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Tuesday, June 2, 2020

June 2, 2020

One year ago today: June 2, 2019, a lonely place, Nashville.
Five years ago today: June 2, 2015, beware of imitations.
Nine years ago today: June 2, 2011, but not surprisingly . . .
Random years ago today: June 2, 2008, wow, since 1797.

           Something you haven’t seen in a while, this is a few hundred ounces of silver, with possibly some gold in there somewhere but not much. Of course, it don’t take much. Anyway, if sold now, it would be at a loss, the market plunged and stayed down right after I’d reached my goal. The difference is, I don’t have to sell. I can wait to see if it hits $50 and ounce. The investor pages are again screaming it will go to $500. If it does, we’re moving to Tennessee, maybe Texas. If it hits $2,000 like the wild-eyed brokers say, we’ll move to New Zealand.
           Slowly I’m getting through my second pass with the Auvoria tutorials. My pattern is a quick read through the entire material, then go back and plow through it. The usual MLM hype scenario, it takes time to sift out the real information. I don’t believe for a second you will be happier or your investments will perform better if you have to “keep a happy attitude”. I wish that’s all there was to investing. A lot of time is wasted with repetitious warnings that the risk is entirely your own, like you didn’t get it the first hundred times. But otherwise, their “university” is akin to the Chinese instruction manual. Where the legal fine print is in perfect English, but the instructions are translated from Korean by a Bulgarian drop-out at Hong Kong U. Remember the Chinese light switch: “Light on, dark on.”
           That reminds me, we’ve been up in the attic again. The switches are wired correctly and yet the four-way light system still does not work. That isolates the problem as being in the way the cables are run, which is a no-brainer. Unless it is a bad piece of cable, I will go over the entire run to find what the problem could be. I’ve found complete diagrams for every possible combination of three switches and one light, and am prepared to reduce it to two switches to get it working. Today is another milestone, the last “large” too gets moved out to lean-to, freeing up space for an entire “live” practice studio. Up to now, I’ve used installed equipment rather than my portable stage gear.

           As for the stolen scooter, the net is widening. I’ve done this before, publish an ever increasing notice of surveillance. For instance, I will shortly use drone photos posted at local stores showing overheads of the theft area. I won’t use the drone for searching, but he doesn’t know that, does he? Also, I’ve used a separate tip jar for charities and based on that information, I could post a substantial reward within five gigs. That’s hypothetical, I haven’t got any gigs at the moment, and if I do, I need the first 15 of them to replace the scooter. But I have a feeling about this one. The rural community here isn’t that large, times are tough, and somebody will turn him in for $50 bucks.
           Music. Gretchen Wilson’s “Redneck Woman” can be played easy, it can be played tough. The difference is again some of the bass runs are studio overlays that can be interpreted. Guess which version I’ve chosen? I’m opted to amalgamate some of the material found on-line with a piano feel and playing some of the “lead” runs, in the sense of duplicating the message on bass. This makes my version sound (again), “more like the original” and contributes to making it difficult to duplicate. Such songs are written for my act. This will be a challenge, I’m leaving it in F#, not exactly the greatest key for basswork, but it caused the song to have several walks that are technically wrong but more convenient. All but one of the on-line tutorials missed that. I didn’t.

Picture of the day.
Emma Watson modeling eye-liner.
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           Forex trading. The problem was the two “bad” trades, causing a total $329 dollar loss of demo-dollars. The good news is it did force some issues to the forefront. I had made the right decision, trying to cancel those two orders. My thinking was clear, sell them even at a loss to free up the capital. I clicked on the “sell at market” button. I was unaware that “unleveraged” the account, which as far as I’m concerned is bad computer code. At the time I clicked the loss would have been $45. The three people who failed to answer my question 19 days ago are aware of this.
           I’m gaining better understanding of the trades. I’m an old buy or sell type and it takes effort to gear the old brain into trading. These currencies are trading in pairs, so I’ve begun an independent study of how that market evolved. I’m finding the history a better tutorial than the propagandist company “university”. There is a change, they’ve added another currency pair. Beginners (like me) are supposed to learn one pair at a time, but the MLM people know it is best in most cases to get me earning some money fast. I’ve not told them about the Reb & I, how we’ve committed to six months of learning. I don’t think I even told you that. But keep them on their toes.

