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Friday, May 8, 2020

May 7, 2020

One year ago today: May 7, 2019, but performing <> copying. . . .
Five years ago today: May 7, 2015, no stupid people warnings.
Nine years ago today: May 7, 2011, what you tell Ceasar.
Random years ago today: May 7, 2013, commentary on drones.

           Today I commit guitar sacrilege. I electronically shorten the guitar solo in “My Sharona” to only the parts that have an interesting bass line. That cuts 80% of it. Good morning, America, and let’s see who is on this page. Hello, Italy. Yes, I agree with most of you over the Mediterranean Taxi service issue. I’m about to spend the day digging a drainage trench. This compares will with the top stories on CNN and most American media, so be sure to check in regularly as the day progresses.
           Forex trading, the last business you want to start with, has just had a 5.6% week. I’ll get you the numbers later, but just now there are still two active orders that could change the ratios. But not much, they are both loss-protected. Until this lockdown idiocy is over, feeding the chickens could be the highlights. With luck we’ll get some pictures of plumbing supplies. And why can’t I find that roll of 12/2 electric wire I set aside so it would not get lost. And what happened to my 2x3”s. This is how come I need the new shed, so I don’t keep burying old stuff with new stuff.
           Ah, there. Got you a picture. That is the shower drain pipe, notice that before that could be installed, I had to frame the wall behind it to get the right measurements. I have to move fast on this, I want it buried and out of sight by end of tomorrow. I’ll give you a hundred dollars if you help me eight hours.

           So Bill Gates is jumping in on the side of the government with plans to monitor people. While this blog normally ignores boring geeks, this action puts him back in my picture. I gave high marks to his plan for a laser that could zap malarial mosquitoes, but I have never supported his vaccines. Here’s a little background. Gates pulled out of MicroSoft, but he did not exactly retire. He went into philanthropy, or at least that is the cover story. Here’s the real facts. Gates began heavily promoting world health through vaccines without revealing that he is heavily involved in the vaccine industry. The prick is giving away “free” vaccines in Third World countries but the vaccines are laced with experimental drug concoctions.
           He seems particularly fond of testing young village girls. In 2014, he was accused of sterilizing millions of Kenyan women with a so-called tetanus vaccine. The western press was quick to bury the story. Gates is not personally involved, his squadrons of lawyers make sure of that, but he funds these evil “studies”. His foundation was kicked out of India when clinics were caught faking consent forms, luring young girls into studies, pressuring parents, and lying about the content of the vaccines. How much more do we need to know?

           What concerns me is Gates, like the leftist commies, is advocating a “medical score card”. It is embedded in your smart phone. It can be read with or without your consent and follows you around, assigning you a coded score that records your association with people infected with caronavirus. Stop and think about that. How long before it scores your association with people infected with restricted political ideals?
           Things like “State’s rights”. The Constitution is written primarily to prevent a large central government from becoming more powerful than any of the States. That is correct, the federal government, by law, is supposed to have less influence than the weakest state in the union. So what defines a too-powerful federal government? That would be a central government that controls the police, the army, the banks, the schools, the postal system, the highway system, the money supply, the communication system, the airports, and funds itself through a pervasive system of personal income tax regulations. Of course, I won’t be the one to point that out. But I assure you, neither will Bill Gates.
           Oh, and his mosquito laser plan? Last I heard it was sold to a company that specializes in science fair projects. They plan to add a Star Wars sound effect to the device should it some day actually find and kill a mosquito.

Picture of the day.
Ice cream warehouse.
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           Working past dark, I got most of the shower plumbing buried and a head start on the remainder. Here's a picture of the emerging subteranean metal grate. While I had thought of a tub, I’ve got a suspicion I’m going to need this space more than I think. Now that it is obvious the virus was just the excuse to wipe out all the small operators, put millions into government dependency, and ramp up the surveillance state, there remains the question of who is going to pay for it all. Who’s got money for 30 million unemployed people in an economy that costs you just to stand still.?
           And don’t forget, the government has been artificially keeping inflation down for twenty years. It needs some excuse to take its foot off the brake. There is plain something fishy about the way all the nations in debt suddenly shut down all their economies at once for no good reason. It’s plain they know something we don’t. I’ve been wondering about the inflation factor, having now become one of the fixed income bunch. I know from the budget patterns what it costs me to live here, which I can use to extrapolate a variety of scenarios.
           The most important calculation from all that is what would total inflation have to run at so that my fixed income could no longer support this place? The answer is a number so high that probably 90% of the households in the nation would be wiped out before that. Things will never go back to normal now and I am not the only one hearing distant rumbling. People are already saying we are in a police state, but being over here, they have no idea about that. I've traveled in police states and Americans are not defensseless. Imagine this lockdown stunt after they take away your guns.

           What, you want more on Gates? Okay, he is the dark shadow behind the WHO, the World Health Organization. He funds them with billions—but only if they vaccinate. He does not contribute a cent toward creating a healthy environment where disease cannot spread. Just vaccinate, and there are documented studies where more people died from the Gates-funded vaccine than the disease it was claimed to eradicate. He is now moving to make both vaccination and tracking mandatory, starting in Africa. Gates is also behind the plan to tattoo children’s medical history with invisible ink—forcefully if necessary. What a hell of a nice guy, huh?
           Shortly after this came to light, Trump withdrew US funding to the WHO, provoking a flurry from the left. Trump said no more money until the WHO cleans up their act. For example, all the death models and data were drastically inflated. They were behind the alteration of death certificates to make it seem like COVID-19 deaths. The WHO was originally funded by member countries, but in our time has changed to getting 4/5ths of its funding from the big pharma and sneak-shits like Bill Gates.

           Now, think back a few weeks when I mentioned the shutdown could be defined as an attack on all small cash-flow businesses. The pattern is emerging. Once all these are wiped out, you will be forced to do business with the survivors. Who are they? Big corporations who have the cash to stay afloat. Ask yourself who would be the biggest benefactor if all small businesses failed? Don’t go saying it will just cause a new round of startups. Look what happened to the car industry once the biggest corporations got a monopoly. No new car companies since. Tesla? You call that a car?t
           The states show that just as predicted right here, the carona stats are no worse, and in many cases less than the regular few, not even counting for doctors who were pressure to lie about the virus on death certificates, a story just now unfolding. It’s now a small step to abolishing cash and instituting a mandatory social credit system. Those who bragged they had nothing to hide now can’t even if they wanted to. Was it Cypress that seized all bank accounts over $100,000 in 2013? We will be in the same situation in another month—neither the government nor the people will have any cash left, only debt, debt, debt. The third solution is to print up more money, but the ten-cent dollar says they’ve already done that too many times.

           Ah, you might say, but there will always be a way to pay in cash. Yes, but that is not how the system coerces you away from cash. They don’t close the ATMs, they just put a tax on cash. State and government offices, your utility bills, even gasoline sellers will not accept cash, or charge a premium to accept it. Fortunately, I have a system in place in case that happens. Oh, and guess who is one of the biggest pushers of cashless societies? Those you who said Bill Gates, go the head of the class.
           There are other attacks on the dollar. The true reason Khadaffi was killed was his gold-backed currency. His murder was cloaked as a counter-terrorist move in the west, but it was not lost to a lot of other countries how close he came to toppling the US dollar.

Last Laugh