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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

May 6, 2020

One year ago today: May 6, 2019, when average becomes dangerous.
Five years ago today: May 6, 2015, no more lending tools.
Nine years ago today: May 6, 2011, it works, but costs.
Random years ago today: May 6, 2008, 65 million bubbles.

           Are we used to delays by now? Sure. When I went to place an end plate on the lean-to floor, talk about finding one massive tree root, and it is hard like steel. It’s already thrown the chainsaw blade twice. By noon it was warm enough that I had to duck inside once in a while, to find my news feed stuck on 2019 pity stories about, of all people, Monica Lewinsky. What the? It’s all about how tough her life has been and the “horror” of going from a private person to universal sleeze in a day. It does not help that I don’t find her attractive enough even for that. But how sappy can you get?
           Lady, you were doing a married man. He was the president of the USA. You got caught. In the words of this blog, you are not suffering, you are getting exactly what you deserve. For christ’s sake lady, it’s provided you with a iife of ease, touring about lecturing on public shaming. I wish I could have bopped some famous broad 21 years ago and turned talking about it into lucrative career. Let me think, who was I bopping 21 years ago? Ah, 1999. Nope, not only was that a slow patch, none were in the public eye. Let’s see what were my options for that year? We’ll limit it to gals who would be at least 39 today, sorry Tay.

           That rules out Britney Spears, thank god! And Amy Schumer, but maybe back then, certainly not now. Ivanka was still single, but too much of commute. I’d never heard of Rachel Platten then or now. So, it would have been a toss-up between Meghan, the Duchess, and Paris. So we need a tie-breaker. Meghan is a non-blonde with capped teeth, wears funny hats, and was already gaining in the hips. So that leaves Paris. Yeah, in 1999 she could have knocked on my door, but instead her youthful innocence had her making nudie movies, which put the kibosh on anything permanent. But she could still have knocked, nomsayn? I would even have shared these last three peaches with her.
           Nearby’s a picture of the end of that monster root. I also had to make the joists on center from the right, which will make the floor planks a bit harder to nail. The only distortion-free day radio stations the shed radio picks up are Tampa bat-guano crazy liberals. Today it was all about Trump stopping most immigration. They are infuriated because this law says this and that law says that. True, but Trump and probably everybody who voted for him doesn’t want to play the game. Nobody cares what the law says, the message to the world is we don’t want you here—and Trump is reacting to that message.

           I think Trump’s move was brilliant. They shut down the economy, he shuts down immigration. The leftists hate anything that prevents their beloved immigrants from becoming a majority. Then they will scream for the votes and referendums they have spent the last 60 years preventing. Don’t get me wrong, America has admitted more immigrants than any country in history, but the experience since the 1960s has overall not been a positive one. Plus, Trump may end chain immigration.
           That’s where somebody who gets in “sponsors” all his shirt-tail relations, I think the average is something 260 people per immigrant get in that way. Plainly, nobody can sponsor 260 people, they are being sponsored by the taxpayer via welfare checks. It is time to vote, the liberals what to talk law, and when it is time to talk law, they will want to vote. The anti-reform people will tell you the sponsorship is only 3.5 relatives. That’s misleading, because those 3.5 each sponsor another 3.5 each and so on.

           The issue is not the law. That’s smoke and mirrors. It is that most Americans are fed up with immigration. Our social programs were instituted for our own people, not the world’s. The topics today focused on chain immigration. I’ve never met an American who was for that. Legal families immigrate as a group, not with a slimy foot-in-the-door tactic. It took a while to gel, but once again it looks like the smart people let the liberals run roughshod for a bit and will now best them a their own game. I remain suspicious why the months of warning about the virus were ignored until Trump began holding political rallies.
           Does this dislike of liberals on my part have anything to do with that big dirty root I just cut out of the ground? I don’t know, you tell me.

Picture of the day.
Out of focus picture.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I finally got the floor joists in. They are just 2x4”, I probably told you this already. But to compensate, they are ground contact grade and 12” o.c. Can you see this photo? The sun and shade contrast made it a tricky shot. The soil is more sand than dirt, which I’m hoping will stay fairly dry. You know all that oak flooring I carefully ripped up, defenestrated, and just as carefully stacked on blocks? It all rotted. What stayed good was the bad pieces I used for temporary fencing. I have enough to do the flooring, watch for the picture. It’s turned a slight yellow color. Sadly, the rest, a pretty big pile, goes into the burn barrel. As soon as I get the supplies I mean. (Budweiser in the can.)
           What a pity, that was a lot of good oak wood. Even under a tarp with spreaders, it finally got soft and soggy. Too late now, it’s all ruined, approximately 60 of the best pieces I saved. I have enough to finish the floor as shown here. The delay is that, although I have not decided to put in any plumbing, I’ve decided to (at least) put in the drains. People, the main house is barely inhabitable without utilities and I’m enjoying this experimental off-grid stuff. For maybe $30 more in parts, it keeps my options open.

           Since this is a good spot to record my thoughts on this, I think is wise to put that passive solar heater on the shed first, and experiment. I go on line and conclude unless you DIY, it’s a lot of guesswork. I have not the time or money budget at this juncture, so I’ll build in what I need to exercise options later. I’ll frame the wall you see here, the red tin siding, with 2x3” and put in 2” piping where it counts. Rather than directly throw that root into the fire bin, I set it aside to dry out. Why did it remain so strong when the rest of the tree died? I’m not trained to find such answers. I’ll let it dry out and take a closer look.
           While a tub would fit in there, I had even considered a cattle trough, that’s overkill. I’m after storage space. I reserved one corner for a small shower. What induced me is when I wash off in the fancy bowls in the new bathroom, I really mess it up. I’m just not a fan of untidy bathrooms. Now that I have the know-how, I’ll prep the area back there. I worked in the dirt half the day and would have appreciated a place to spray-clean before traipsing into the house. Let me see if I have a photo of the flooring I began just before dark. Ah, yes, there it is. Three oak planks and that is a segment of drywall to mark the correct spacing for that drain pipe.
           Give me enough rope and I’ll insulate this lean-to.

           Running through my song list, I’ve added a forty year old tune, “My Sharona”. I’ve gone through so many new country tunes to find those with a fast beat and can’t find anything unique enough to compete. I get flashbacks to 1979, when Moogie and I went to a hotel lounge with a live band. That’s the first time I heard “My Sharona” and they did an excellent version. The tune came & went with me, it’s a difficult guitar song and the correct bass is even trickier. I know, there are fingers and tongues wagging that this makes my act no longer a true country show. But I’m not leaving it much longer. I now have a tradition to carry on no matter how short my remaining time.

           I watch videos from what the virus has done in Europe. The estimates of infection rates and deaths were wrong. Infections were exaggerated ten times, deaths by a hundred. Either way the crowd that just trashed the economy for many years to come will claim victory. I’ll say it again, I would consider the whole shutdown nothing but an anti-Trump move by the Democrats, who have stated they’d rather the US fail as a nation than have a successful Trump administration. But that would not explain why other countries are doing the same thing. Imagine, all those governments playing doctor.
           In Forex trading, this week was spectacular on paper. It’s not quite over yet, but there are only two open trades left and both are loss-protected. This is likely to be a 5.6% week. That’s week, JZ, not year.

Last Laugh