           The new pair is GBP/NZD. Curious? The first two letters are the country, the third is the currency. I just learned this. So that is Great Britain Pound and New Zealand Dollar. Or in slang, pound-kiwi. It appears to be a volatile pair as New Zealand is emerging as one of the best places in the world to live and do business. At least for now, the prices for tourists in the Caribbean will tell you what happens once the British get you stuck on an island. This currency pair has been earning 5% and 7% for weeks and they’ve placed it into the mixture. I’m also designing a larger system where all the relevant screens will display on their own monitor. What do you know, I happen to have a wall with 24 duplex receptacles, perfect for the job. Plus, I’ve figured out which settings are stopping a few goodies that are frowned upon by some.
           So I won’t get information overload, I’m capping the learning this week to that topic, and also how to read these currency announcements. I know it is not so good when another country devalues their currency to encourage exports, as an example. I think they do that by buying up other currencies, anyway, I need to wrap my brain around how that works because my old accounting ear hears such announcements through the din of life, somehow I pick them out. Now to use that to make money?

           Have I any interim conclusions? Yes. Above all, if you do not understand the market, you are gambling. When you gamble, you will lose. Forex is a zero sum game, for every dollar you make, there is somebody else trying the opposite tack. The market is complicated because money is complicated. Learning a new vocabulary around the market is not helped by all the jargon at Auvoria Prime. The “back office” is not labeled or defined. After a while, you figure out the mean the screen that displays after you log-on, but oh now, that lot is not going to call it what it is.
           You must also get used to Auvoria’s bass-ackward way of displaying things. It seems every layer you peel back, there is something else they never told you about. I can give you one example anybody can understand. When you “buy”, that is approve a trade, guaranteed you instantly lose money. Let me peek, yep, the last two trades I lost $17.72 and $11.23 in a wink. Does anyone know the explanation? The easy answer is because whatever I bought is declining in value. But I said a guaranteed loss, so that is not the right answer. The reason is the Bid Ask difference in value, called the spread. I have to buy at the ask price, which is always higher than the bid price. As soon as I buy, I will try to sell at a higher price, but meanwhile, the value of my holdings is at the lower price. I’m betting it will climb past what I paid.

           Yep, that Telegram app is a piece of shit as far as security goes, despite all the claims. I have downloaded the PC version, but it still will not operate without a phone number. Duh, give your phone number to a company that says they protect your privacy. I’m still seeking the workaround. My rule is to try Telegram with the Auvoria people until the third time they use it to change a schedule less than three days in advance. In other Internet based news, I see the digital copyright people are at it again, though this time they have a point. That outfit that is wholesale scanning books, Internet Archive(?), is abusing the system. While I agree with library usage, it is partially because of the effort people have to make to get the books “for free” and that they have to return them, and so on. That’s different than making a copy and keeping it. That definitely decreases demand for the original.
           It’s the way the rights people are going about things. My overall objection remains the same, that they make the presumption every person who uses a copy, if deprived of that, would go purchase the original. Simply not true, even if the declined quality of contemporary works makes paying for it a risky business. I’ve watched highly-touted documentaries that should pay me to watch them. The other issue is that the digital rights people are not trying to find a solution, they are instead trying to enact laws that give them the right to act as Internet police. That sounds familiar. Being lawyers and not artists, the rights people know where the real money lies.

           Today is the second time I’ve heard the statistic that 90% of Americans under 30 have never read a paper map. That seems a bit much, simply because it is unavoidable even if you use Craigslist. But even exaggerated, I see the concern, as the US Army is now testing GPS jamming. One must ask the purpose. Is there any connection between the two? I could personally care less if GPS went south, ha-ha, a little blog humor there.
           What’s this? A possible contender for an actual new millennial invention. Does this get my reward money? It is a phone app that simulates the crowd roar in a vacant sports arena. Sorry, laugh tracks are hardly new technology. Same goes for the Facebook staffers and their “virtual walkout”. They’re a nest of anti-Trumpers who may find out they are “virtually unemployed”. The shop floor is not a debating society.
           And don’t overlook the latest in millennial breakthroughs, this app that predicts your age according to your preference in sandwiches. It says I’m between 36 and 40, Elliot is 31 to 35, and the Reb is 21 to 25, so it’s fairly accurate. As a clever say to sell sandwiches, I mean.

Last Laugh