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Saturday, May 2, 2020

May 2, 2020

One year ago today: May 2, 2019, last year’sflowers.
Five years ago today: May 2, 2015, on carving propellers.
Nine years ago today: May 2, 2011, early LED study.
Random years ago today: May 2,2014, brainstorming lite.P

           That wraps up a week of work in the yard for me. And I have a dozen bruises, scraps, slivers, and mosquito bites to show for it. And don’t forget exhaustion. I slept until noon, meaning I missed most of the day as businesses are still closing early. The ban on small business is continuing with restaurants allowed only 25% capacity. That’s a huge money loser for them. My banks were all closed, that is so irksome. This is a danger signal, banks have not been allowed to close more than three consecutive days ever since the 1930s Great Depression. There are reasons for this law. Here’s a nice setting of flowers on my front stoop. I’ve learned to trim the pink ones so they grow better. These are the trimmings.
           I had to drive a ways for the ground contact lumber. And when I arrived at Home Depot I was met with a lineup of 60 people. Fortunately, I always keep a crossword puzzle handy and passed the half-hour without a grumble. I forgot the Lakeland store has a different layout and the lumber is a real hike to the far end of the building. To fine there are no lumber carts. I asked a clerk who turned around and I saw one of the most beautiful young ladies ever in this part of the world.

           She won’t last long. An absolute living doll, blonde, blue, slim, and sparkling. There were around ten men hovering around but I was the only one that had the cajones to chat with her. I point out there is no hint of anything untoward in the way I talk to women. I’ve made this clear since day one that I never joke about certain things around women. Never. Because I learned by the time I was, well, pretty young, to keep quiet and let them bring it up. Be patient, they always do. Of course, all the losers watching today are expecting a snub, I’m three times her age. Instead, they saw her fawning over me, walking me to my car, holding the door open. You bet your buttons I know how much this annoys jerk-offs.
           She asked for my business card, I just told her my band name and if if she sees me around to come on in and we’ll visit more. There is something about a natural blonde babe that always cheers me up. Besides, why would I miss an opportunity to let a group of men see me apparently turning down an invitation from a living doll?

           I got home too late to paint but I did get up on the roof and finish the planks. Man, that cedar fencing is the cheapest of the cheap lumber but works fine for what I need. I also moved all the birdseed inside and into sealed containers. That’s me pointing at how they chewed through supposedly rodent proof bagging material. It’s those squirrels, there is an overpopulation of them due to the cat food the neighbor leaves outside.
           Once again, my shed floor is going to cost me $100. Same as the other shed. But the roofing material is in place and I’ll get the camo pattern on the tarpaper by early tomorrow. Agt. R was to drop by and help me move the chicken coop, but he forgot. He knows I bought this place to retire and die in and can’t see why I bother to do things like tar the fence posts. Don’t I know, he asks, that once I’m gone the next guy is just going to bulldoze all my hard work. Nonsense, I say. This place is becoming a little greener and a little more off the grid each season. Dang, that reminds me I forgot the cream for my peaches.

Picture of the day.
Wildhorse Peak, Idaho.
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           I’ve decided to watch a DVD. My bad memory for names spills over into movie titles and sometimes forget what I’ve seen. Agt. R likes the boxes I build for individual tools. Here’s the saber saw box with plenty of extra space, something you don’t get in the plastic containers they are sold in. No space for extra blades, an extension cord, and small tool kit. I tend to finish the exteriors only, as shown. The purple paint is the lumber yard marking for scrap wood at 70% off. As for the purple martin motel, I’m going to rebuild a lower but longer unit and affix it right on the roof.
           He says people will pay for these type of boxes. He’s unaware of the effort involved, plus I’m not gaining on trying to learn a sure-fire way to place the hinges. Did I tell you the hinges take me as long as the cutting and gluing? There is no way I could sell these at a profit, even if I set up an assembly line. I have the material for my swing set planter box. And Agt. R has a source of pallet wood that he says works better for the planters I want to continue building.

