing it down. If the trades are identical and just shut down sooner for a lower goal, then it is a far weaker algorithm than I thought. You are not really making riskier trades but just making it more certain you’ll reach a lower goal. I say the system would make more sense if when you set your goal higher, it begins selecting trades that are more volatile. That is, to reach a higher goal, it will offer trades with a higher “point spread”, which is what is meant by increased risk. What should go up is the amount of risk, not simply the odds of meeting a lower target.

           Another aspect is we were told the system shuts down on Wednesday. What system? Not the Forex, because the trading windows we are learning stay up all the time. So, what is my indication that the trading has stopped? Is it automatic or do I set it, and if so how do I make that determination? We’ve also learned we can both log onto the account simultaneously, we just can’t see each other’s cursors. This bypasses the big shared screen buttons on Zoom, which I never did like.

           There is a potential problem. The arrangement between the Reb & I with the pets is I’m there when she is tending to her parents, both in their 90s. It’s a trip only possible by airplane via Seattle. If anything happens now, it could be a real situation. There are reports of police stopping cars with more than one passenger. This is, by any other name, martial law. And when this is over, there may be some pullback, but not all. I’m afraid for America because this country has a breaking point. There are just too many people who don’t take things sitting down.
           And the question still foremost for me is what are people doing for money? I went through two line-ups y’day and I’m the only person left around here paying cash for anything.

Last Laugh