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Monday, May 25, 2020

May 25, 2020

One year ago today: May 25, 2019, snuffling.
Five years ago today: May 25, 2015, we hate themed subdivisions.
Nine years ago today: May 25, 2011, how I cook rice.
Random years ago today: May 25, 2016, the “disapproved” cabin model.

           I was out there most of the day despite a constant light drizzle. Great day for the burn barrel. Taking a break from the shed, I glued a bunch of the shutters back together. They had been outdoors a lot of 2019 because of Tennessee and swelled out of shape. Here’s the leaf damage on the peach tree. I’m looking it up just now, whatever it is the Sevin and a regular spray of leaf powder do not discourage it. Around 6% of the leaves are affected and dang it, my microscope is tucked away in storage. So, it’s Internet time. Be prepared for 15,000,000 non-answers to a simple search. Strange how many people will post about peach tree damage without including a picture. Truly, truly strange.
           It’s called shot hole or BB disease and it is a fungus. I have twice sprayed anti-fungal mist, including just a week ago, so I will read the fine print. It says here the fungus can occur in six hours if moisture is present and it is above 77°F. In Florida, that condition is called “summer”. Spores are airborne, why doesn’t the FAA require that to register. I have to remove the infected leaves by hand and apply Bordeaux mix which is copper sulfite and lime.
           I hope it is sold pre-mixed, I have not done chemistry maybe five times since high school and an not equipped to mix anything but fuels and fertilizers. The procedure is the same, I just don’t know about cross-contamination. The literature says it is preventative and ineffective once the fungus is established. How you are supposed to know when that is, well, such answers were only available before the Internet arrived and made everybody an expert.

           Auvoria is running again for the week. The people make much of attending the meetings and such, but when I log on, time and again there is nobody there, or a notice saying the host is conducting another meeting. The first sign of your classic American asshole is a disrespect for scheduled arrangements and the value of your time. The presumption is he is more important than you, the fatal flaw of many a would-be leader. I know that I must follow the market, easier said than done. I do not know which elements affect the Forex trade. I need direct instruction on this and once again the Internet fails. This is a situation I’m very familiar with, since birth actually—if I have to figure it out and do it all on my own, what the hell do I need them for?
           I can answer that. Because they are aware that once in while that happens and they use their head start to make the path difficult. My usual attendance these days is to find an open meeting and listen in the background while getting other things done, hoping I don’t miss too much. But I’d rather miss things once in a bit than the certainty of wasting 90% of the time spent paying close attention. I’ve also noticed everybody is very tolerant of mistakes and losses. Leastwise when 100% of the money involved is mine.

           Damn MicroSoft, I finally found the registry entry causing Bing. Somehow, Win 10 in search mode will not find the fragment “bing”. You must search on the full term “BingSearchEnabled”, which won’t modify or rename, so I just deleted it, causing a few other side effects. By now, I switched to DuckDuckgo, another generic millie-grade search engine. For example, you cannot set it to default to image search. You have to set it each time. Looking for a new route to explore to Tennessee, I found the town of Holly Springs, another of those 1,000 towns voted top ten places to live. Around a third of the picture searches bring up the local train station. Is that the only thing they got?

Picture of the day.
Portage La Prairie Coke can.
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           The Reb’s injured ankle has cured only to develop tendonitis. Does this mean no mountain hikes? I discovered the most dangerous trail in America is in Tennessee. Thirty casualties in fifty years. The rocky trail gets slippery from mountains that collect up to 85 inches of water per year, causing hikers to fall into ice cold ponds and pools. It’s near Gatlinburg, so I drove past it a few months ago. And mentioned how rugged the place seemed. For informational purposes, and in a move that may have recently become illegal, here is their picture of one of the trails. They call that a trail?Such posts and pictures may become a thing of the past. The DRM people are pushing for the situation where they, and not the courts, become the arbiter of what is fair usage. The only thing stopping them is the courts are loathe to relinquish any smidgen of power. The first thing a judge learns is that giving away any legal capability, no matter how imolecular, is how monarchs eventually wind up beheaded.
           Whose side am I on? Trick question, because as a net creator of pictures, I stand to benefit if they get their way. Yet my opposition to such laws is well-covered here. I say again, such laws are not about right and wrong, but the power of a minority to compel others in what are otherwise ordinary situations. I’m further against the fact they seek to require the user, not themselves, to take pains to learn if a given item is copyrighted. Take another look at this picture. There is no watermark, nothing to indicated whether it is copyrighted.
           It was published on a website that may have been the park service, I already forget. There were no notices and the picture was not copy-protected. You get my point. If the picture is prominently displayed without warnings, why should it be up to the casual observer to determine its ownership and whether they are entitled to payment? Did they not give up some rights by placing the picture in such an open location? No folks, I say again that if you want something protected, it is up to you, in a sense, to build a fence around it. At your own expense. Note, the same people are trying to do the same thing with recorded music.
           What’s next? They put a billboard along the highway and use facial-recognition to charge you by the glance? They already want to put a chip in your car radio to charge you by the listen. It’s a steady creep toward the vile mono-culture described here so long, long ago. And you know who I personally blame for that. Fine, they don’t deserve to live in a free country.

Last Laugh