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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

May 27, 2020

One year ago today: May 27, 2019, it’s dirty money, you know.
Five years ago today: May 27, 2015, thieves & enemies.
Nine years ago today: May 27, 2011, tank components.
Random years ago today: May 27, 2007, never, never trust MicroSoft.

           The birds don’t like the location of the new birdfeeder. Here it is, what a beauty. It’s not copper, just a copper finish, but how do you like the way it gleams in the evening. The yellow is reflecting the light from the new lean-to. I’m tempted to place it outside the front bedroom window where the old unit did so well, but that limb may have to come down. The
           Still drizzling this morning, I reviewed a lot of the paperwork. Yes, I have lots of it, but that is at the heart of why I live so well on such a small income. I would like it to be larger, so I’m now deep into the study of the Forex market. I have an explanation, because everybody says at this stage I should be learning the software. That route has instant problems for those who don’t invest on the buddy system. They are constantly on the recruit. We are not chums, and I’ll tell you something else that might seem oddball to some, but it isn’t. I can tell by the way those people speak, that is their choice of words, rate of speaking, where they pause, how they make analogies etc. that we practically don’t breath the same air.
           Virgin, my carrier, sold out to Boost. And the peckerheads at Boost are so millenialized they don’t know their heads are up their ass. Survey after survey, tell us what you think, but list of responses doesn’t include what you want to say. What a mess these pricks have made of things, their idea of a business is sign up for reward points. Next, I’ve left two messages for JZ about the meeting this weekend, where is he? Do I dare ask him about the $5 grand he told me he’s saved up? I’m teasing, I know you cannot save money without changing your lifestyle and he has not done that.

           Up on the shed roof, I have a third of the job done. The first nail I drove was in the wrong spot, making a hole in both the material and the roofing. The shortest nails still poke through the wood. It’s progress, so call it even. Can’t do the job when it’s raining and same when it is too hot. Here’s a bit more on the Auvoria trading. The week has been slow, the display shows a week’s gain of 1.13% but I’ve now discovered without a closing period, that refers to the previous week. So if there was a negative carried over, it affects that percentage. That’s why the ticker shows a gain, but my account is down $192. There are two positions that account for $180 of it, but I don’t dare delete those items.
           That’s because despite inquiring everywhere with the Auvoria people, they won’t tell me what happens if I do that. Are we clear on the problem? Try this actual example. I bought some yen with euros, and the value fell by $101. But it is still worth a lot more than that. I was told that if I cancel the sale, I could not reactivate it later. Thus, I am not taking the chance of losing that value if I delete anything. If I could make money deleting things, I’d do it all day. You’ll get the answer same day I do.

           I watched a documentary with new footage concerning the final offensive of the Soviets into Berlin. They lost 400,000 men, says the narrator. Define lost. There was newly release archival material, but overall these “new” videos plagiarize stock footage, sometime wildly out of context. But I kept watching as there were many new scenes of T-34 production, a great tank but there is a huge deal of misinformation that has become fact by repetition. For instance, the tank was bigger than foreign designs, but not because it was advanced. Rather because other countries had a tunnel and bridge infrastructure that made transporting big tanks unfeasible.
           The West also built tank that were supposed to last. Most Soviet tanks were knocked out before thy had driven 100 miles. When your tank is cheaper to replace than repair, think again about quality. The laugh in the video is interviews with the tank-men who drove into “liberated” areas, how they spoke glowingly of the warm welcome and people throwing flowers. The same people who were throwing flowers a short while earlier when tanks moved the opposite way. Yep, youTube, documenting propaganda while banning anything that doesn’t agree with their personal agenda.
           And a term I just heard for the first time today, “Fakebook”. Shows you how influential that posse is in my life.

