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Monday, June 1, 2020

June 1, 2020

One year ago today: June 1, 2019, little but enthusiasm.
Five years ago today: June 1, 2015, Democrat formula: Covid-19 = 9/11
Nine years ago today: June 1, 2011, their two cents.
Random years ago today: June 1, 2007, something I’m against . . .

           Mangos from JZ, but not here. Up in Harbor Heights. Alaine sent me this terra-pixel snap. If the car behaves, we should be getting together for a late brunch next week. Mangos, not my favorite, but I’m developing a taste for my own concoction. Scrambled eggs with onion and avocado. It’s a unique flavor, but lacks something, I’m thinking cashews. It turns the eggs green, which gives it that health food appearance, and is great on toast. Three eggs, one avocado, a tablespoon of olive oil and melted 80% margarine, in which you’ve sauteed a third of a white onion first.
           Yep, the scooter is really gone. The Sheriff’s office reports that that area around Lake Wales is a den of thieves, with many motorcycle chop shops. Although, he said in consolation, they usually grab Harley’s. What, you mean nobody mistook my Yamaha for a Harley, that’s a disappointment. Anyway, that short trip before the flat tire got my interest in motorcycle trips rekindled. I was a momentarily back out west, sailing through Texas hill country. Then this.

           The Auvoria Prime trading software lost $235 demo-dollars last week. Still due to those two bad trades that I will not “delete” until somebody, somewhere, explains the function. And unless I find out why the automatic stop-loss feature, which is set correctly and worked on other trades, did not kick in on these two. Between these two trades, the loss is $340. But if things go right, you don’t learn anything, and the “sponsors” of this deal have access to the account. They know it is losing. But I told you, their business model is based on recruiting. They cannot ignore my questions and cancel meetings and expect to go anywhere with me. Note that NOVA syndrome with Auvoria is full-blown. They cancel meetings without a shred of concern for the other party, indicating what shallow, thoughtless people they really are. I will continue, but do not recommend this investment.

           Also, their “on-line university” is not free as advertised. You pay for it with personal information, so set up a fake g-mail account for the purpose. The snag is that g-mail won’t let you log on to the account from a computer with which you have a different g-mail without “opening” a new account which makes your other account a “subsidiary”. Nope, I won’t fall for it. I’m seeking a workaround, the account in question is already there, the log-on screen never appears, just the link screen. It is most amusing how these people think they are clever and have actually invented anything new..
           Elliott out west sent me this line he found on social media. “Millennials: answers to everything, solutions to nothing.”

           [Author's note: yeah, answers they don't really know without looking it up, which is not the same, Kyler.]

           Still pissed off about that scooter, I installed the second medicine cabinet. I see why it was on sale. Part of an inner liner has come loose, so likely it’s been dropped. This is not service affecting, so now it is ready to go. The entire time I was angry. If he had just given me that 15 minute ride, I could have carried on to St. Augustine. Instead, we have this situation and I blame him 100%. I told him it was an emergency, and told him he left me no choice but to try using the scooter. I could not leave the car where it was. This is the worst I’ve been screwed around for probably 25 years. It’s become cheaper to go buy my own truck than to rely on this guy. I hope that whatever he was doing for that two hours was so important or so much fun that he can forget what he did.
           In a way it is sad, because he works hard—but so do a lot of people. The problem with that is they do not have what it takes, no matter how they try, to make anything of themselves in this world. For them to experience even moderate success, like paying of a loan early, or taking a month’s holiday, they would have to rely on others. And usually in the form of a partnership. How do I know he doesn’t have what it takes to go alone? Because neither do I. The closest thing I have to a business partner is the Reb, and she lives in another state.

Picture of the day.
1989 Delta V (final mission).
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           There is finally a second decent club in the south end. It’s the usual, heavy on the décor but lite on the atmosphere. It’s unfortunately a craft beer place. I never understood why they did not also sell regular beers for those who want them. Maybe is a licensing thing. Anyway, like the new coffee shop, I’ll check it out a few times. I don’t mind craft beers until they start with the blueberry flavoring. If you want candy, eat candy. But I grasp they need to sell that swill to the gastrozombies. May I make a suggestion? In case any millennial coders walk in, remind them of their liberal lives by adding to their beer a little essence of horse shit.
           This ancient photo is from 1992, showing a cat crashed next to my first laptop, the RadioShack TRS-80. I recall that comforter, it got cold in the winters back there. This is the cat that was actually a miniature tiger. This laptop was stolen a year later from my hotel room in Caracas, Venezuela. An obvious inside job.

           The target this week is the new bathroom. Everything works, so that is often the cause of any delays in the finishing touches. Today, I install the second mirror, which is still in the box. Then, I’m going up in the attic for two projects. One, to fix that problem with the kitchen four-way switch, and to see about a spot for a big-ass kitchen fan, like with a five or six foot diameter. There are three kitchen lights, maybe one of them will lend itself to replacement. With the four way, the switch near the most used entrance sometimes as to be flipped twice to get it working. I suspect the middle switch by the front door is wired wrongly. When the light is on, that switch can only turn it off. I’ve triple checked the wiring.