           I’ve amassed most of the cables and fixtures I need to install switched lighting and sixteen 20A outlets in the new area off an existing breaker. The most noticeable impact will be getting things out of the house that have been in the way for three years. Nothing bulky, just stuff that cannot be easily stored in the other sheds, which double as work areas and get dusty. There is no clean area for delicate work. So getting a bunch of things out of the house will make me a lot happier inside it.
           There are two wooden desks in the house already, both completely taken up by computer equipment, although I’m thinking of networking everything off one computer in the near future. Except for the short video clips you see at times, I don’t need anything that demands the speed or memory of a dedicated unit for each work position. Here’s that fancy doorknob that came loose. Thing is, it must have been glued in there. No other attachment mechanism is visible. So, help me out. What do I glue it back in with? The product must plainly dry to a clear color.

           I next looked at the Amtrak schedule again. It’s just as far away as Miami, but Jacksonville is a train trip I’ve never made. As usual, one of the hardest damn things to get out of Amtrak is the train schedule and the price. I would like to see the map and times. I had to go through a fake ticket purchase scenario to find the info. I just want to know what time the train leaves Winter Haven and how much it costs. I don’t want a membership, reward points, or to give out any information until after I’ve made a decision. Twenty minutes later, no luck. It is not going to quote the price unless I give them my credit card information or phone number, both of which are ID these days. Let’s see if it will take a generic credit card number. Aha, coach is $34 for the noon train. So a $68 round trip, no discounts for weekdays, seniors, or standby. A five hour trip. I’ve never been on that stretch and I don’t like the new Amtrak, but I’m thinking.
           Why did it take so long to get such basic data? Well, there are two schools of thought, the one you pick will reveal your character. One is that I’m such an unsophisticate, I don’t know how to use a web page. The other is the pricks that wrote the Amtrak website believe that bullshit that the longer you can keep a user on your page clicking, the greater chances he’ll buy something. Yeah, and that he’ll just say screw it and log off. As for the schedule, there is just a note saying service is “reduced” and you can’t find out the details without a $500 phone.

           Y’day’s link to the North American accent website had me there almost an hour. It’s a cluttered format, but I was interested in the pronunciation guide. I once had the idea to publish an “airport” book of how to swear in fifty languages. But I stalled on the pronunciation guide. Maybe such a site would work on-line, who knows? Anyway, I learned something about youTube videos. I’ve been a critic of narrators who try to wing their scripts? You know the annoying bastards I’m talking about. They can stumble along the script at almost normal speed until they come across a three or more syllable word and make an ass of themselves.
           They get on your nerves because it isn’t normal speech, but a constant stop-start and your realize they think they are doing a fine job. I thought it was a consequence of our pitiful education system and too much cable TV. Guess what? I just found out it is classified as a dialect. It is a standardized method of talking that can be learned. What I don’t get is who, other than C+ coders, is okay with sounding like a dimwit? I read page after page to find out if this dialect had a name, but the closest I found was a few recordings with titles like “White male student born 1980” and “High school football players”. You can look, but that site is difficult to navigate. The guy put a lot of work into it.

           And if you think the current Federal power grab is anything new, listen to the link number 10, with George Wallace on the Constitution way back in 1967. This was around the time the so-called liberals began to systematically infiltrate the Democrat party and corrupt it into what it is today. It’s a process that began on campuses of the day when Communism was still considered a viable form of government by youthful idealists. Kennedy had just taught them that television had outsized emotional impact and that people behaved differently when they knew they were being recorded. They could be subtly shamed into pretending to be liberals in public, the official birth of “political correctness”.
           It was also the era of mass anti-war protests. And the government was learning that the more information you keep on people, the easier it was to manipulate them. With the advent of the Internet, we now have an emerging generation who believe constant surveillance to be a norm. This is why I consider Trump to be just the first a string of ever more populist leaders. Ending with a Martin Shkreli in power who owes the system nothing and has a very long memory of who did what to him. I wonder who will be laughing twenty years from now?

           No, this is not wild speculation. Trump is not an political insider, but he is not a self-made man and has massive allegiance to the existing business structure. If you go to my post of February 10, 2016 there is a link to Shkreli’s side of the story. This is the video that reveals how he as been blackballed by big media, even the tone of the host’s questioning shows she has been brainwashed. Shkreli was never convicted of raising prices. He was charged with a crime that never took place. The primary acid test for a Ponzi scheme is whether people lost money. His people made money, every one of them.
           He has the notoriety to be a 2024 candidate. That would be a huge nail in the coffin of the Establishment if he even ran for president. Trump proved you don’t need the media or the consultants. Just resonate with the taxpayers and the word will get around on its own. The March 13, 2020 post tells where you can write to Shkreli.

Last Laugh