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Friday, May 29, 2020

May 29, 2020

One year ago today: May 29, 2019, the real Bowling Green.
Five years ago today: May 29, 2015, the cuatro lady,
Nine years ago today: May 28, 2011, I still avoid GigMaster.
Random years ago today: May 29, xxxx, WIP

           For you budding (ha-ha) horticulturalists, here is a picture of the shrooms growing at the base of the peach tree. Are they the shothole fungus? I don’t know, but out they go. I don’t want anything there except peaches. And hens. Hens are okay. I’ve got a fungicide called Daconil that gives crummy instructions. Do not apply between fruit formation and harvest. I gather that means okay for now, but to the non-gardener, the tree is always between those two conditions. The concentrate has been in the shed over a year, so let’s hope it is still potent. I also had to get after the weeks, particularly this little white flower. They love the soil that’s anywhere near where I fertilize.
           Top news, the Auvoria dummy account has wiped out most of the last months gains and is still dropping. Why? Due to a pair of bad positions that have lost $150 each but I will not delete them. The reason—everybody refuses to answer my simple question of what happens to them afterward. Think about this one. Last time I tried to do the same thing (a similar trade a month ago), whatever I clicked on jeopardized the entire account. I believed I was issuing an order to sell the currency at a loss, which is different than deleting the thing.
           Remember that? The question may not have been important, but has become important because they will not answer it. This is a move to let them know when we ask, they had best answer. How does that work? Psychology. Their game is not to pitch the product, but to constantly recruit new members. That means they have to sell the Reb & I. That is not done by ignoring our questions and we are hardly going to bring in anybody new if we are losing money. It’s only demo money, but the message is real.
           Worded another way, I need to know what happens to the money. You do not delete a bank account simply because there is less money in it this month than last. I need to know what else that delete button does besides take the line off my display. In a related concern, what sort of “professional” programmers leave dangerous buttons on demo software in the first place?

           I was unaware of it being Memorial Day weekend. How? Well, the calendars I use most are issued by my medical office, a worldwide organization with a different agenda than American war holidays. Hence, I never checked. But the flak over the social distancing is becoming a bitch. While most are okay with it while shopping and such mingling with strangers, it’s not popular otherwise. Plus the emerging stories of media and high-level manipulation of virus data is really pissing people off. Medical personnel who blow the whistle are being fired and blacklisted wholesale. Outfits like youTube are censoring free speech but it is only driving people to BitChute, which is where you can still search on “plandemic”, by the way.
           Glint. These are the “swipe with gold” people advertising that their credit card is backed by gold in Switzerland. After an hour of digging behind the scenes on that one, I say it is a scam because you do NOT physically own or possess the gold. They imply you are buying the gold and can access it with any ATM that accepts Mastercard. Um, you cannot have it both ways. There is no room here to get into the total discussion, but there is not enough gold in the world to back American credit card transactions on a daily basis—unless that gold is valued in the millions of dollars per ounce.
           However, Glint is an interesting education for the cardholders. You know your balance and your transactions in grams on a smart phone, and so do the authorities. However since you do not physically possess the gold, it is subject to arbitrary confiscation by simply using your own phone against you, something millies regard as normal, but that’s another story. My conclusion? Glint is an amusing ploy but is just another credit card.

Picture of the day.
Iron Gates (Danube gorge)
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           The tedious task of spraying the perimeter is done a week ahead of schedule. And so with the anti-fungus, weed-killer, and most of the week-pulling. This work has been chicken-approved. That’s it, no further action on the southern front. This presents the opportunity for some words, not choice but chosen, on the metric system. We agree, it’s nice, it’s logical, but we don’t like the idiots who say the USA and Burma are the only two nations still on the standard system. You know why? Because none of those idiots explains where the USA would get the trillion dollars needed to convert history’s largest industrial complex over to any system, even if metric was perfect and it isn’t.
           In America, the metric system is an annoyance. Plainly the standard system works because we use it every day. But you get measuring devices with metric printed on the “right-handed” side. That is, you pick up the measuring cup or implement and you have to turn it around to see ounces instead of milliliters. Which brought me to today’s piss-off. I only spray the insect hormone a few times a year and forget the mix is 2-1/4 tsps per gallon. What’s wrong with that? Well, for starters most Americans are as unfamiliar with 2-1/4 tsps as they are with hectares. And I go through the ritual again of realizing I don’t own a single measuring syringe marked in teaspoons.

           That is stupid beyond belief for encouraging the user to use kitchen measuring spoons—never a good idea around pesticides, pets, or children. The dangerous mixture is not actually the spray, but poisons with millennials writing the instructions. Going on-line wastes your time, as you look for a conversion table and they try to sell you a tractor first. I just memorized that 5 ml is the correct dosage. There is a term I would like to find and use, if anyone can assist. The term that describes the millennial practice of tricking the user into as many clicks as possible before getting to what he wants. It’s based on that old millennial concept that the deeper you can trick somebody into your web page, the less likely he’ll back out. Stupid, but it must work often enough on each other.
           TMOR, the metric standard mix is usually not bad, since both are available here to anyone who wants them. I dump all my wrenches in one bin. You quickly learn that 1/4” lag bolts use an 11mm wrench, and so on. Same with socket sets. With few exceptions, there is always a wrench that fits both, so I’m surprised they don’t label them so.

           Bradford, the guitar player dude, apologized. That was a nice gesture, and I understand his point of view. I presumed he had introduced me to people who were interested in forming a duo since he already know I was not going to join a large band. Here’s something funny, although Bradford is himself a victim of guitar-think, he is beginning to see the flaws I’ve described to him that break up bands. It does not surprise me that other musicians know his, only when guitarists ignore it because they think they are above it.
           It turns out what happened was the predictable when you have two guitar players. You figure it out. My position is that one guitarist is plenty but there has to be constant effort put into keeping the boy in check. In reality, if you want the band to stay together, you can’t really let the guitar player have anything all his own way even for a moment. You always have to change something, even unnecessarily, careful not to overstep. It’s a tightrope because the band might break up, but if you don’t the band will certainly break up.

           I’ve done more research into the lakeside pub, did I mention the place yet? It has become a strong contender for some non-musical reasons. For example, it has twice the usual seating capacity (64 vs 31) and the gig is only 3 hours. Very welcome at my end. They close early and most of their acts are local guitarists, a fairly ho-hum bunch at best. My act, while it can’t and does not compete with them, it offers an alternative. And that alternative is specifically geared to be more entertaining than what they can possibly offer without revamping all. This time, my act is almost uncopyable. I’ll get you more details after a visit.
           Their web page is full of pictures of the food. I read their calendar and have heard every band on the list. It tells me what they are looking for and the only act I would not want to follow is Southerndipity. Even then, that group has lost their roots so my hesitation may be outdated. Don’t expect anything soon, as things are looming again that might spell my being out of town the entire summer. Fine, since that is not the tourist season. The locations I favor are all in the southwest lake district of Winter Haven. And unlike the other shows, mine is geared toward this type of pub entertainment.
           That, and I don’t publish pictures of myself 20 years and 50 pounds ago on the ads.

Last Laugh
(You had one job.)