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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

May 26, 2020

One year ago today: May 26, 2019, get a job.
Five years ago today: May 26, 2015, last visit to Yeehaw.
Nine years ago today: May 26, 2011, every possible combination.
Random years ago today: May 26, 2014, it makes sense if . . .

           I can’t find the fungicide mix for the peach tree. There are some orchard supply places still to check, but they sell it by the drum. The patches around my trees have to be constantly weeded as they’ve become prime habitat for invasive species, weeds, and worms. These tiny flowers, smaller than a penny, grow as ground cover wherever there is any fertilized soil nearby If you know their names, let me know, I have to do the shopping. Yardwork brought most of my other pastimes to a standstill. The biggest news this morning is I bought a new hammer.
           And the new coffee place is yuppified. That’s why I never saw it, they close before I ever go through that part of town. Tuesday through Saturday, they close at 2:00PM, and in the mornings I have coffee here now that I have Internet at home. I did have coffee, but at Sandy’s, where we had quite the chat about the virus shutdown. She’s making money hand over fist and I’ve barely noticed any difference, make us two standouts in this town. She quickly adapted to take-out and catering, while my entire system does not rely on either the government or the economy for my daily bread.
           Sandy reports that the upstairs of the new coffee place is a set of galleries. Odd, methinks, because the local population of artistic types measured in the single digits. And yes, the book lady did take a shine to me and was asking questions. No chance, though. Not even in the same ballpark. Sandy says I should play music there but she’s only seen me stand in with other bands or do Karaoke. By the standards of an art show or book shop, my act it far too boisterous. I’m not a heads-down musician, I am a full service live entertainer.

           Taking just three days to get measurements, there is a way to turn the thermal chimney on its side to collect the afternoon sun. The days don’t really get uncomfortable until near and past noon when the shade temperatures get up over 85°F. It would have to be the red shed and the air flow would be backwards to that planned. It’s worth a stab, the structure will easily adapt. Good morning. I spent four hours studying Forex trading. The hard part for me is that half the terms are not formal accounting or descriptive, but slang from the broker’s point of view.
           To make things murkier, the Auvoria people have their own vocabulary, which as the Reb points out, keeps many of their people dependent on the mother ship. We are planning my potential stay in Tennessee all or most of the summer. Let it fry here, I know it gets hot there as well but face it, hot weather in Tennessee is nicer than the same temperature over here. It seems I’ve pulled ahead on learning the software to no one’s surprise. I can’t blame most people if they don’t like the way this type of trading is set up. On-line Forex trading is probably the worst example possible of the computerization of an already lousy manual setup. More on this in a moment.
           I feel the Reb is not taking enough time for herself. This back and forth is not a real break, so my suggestion is that she plan out a real vacation. Stay away for a month or more, time to get around and do things. I never liked short holidays because you wake up every day knowing there’s a plane to catch. But a full month, ah, that’s more like it. I’ll pay for it myself if it comes to that.

Picture of the day.
Costa Rica food stall.
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           The Auvoria people say it can take up to five years to develop a winning strategy (in which case what do you need them for?). I’m staying conservative and the only market reading I bother with is really the performance of the euro against the dollar. At this time, I feel the damage to the US and Japanese economy is so bad that the upcoming news is going to sink the value of these currencies against the euro. My simple reasoning is that their economies are more intertwined on a social level, whereas the US and Japan could care less what the other feels about things. I’m saying France and Italy, for instance, cannot allow Germany to fail. My strategy will get more complex, but for now I think the euro will go up.
           In Forex lingo, to buy something now in the hopes of selling it at a higher price later is called “going long” and variations thereof. I’m long on the euro. I define this because going short is not the opposite as would normally make sense. To short something is to sell it now hoping to buy it back at a lower price and convert it to a long position. It can take effort to wrap the old brain around that.

           Warning, this type of trading is tedious and could not survive without computers. Each transaction is so convoluted it would fall over if you did it by hand. I always thought that is why, in the past, you needed a hundred thousand bucks to even get into the market. Doing this kind of trading manually would not be worth it for lesser chunks. That’s why this picture of these ungrateful chickens. Around they come running at the slightest footfall or click of the door handle. They are like the stock market. Gimme, gimme, but do they lay me any eggs? No. Even Howard says he found one on his front porch, but me, they guy who spoils them? Nuttin.
           So I broke down and got a store-bought feeder for the red cardinals. Heavy work commitments around here means I’ve not replace the feeder that broke so long ago. The cardinals are more resident in the back yard so that is likely a new spot. I work back there a lot more now that I have shade and such. If I had the energy, I’d get you a picture. How about tomorrow instead? It’s so nice here in the office with the fan that I can’t get moving. There, I knew you’d understand. That reminds me, on the way home, I saw two brand new pallets. I will have to get mobile on those.
           The pallets were gone. I made a mistake. There was a laborer across the lane waiting for a ride and I showed a glimmer of interest in the pallets by slowing down on the scooter. Now, these pallets are barely good for anything other than firewood unless you have to tools to carefully dissemble them. But I disobeyed my own rule of never letting a peasant know you have a use for anything. He’ll take it just so you can’t and that’s what happened by the time I got back there with the station wagon.

           Tomorrow is an epic day in my view of the space program. NASA, by allowing private companies to launch is admitting its failure. It will be like starting over, as the new people have to reinvent the wheel or fall into the same mind-set as the NASA people that took America forty years to wake up. NASA ruined our chances of being on Mars by 1980. The launch crew reflects the return to reality, the astronauts being chosen solely on their merits. America was growing weary of the stage-managed politically correct mix of azz-clowns that NASA was regularly putting into orbit.

Last Laugh