           Telemarketing. The Hindu robo-calls are mostly gone, but that leaves the home-grown bastards. And they are fighting back. Mostly it’s the old “wrong number” scam. However, they are still robocalls and I thought those were outlawed. Anyway they are required by law to offer you the option to “be taken off our calling list”. Most American know by now they get your number from the no-call list in the first place. The latest scam is they say push a button to have your number removed, but when you do, they try to “confirm” the action by asking you to state your name, address, social security number, date of birth, and I have no doubt some people do that.
           Sometimes I’ll follow a thread about telemarketing and I’ll tell you what is weird. The way the dropouts and deadbeats try to pretend it is so normal, it has become accepted as legit. That is one sick mentality. It’s the same stunt the losers do with pornography and masturbation, projecting it as mainsteam, like food-porn. So if you don’t consider such things as everyday topics, why you must be over 30 or something. Such people are never able to accept how disgusting they really are. For the record, I’m not against porn. But I’m very much against males who are such losers they use it as a substitute for the real thing. I find them nauseating.

           If you enter my kitchen, you will see something unusual. Flypaper. I remind the reader that in the summertime, flies, ants, and roaches are there. I would rather have some critters I can see caught that a spray chemical I can’t. The relevance here is the flypaper has been compromised. While I have no aversion to using the old pull-down type, I have something fancier most of the time. The thing is, the glue has been diluted. I can watch the strip near the stove as flies land on it and take off like it wasn’t there. Also, the manufacturers have removed the chemical lure just when a whole new species of fly has learned to ignore the traps. Add your own lure they state, but that’s a cop-out so they can blame you if it doesn’t work.
           Another technology I’ve looked at is VPS, virtual private servers. While it works, it is some kind of con for the same reasons as the cloud. It is designed to behave like the real thing at your end, but the bottom line is the way it is set up, it’s a shared facility. So the “virtual” part is accurate—but it is also a far cry from private in meaningful terms. And once again, there are just to many thousands of unexplained cryptic lines of code.
           And what’s this “pro-Trump” coffee brand? Covfefe? Amazon has banned the ads for containing words such as “No Nonsense”. My goodness, what could happen to us all if such phrases get away on them? Remember the African killer bees. What? I can’t say African in any negative light. Fine, I won’t.

           Forex trading. My connection isn’t fast enough. The Reb has to be on-line with her unit in share mode. I got the answers, finally after 18 days. The two offending trades were not an error after I’d learned better. They are the same two “manual” trades of April 17 come back to haunt me. They are now deleted, with a paper loss of nearly $400. I’ve developed a dislike for this Zoom conferencing. Every time you log on they’ve changed something, plus they have full-size pop-up windows that completely obscure the session. It makes you think you’ve lost the connection.
           The changes are a new pair and others are beginning to catch on to the trailing loss feature. That means more people out there have answers. I’m also leery of Telegram, it’s never had a great reputation for business use. And I’m naturally more for secure systems than whatever is trending.

           If I have one major regret about this blog, is that there has never been a proper filing system for photos. There will be repeats and mismatches. Some stem from the 80s when I first tried to begin a database to track my own photos and negatives. Way to complex for an amateur undertaking, because I tried to use the then-new Access from MicroSoft. Which, no matter how you lined up and normalized the fields, would never display them in correct order without generating a report. Myself, I prefer to work on the raw data fields. This barrier was never overcome.
           However, I can date files by memory and here is proof I was in Chichen Itza back in the day, although nobody’s ever questioned my word on that. I found this picture misfiled, but it is stuck inside a plastic envelope so tough on quality. This picture was probably 1984 but it was filed in 1986. How do I know? Because I was there just before the Mexican government turned this isolated location into a tourist trap. This is from atop the step pyramid looking west-north-west toward the handball court. That empty field at center was covered with barriers and bleachers a few weeks later and the pyramid converted into a “Light & Sound” show for the Cancun tourist trade. “Luz y Sonida”, voice by Charlton Heston.

           So this was one of the last pictures of its kind. I always point out the flatness of the terrain. When the documentaries say the pyramid “looms out of the jungle”, they mean it. Note the scale by how tiny the people are walking the grounds. To the right side is, I think, the Temple of the Skulls, a later structure by the Olmecs or whoever took over from the Mayans.
           If I ever get my hand-written blogs entered, I have several theories of my own about this culture. One is that all of them were mentally retarded in some way. Not genetically, but in some way yet unknown. , I’m not insulting anyone, in fact I think the trait was admired and possibly worshipped. The entire race, living in savagery under a violent religion and conquered by 140 drunks from Madrid, let’s hear a better explanation.
           Here is a photo of the evening show, this is what they’ve turned the place into. In my time, there was one hotel, $5.50 per night with A/C or $4.50 with fan. I was there when the first Americanized Mexican bought the small motel three miles away. He instantly quadrupled the prices (so we all moved out) and he began circulating rumors it was dangerous to walk to the ruins, so take his cousin’s taxi. Dangerous maybe from sunburn. The area was uninhabited and indeed, uninhabitable.

Last Laugh