Picture of the day.
Amazon deforestation.
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           It’s the new purple martin motel. It is not built to birdie specs, so it may be all wrong. I’ll tend to that later. It’s the blind for the roofline that shows above the fence. This has no internal dividers, I’m placing it first. The roof is screwed on so if I get the energy later, I can easily remove it to finish the job. Working flat out, I can build one of these in around two hours. Not much and actually, not enough, but still an accomplishment in my situation. Materials cost is under ten bucks.
           Secondarily this reveals another reason that planter is taking so long. It is too handy a work bench. Think about it, designed to be worked on standing up with two feet of space all around. The lesson is learned.
           Today I produced the worst video of my life, I fear no sequels. Terrible. The camera was on the table while I wrote out some material, off center and too dark. So I put it to a clip of me singing a Garrison Keilor special called “Resurrection” to bass and drum box during a terrible bout of the flue back in 2010. No, I’m not posting, you should be able to tell how horrid it is by the description.

           Then I get some input saying read the news about social media. They are in a fit, claiming Trump threatened to shut them down. I know without looking all he did was piss them off, so I took a peek. It’s Twitter, saying Trump went after them because they fact-checked his tweet. Did he now? Trump has issued these warnings before, that Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press are not the same thing. You can say most anything you want, but protection of the Press extends only to their right to present unbiased facts. The minute they step out of those boundaries, they create troubles for themselves.
           In this case, Twitter was fact-checking only Trump, but not the anti-Trumpers. I’d say that is biased, can we have a show of hands? Once a publication takes sides, they should be held responsible for any damages, Trump said as much during is 2016 campaign. The answer is to make the media easier to sue when any one-sided dissemination causes harm. The first thing that would disappear is the newspapers plastering the front pages with people who have not been convicted of anything. No way press should get off free if they damage the career of a person who is subsequently absolved.

           That was JZ, he has a $1,000 winning ticket but they won’t pay him out saying they don’t have the cash until the “plandemic” is over. Two things today stand out. One is the banning of the video by that same name, because it points out many of the same crooked things going on behind the scenes as this blog. And the postponement of the SpaceX launch due to lightning. The fact we are not yet using all-weather rockets tells me how badly NASA has delayed the game.

           The tentacles of the government spread. Now it is illegal for a bank to sell you a money order unless you have a valid, current, open account. I mean, what is a “valid” account? Current means you have to have made regular deposits there every month for the previous 12 months, although I am not certain that clause applies to every bank. And the apparent implication of open account means it must be possible to have a non-open account, whatever that is.
           The street talk is still a constant grumble as people still obey edicts. But they don’t like it. To summarize the comments I’ve heard, people are saying they would rather accept a few hundred thousand deaths and get on with their lives. I tend to agree. People should trust science, but what we are being shoved around by isn’t science. “Plandemic” has been censored off youTube. And the unscientific, non-Constitutional, and probably illegal shutdown continues.

           TMOR, the American Constitution was designed to specifically prevent any central or federal government from ever becoming powerful in any way, including preventing it from having the power to do these specific things. Those who believe in government centralized power are not obeying the law, but they call themselves “progressives”. Funny, innit?
           Will there be any benefits from this shutdown? I say yes, in one limited sense. Many Americans who committed no crimes have been plunged irretrievably into bad debt. No job means you can’t pay your rent, but the landlords of the nation still want their juice. This makes the shutdown into a crisis of fantastic proportions. Most people could not last over the loss of one paycheck are now faced with the double whammy of a permanent default couple with a lifestyle based totally on credit. What happens when you can’t pay your debts and can’t borrow money for food?
           People have quit paying their bills, by the millions. Can’t put them all in jail, can’t take them all to court. Remember the housing crisis where the banks could not foreclose on all the properties, so some people lived in their houses rent-free for years? Whatever happened to all those people and all those houses? This time the problem is considerably more widespread. Last round people experienced a mini-boom because they quit paying the mortgages. This time, there is no money [for them] to quit paying with.

           To demonstrate my empathy with people who borrow money, I’m going to take some time off and go listen to Cajun fiddle music. Plus I have a couple things in mind, so drop back.

Last Laugh